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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I just discovered a secret bank account was put in my name when I was born. I've just gained 200 Euro! : D So I've been A Consumer Whore.
  2. I don't need glasses but I'd love the option. I find people so much more amazing at life when one day they're wearing glasses and the next -- they're not. Glasses can completely change your appearance so I'd love to be able to have that change. Of course, it does depend. Many people I know, though, are much more attractive without.
  3. I really like how your posts are nearly always so aesthetically pleasing! By the way, I do hope you keep us informed @Eenuh ! That dog is beautiful.
  4. I feel like I'm a little cursed. I have this problem, or at least I think it's a problem, where I can't stop looking for more. Recently, I'm really flustered & annoyed at myself. I feel this need to read all the classics, watch all the classic films, listen to all the classic hits&music. I feel disgusted at myself when someone says to me, "Wait...you haven't read "The Great Gasby"?" or "I can't fucking believe you haven't seen Star Wars!". I've been on a mad hunt in the past weeks trying to read all I can, watch everything, listen to everything. I feel somehow inferior to others because I don't know about this or that. This is curiosity & inquisitiveness to the extreme. Last week I borrowed a 500 page book on Film Studies and this week I've borrowed a book on Modern Middle-Eastern History. I end up going to about 6/7+ extra hours of lectures at college per week..such as Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Maths..I'm thirsty to know everything and it seems that I can not ever be satisfied. Does anyone have any experience in this?
  5. I love the contrast in her voice when she says "This valentine's day I want something..." "big"
  6. Note to Self: Don't enter this thread when you are a poor, hungry student who survives off cereal and coffee.
  7. It's 3.00 am. Nevertheless, I am going to, proudly, watch "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I have never seen anything w/ Audrey Hepburn apart from her image used on merchandise like posters, cups &c. I watched the beginning 20 mins and I'm loving her. Much more sexy than I thought, esp. the smile Quand elle souris, je souris. Je comprends, maintenant, les comparisons avec Marilyn. Some wine & coffee'll suffice. #DrunkeyFranky
  8. Just purchased a symphony of plays by Oscar Wilde for 2.95 euro . How wonderful ^^
  9. @chairdriver , kiss that bartender. You're a loser. ~ ~ ~ Jokingly bumped into Ryan Tubridy. Basically, the Oprah of Ireland for those unaware of him. That's also proof for @EddieColeslaw that I win in the Fight For Fame :p I really like witnessing politics in daily life. It's so 60s. Surprisingly love how this turned out. Just the composition and colour; it's so nice. Here we are just being. It's so blissful! Yeah, just showing my weekend in a quick synapse. For the lols
  10. Spent my weekend exploring the city. Let me tell you, there's nothing like a good pub in the middle of Ireland. Just great music and whiskey galore. Plus, I'm all cultured going to modern art museums, fancy cinemas which show independent movies you'd see at Cannes and the national gallery of Ireland. It's so amazing. I found myself gasping and having to hold myself at how I can stand an inch, only a fucking inch, from a line of paint once touched by Picasso. My mind can't. [Also encountered a tired EddieColeslaw on her travels We stopped for a healthy 15-20 minute pleasurable chat. Gossiping about you N-Eers, naturally]
  11. I fully support the protest + its aims. €2,000 is massive compared to 1996. Our fees stood at just £150. This isn't about comparing our fees to England. Our government has repeatedly lied to us, promising to not increase any fees for college. They lied and we, as a student population, will not stand being so blatedly lied to. They're also threatening to cut our grant scheme, which is outrageous. I know too many people who will simply not be able to afford college if the government gets its way. We have to do this.
  12. How upsetting! I'll have no access to a Wii until the weekend after this one. Skyward Sword...must...wait...? I need some pills & booze.
  13. ..oh, that's a lovely.. mustache you got there. The whole eye-brow look doesn't help the pedophile look :p [Disappointed my Hallowe'en coustume receiving nil attention] @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane , you in particular may find this amusing ! My (Danish) friend, Christina, and me peed our beds laughing at this. I just discovered the word for "End" is "Slut" in Danish. Accidentally discovered during a FaceTime session.
  14. How does one use chat? I'm clicking on the word "chat" at the very top of the page but I only receive an error message
  15. I'm currently doing the rounds on PJ Harvey (specifically her new album). Although I never paid much attention beforehand to Florence & The Machine -- their second album is such a must have. I'm wiped away by the sounds, imagery and themes. I mean...a song on Virginia Woolf's suicide?! Hold Me. Breaking down is the best. All A-LO-OH-OWN.
  16. Day of the Riots today! I'm annoyed at myself for missing the main march. Although, it only lasted about 3 hours, which I found especially surprising. Thought it would be much more serious than that. I arrived to Dublin City about...half 3. Rang some people and turns out they were all in McDonalds etc. WHERE'S YOUR REBEL SPIRIT?! I originally planned to stay the night -- proper Vietnam 60s style. It lacked fruition, however. I'm still glad I went. The atmosphere around university today felt uniquely different today. It felt so buzzed! I felt the same in the city. 20,000 student protesters will hopefully be enough to influence the government to reduce our fees, currently standing at just over 2,000. It feels too good to be political & feeling like you're making a difference. Spent the afternoon on a high travelling Modern Art Museums and being blown away by it all. I need to lie.
  17. Pretty much sums up my feelings on relationships at the moment. I'm becoming almost too aware of how "single" I am as we enter more deeply into the winter months. Maybe it's just how I see things but it seems everyone around me is pairing up with someone. It's a little frustrating. I've no idea how to approach "fixing" this, however. So, I just adapt. Enjoy the apparent perks of being single. Like, not being bothered brushing my teeth today (?) :p All Duh Single Lay-days!
  18. Yeah, it seems to depend on what they're selling out on. I mean, if a wonderful advert / whatever is created in the process -- I think it's worth it. The music industry is an extremely competitive market and I understand if, sometimes, it seems the best thing to do is to "sell-out". Creatively, one's line of thought could be...if we allow this company to use our artistic material for their advert etc. it could turn out more positive. While we may not agree with all they stand for, someone who has never heard of us before might decide to become a great fan due to said advert. Makes sense
  19. Oh wow, that is such a lovely thing to read at the end of the day. There is nothing better than moments like that -- true bliss. Congratulations indeed, really. What an amazing post I wish you a long and happy marriage!
  20. I slept for 18 hours straight last night. Woke at 4:00pm today and I feel so out-of-sinc with the world. I don't know how..missed lectures and all. Perhaps to make up for my 5 hour sleeping routine for the past few weeks (?). 18 hours has given me far too many dreams haunting me as I'm awake.
  21. I like it when she growls. Josephine Baker will inspire how I dance in clubs henceforth.
  22. LOL. I can't take Kirsten Stewart seriously. She's such a joke. There's something really, very great about that trailer though. The film really seems like it could be something. I dunno, it seems like it'd be much better without the whole idea of war etc. within. I'll definitely go see it. N-E has become the place where I find films to watch and become profoundly moved (usually depressed) afterwards. So, this'll certainly be on my radar! [Currently in the process of watching "The Piano Teacher". A nice French film. Very strange, I'm not sure what it is..]
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