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Everything posted by Meik

  1. BUMPAROO Me, Booker and Katie are playing in a room if anyone wishes to join. Room: N-Europe Wordlist: UK Basic
  2. I used to get laughed at at school.
  3. They also seem pretty easy except for this one: 10. Royal Rumble Legend - Win a 30 Man Exhibition Royal Rumble as the #1 entrant on legend difficulty. Oh dear.
  4. So, uh, how's about that Xbox?
  5. 1) GAUNTLET. I was playing that earlier.
  6. I like the idea behind that. If anyone here does manage to get that, post about it here so I can shoot you in the face for a delicious 15 gamerpoints.
  7. I love Top 100 shows, they always make nerds go mental. I mean, uh, WHY WASN'T CARTOON X HIGHER THAN CARTOON Y? (Beauty and the Beast being #33 is an utter disgrace, it should be in the top 10).
  8. Happy Birthday Dan, if I still played WoW I would've used my cookery skill to bake you a Beer-Basted Boar Cake.
  9. Mike - Male - Not available or unknown - Form of MICHAEL. who is like god Yes.
  11. Ninja Mullet - 12 Twilight_Link - 10 dabookerman - 9 Shino - 9 Noodleman - 9 gmac - 7 Meik - 7 ViPeR - 6 EchoDesiato - 5 Katie - 5 Platty - 4 Aimless - 4 Rokhed00 - 4 Moria - 3 Dan Dare - 3 Conzer16 - 3 weeyellowbloke - 3 Jordan - 3 Cubechris - 3 Caris - 2 Monopolyman - 2 Fierce_Link - 2 Zell - 2 The3rdChildren - 2 The Fish - 2 McMad - 2 Cube - 2 Kaeporagaebora - 2 CVD - 1 Ashley - 1 EEVILMURRAY - 1 Tom - 1 welsh_gamer - 1 Moogleviper - 1 Enigma - 1 Mario114 - 1 Arragaun - 1 gmac, you're up. Also we need some more volunteers for future quiz rounds.
  12. Updated the scores on the first post, i'll add the remaining points for The Fish's round when he confirms the correct answers.
  13. This is a superquote post, beware. Depends on the wrestler, with Triple H you just initiate a power grapple (Right bumper + right analog stick pushed right), then click the right analog in to go into ultimate control mode. You can then walk around whilst holding your opponent up in the air. Backstage areas aren't accessible in normal matches, you can only go there in a Street Fight. That's if 07 is the same as 06 in that regard anyway. The weapons are available in the demo, they're all located in the crowd area on the top right of the screen, outside of the ring. There's tables, chairs and a plethora of other weapons there. Push the right analog as if you were going to a quick move, but just hold it in position. Then use the left analog to move around. I just did that race, I just used the Heavy Drop Helicopter and flew over the trees, traffic and rocks. Easy. I'm returning the game for a refund tomorrow, I spent the last couple nights trying to squeeze the achivements out of it. I really can't be arsed to do the rest of the takeover/liberation ones though. As for buying it, it's alright for a rental. It gets old pretty fast.
  14. 2) Resident Evil Code Veronica X
  15. It took me 10 minutes at 11am this morning, good thing I got to it before the masses of Americans started to hammer the servers. Demo is really good, you can play a single match between Kane and Triple H, 1 or 2 player. No online mode. Graphics are of course stunning and there are some excellent additions (ultimate control moves and environmental grapples) to the series. Controls take a little while to get used to as obviously they're different to the PS2 version (all of the grapples are mapped to the right stick now), and if you're a newcomer I could imagine all the options will be a bit overwhelming. Stick with it, there are also tutorials to help. No idea if non-wrestling fans will enjoy it, I love WWE so my opinion is probably somewhat biased. Roll on November.
  16. Doom is available for download right now.
  17. Jordan just linked me to a better site for info, this one is updating live: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=68090
  18. Well the X06 conference has started, however the live feed on Xbox.com seems to be borked. http://www.majornelson.com is updating with information though, with a great first bit of news: Banjo-Kazooie is coming to the 360.
  19. I knew I wasn't going to be impressed by the demo when I died about 5 seconds after starting. Let's hope that's just an early build, or something. Also change that crap music, I wants me some cheesy 80's rock like in SA1/SA2/Heroes.
  20. A guest on a popular forum posts crazy rumours without a source. Yeah, no.
  21. Yes.lol magic text
  22. There's a demo of Lego Star Wars 2 on the marketplace for any heathens who haven't tried this great game yet.
  23. 1) Radiohead
  24. "Calendar Girls" Real blockbuster there, brilliant effort Channel 5.
  25. Look at that poor Snes, crammed into a small hole under the desk where nobody will ever see or play the poor thing. No Snes should undergo that sort of treatment. I'll post pics of mine later.
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