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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Thanks Danny and Eddie! I really appreciate it . My music theory is really improving recently so I understand you, Eddie. I'm using John Thompson's books if you've ever heard of them? I think there's four of them, I'm on the 3rd so I got the good solid basics down. In fact, my piano teacher was complaining that I was moving too fast :p I finished the 2nd book in 2 weeks...it's supposed to take a year. Haha! I have 2 Nina Simone books and loads of printed sheet music of all the Zelda songs that I love. I'm getting through the Zelda ones at a nice pace...you're advice is very helpful for that! Nina Simone is a little more difficult but...I'll get there
  2. The results of my Leaving Cert are coming. I'll know in 11 days. Oh dear . On the verge of incite.
  3. I'm really loving this! It's the cover for her new single. If she hit on me looking like this...I would. Very sexy.
  4. A question for you pianists! When learning a new tune -- in what way would you approach it? I learn the right hand first, then the left hand, then try play together. I'm thinking it shouldn't be like that. I dunno I've just bought 2 piano books and printed out LOADS of sheet music which I want to learn.
  5. Yeah. I was gonna say the same thing. Maybe some crazy sex / attention is what you need. But...I suppose it'd be hard as you could become attached easily. Make a list of pros & cons?
  6. I'm surprised I don't find the slang of the Internet as annoying as most. I deal with it. Can't stand "Yurt" though...my eyebrows furrow.
  7. Apologies for not responding sooner. I need / want to dedicate the required time for a message to you. I'm drunk. I have work in 4 hours :(


    It will come.

  8. I like 'banter'. It's quite an Irish word. Was completely unaware you Brits used it. So getting in touch with my Irish-ness now. What do I know? I'm drunk.
  9. So much pressure to make a good message. I'll keep it simple. Happy Birthday Serebii! I hope you enjoy your day, you don't spend too much of it on N-E :p and trick your friends to go out for a change!
  10. Thank You Woolfy! I'll check that up now. I'm fond of this picture. No effects...no anything...just good timing and great lighting. Poser-ish but you get over it.
  11. Chair! I'm slightly creeped out. Not really. I find it more funny! :p

    It's strange, recently I've discovered that you're actively learning french, learning the piano, listening to Edith Piaf and I think there was a few more...


    Are you transforming into myself? Those are, like, the things that make me...me. Ils sont ma vie :o

  12. Thank You, Paj! EDIT! Meant in relation to your earlier post. Didn't see the one above :p I'll try to follow suit. Here is some stuff to listen while dancing alone. Beautiful. So Young...Innocent! For the Funzies. Super jazzy. Very Billie Holiday. Still beautiful. Such a bitchy message behind that arrangement :p I love it! It really feels so weird listening to her music again. To be honest, I've given up on her in the past 2 years or so. Listening to her stuff again...it sounds different. The message has changed. It's like what the hell did I know about the themes of her songs when I was 13...14...15. Love...death...loneliness...despair...lust. Even now I probably don't have a clue about them. First time I've been moved by music in a long while. I hope she recorded some stuff for the third album.
  13. Why? Because the drugs were legal? It wasn't their fault? At the core of it all, these people all died due to drug-abuse. Amy appears to be the only one to receive hate because of it. It really doesn't make sense. It is unjust to pick on her, tout simplement. I forgot Kurt Cobain as well.
  14. Thanks Jay! I think they're working now .
  15. Oh! I found these nice effects for photography which appears to just be changing the contrast/brightness and all that. Makes anything look nice. Like my eye :p Are these effects supposed to be synonymous with being a hipster? I've seen them on Facebook a lot. I like it. Anyone in the know if these effects can be applied to videos? I will love if anyone could show me!!
  16. Really quite shocking the amount of hate she is receiving even in death. It mystifies me given many have died and will die of similar causes. Michel Jackson. Heath Ledger. Marylin Monroe. Billie Holiday. Among others. Yet for them the drugs are somehow over-looked. I don't get it.
  17. Oh GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD! Why, Eddie, are you with that absolute plonker?! Absolute arse. Can't stand the sight of him. Or his silly "Byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!". You look nice though.
  18. The most horrible thing is that even in death the judgement and hate doesn't stop. I truly pity her. People can be such cruel things. I wish 'they''d show a little more sympathy and respect. As mentioned, a death's a death. It is sad. (I'm recalling Stalin's quote in relation to the idiotic comparison with Norway. Something like "One death is a tragedy, hundreds is just a statistic." Cold, but true. People did know her, Amy Winehouse. Listen to her music and you'll probably know more about her than you do yourself.) Personally, I do find it surprising. She had a terrible time in recent years but, to be fair, in the past year it seemed she had moved on. Particularly during those months she spent in some place by the beech far away. sigh Yes. My name is (partly) inspired by the great album of the same name. I needn't say how much I adored her. She was the first artist I truly got into. Interestingly, I found out while working today. It's my new job. I'm a waiter. 1st day I'm told about Oslo -- the place I plan to visit in about a week. 2nd day -- I'm told one of my favorite singers has died... I just wanna write pages and pages about this I'll stop though. It's bittersweet. She always looked so unhappy. Perhaps she can finally rest in peace. No torture.
  19. Got a text about this from a friend at work today. Coincidentally we were (or are?) planning to go there soon. Of course. Of all places. Of course it would be Norway!
  20. I feel in touch with nature. So much. Cycled for ages in my lonesome today. All my friends were busy. Usually I love to cycle with 1, 2, maybe 3 others. Alone time. Just what I need -- bleurgh. Still enjoyable. I sat on a road for 20+ minutes and wrote a poem. Not a soul passed by. As I returned the phone to its warm pocket a car passed by. Like a higher-force was protecting me. Making sure no-one distracted me while I composed my poem. Not the first time. Guardian Angels are watching. Leaves are so green.
  21. Yes. Pretty much what all have said. Funny, this is the first time I've seen the thread...has a similar purpose to my thread about daily life. What I've done is made a list. I have to finish my "The Kiss" painting, begin a different painting, clean room, play Hotel Dusk 2, finish "The girl who kicked the hornet's nest", keep practicing piano, organise holiday and continue becoming fluent in French. Of course I'm still awfully bored sometimes but I'm kept sane by those things. Plus, J'ai Marilyn dans ma vie en ce moment, alors je sens à l'aise. Friends -- ils me satisfait the most right now. So I'm always (trying to) organise stuff with them. It's gone to the point where even texting them is the high-light of my day. Basically, I'm a man of the arts -- a Renaissance man. I play music, I paint pictures, I write poetry, I create and form films. Que sera sera. Whatever may be, may be. The future's not ours to see. Que sera sera.
  22. Pictures are great! It looked like fun, I may one day go. I am not sure why but I really want to meet Eunuh & Coolness
  23. Haha, the Mam and Da watched the repeat of the Monster Ball HBO special last night. Completely converted. My Mam keeps calling me whenever Gaga comes on the radio :p She was literally shaking her head, (in disbelief?), after she saw the show and whispered "oh my god...oh my god...that was brilliant". Right Job. Separate note; I'm loving the new teal hair colour.
  24. ~ ~ Summer 'Anthem' 2009 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2010 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2011 ~ ~
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