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Everything posted by Meik

  1. It was average at best. The main event was pretty disappointing, they need to drop this whole K-Fed bullshit.
  2. I was under the impression that all of that content (except the collectors edition upgrade) can be unlocked by playing the game normally? Seems like another Tiger Woods scenario.
  3. I like how what happens at the end of ep5 is blatantly obvious to anyone who reads this thread, regardless of the spoiler tags.
  4. Meik


    Opening my wallet finds the following: Drivers License Switch Debit Card Mastercard Credit Card Nationwide Debit Card Student ID NUS Card Young Persons Railcard AA Membership Card NI Card Makro Membership Card GAME Reward Card Library Card Choices Membership Card Discount Drinks Card from some random bar in Wales And also $25 left over from my holiday last week, and £42.31 in cash. Also an unused fastpass ticket from Disneyworld last week, and a couple of random receipts. gr8
  5. Meik


    I have no problem with my eyes so it doesn't concern me, but I always imagined laser surgery to be some sort of terrifying Goldfinger-esque ordeal.
  6. Lumines advanced pack is up, 20 new skins
  7. Maintenance is still being performed on it, it's been up and down for 2 days now. It's not your fault.
  8. Time Crisis 1 on the PS1 is the only one that springs to mind at the moment.
  9. Good news, Lumines Live out tomorrow. Woot and so forth. The PSP version is an excellent puzzler, hopefully this will live up to it's reputation. 1200 points plus an optional pack with 22 new skins for 600 points. http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2006/10/17/Maintenance-update-and-arcade-preview.aspx
  10. Ballsack. This spells the end of the "GAME 10-day Achievement Challenge".
  11. Happy birthday guys, especially to fellow 24-lover Dan.
  12. All you need is a component cable to get 480p (progressive scan) out of it, which apparently is coming standard with the Wii. You won't get a high definition picture from it, the Wii isn't supporting that. 480p, without going into too much detail, means you'll get a visibly cleaner and slightly sharper image than 480i though, which is what PAL Gamecubes use. Short answer: as long as you have a component cable you'll get the best out of it.
  13. Meaningless question, is that at Alton Towers? It looks like it.
  14. Certainly didn't seem it from the demo. The commentary was exactly the same (and I mean exactly the same) as SvR 06. If you like terrible games, go for it!
  15. RAW was supreme. YES
  16. This is quite possibly the best acting i've ever seen. "WHAT IS THAT?" "THAT WOMAN'S IN TROUBLE WE'RE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN HELP"
  17. The number one game will be OoT. Like it always fucking is. In every poll ever. Even in polls that have nothing to do with video games.
  18. Aw yeah, right at the front. That means i'm the best. You know what I think about the pic already, but i'll just reiterate in here that it's awesome. Here's to many more games until Halo 3 comes out. Also glad to see Blackfox where he belongs, on that sodding turret.
  19. Updated scores and future rounds on the first post, Gaggle64 is next.
  20. 1) I think it's A Bridge Too Far?
  21. Apparently there's this new fangled mode called "multiplayer", I hear it's quite good.
  22. Depends how safety-conscious the park owner is, to be honest. And how anal the ride operator is. At the park I work at we're supposed to "encourage" the guests to drive normally and go round the track anti-clockwise. There are a couple of ride operators there who strictly enforce this rule and tell people off for bumping. However when i'm the operator it's a no-holds-barred battle royale. I encourage kids to smash the shit out of others. Where's the fun in driving normally?
  23. The first 5 minutes were certainly interesting.
  24. 1 person to state that the band "lightbulb" is shit, and that heavy rock music is better 5 people to post sexual innuendo regarding the term "lightbulb" 1 girl to post why she likes lightbulbs 1 person to quote the above girl and comment on her opinion 1 person to completely disregard the topic and announce that he loves Letty
  25. "guys how do i transform"
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