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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Frank


    I've (relatively) recently joined Tumblr. Just because you can never have too many social networks! It's getting a bit hectic. Although Tumblr just seems to be the perfect one -- it's like a mixture of everything ... but better. Anyway. I've just posted an interesting, in my opinion, short essay on my sudden realisation that what me and my ego are doing is wrong. Let's all be in a constant state of mobilisation / mitosis. [/whatever.] [you probably don't care] http://gavihaze.tumblr.com/post/15280673659/the-pawn
  2. I like this picture of me -- I feel I've become a little more photogenic recently but then my ego has also gone way past the appropriate levels. It's me during this Christmas Break so I've been quite laid back. Hence why I'm not in my typical 50s attire. Keep in tune though, I've got plans.
  3. It better have the great level of coffee drinking which I adored from the books!
  4. I'm sifting my way through a lot of them now -- they are fantastic! good to pass the time with.
  5. @Eenuh How'd your week without Internet go? Successful? Any results?
  6. Interesting post -- I love it! I thought I'd be the exception here but it seems that most people are identical to me in that they were a child of diversity. I, personally, never had any "girl" toys but I have a sister, so... I often snuck into her room to play with the toys that she had -- Bratz, Barbies, Baby-Born etc. She was never too impressed. It's funny though because I usually used them for fighting with each other rather than in a tame way. Whatever that means. Although one exception was an Ariel (Disney) doll she had. I'm told I spent hours alone just combing her long red hair. I, myself, was crazy about Wrestling (the WWF/E). All my toys were involved with that and I wasn't much interested in anything else. I had a few neat Action Men though. It was WWF and video-games. Funny -- my toys were also highly sexualised, particularly for the women. They'd all wear skimpy bikinis and tight bras and usually nothing else. If they did wear pants you'd be sure to find a thong somewhere. I could rarely play with anyone but women. They were / are my favourites. I just feel they're so much more interesting and Great. It would be an insult to use a male. Like mentioned before -- the women were usually given an archetype to suit their gender (flexibility, speed, magic) which I, simply, prefer. Sometimes there would be that 1 male character per game which I did radiate towards but compared to the women, numbers are small. In Brawl I am guaranteed to play with Samus , Peach and Zelda. Always. Sexualisation is fine. Good, even. I don't like to attack others for doing what they wish with their bodies however when it's someone sitting at a desk creating this fictional character -- I see a problem. There is a problem when it's a rule, rather than an exception, to sexualise fictional women. I don't have an opinion on the blue / pink colour debate.
  7. They are so amazing to cut though. I could chop them with knives all day.
  8. Oh, Eddie, I can come with! The books are my favourite things in life -- Salander's my hero! IFI again ?
  9. I am very grateful for my gifts this year! Especially given its the 1st year that I never actually asked for anything (consciously). Plus, with the recession I knew it would be difficult and tight. Somehow, myself and the siblings still managed to get a great array of presents! I was wickedly sleepy in the morning though so I lacked enthusiasm for the gifts. My favourite gift: compilation of Hitchcock's movies. All about them..the actors..how it was filmed. My Great 4 -- a new iPad (ridiculous, I love it though) , Gaga's Terry Richardson Book (its fantastic & very inspiring. I love it) , Hitch's book again. Also, if you didn't notice. Yes! It's a Zelda at-Shirt Also got an Electric Razor, A book on The Beatles, t-shirts, coffee, Professor Layton & a fake dictionary
  10. I've watched many a film over the Christmas period (like most). It's my plan to give a quality synapse of each soon on N-E. They're all just light hearted fun. Nothing that I've been thinking about / would drown myself for. I want to watch "Dancer in the Dark" now but it's late. I hope I'm not sacrificing any of it's, apparent, greatness by being a little sleepy. I trust it'll wake me in of itself. I'll boil the kettle.
  11. It is a really funny thing to be so infatuated and intrigued by another person. It is the oddest of feelings. Everything changes. Your mind becomes directed by their being & your own self becomes, sort of, lost in a way. I'm amused how it can be the most horrid of feelings at present yet when it's not there, it's missed. There is a feeling, well for me at least, that I feel less without it. Perhaps I like the concept of being so passionate. I can honestly admit that there is nobody that I'm intrigued with at present. I've, of course, been obsessed (the perfect word) with actors & other famous people such as
  12. I don't know why I always bypass this thread -- it's hilarious!
  13. I've really enjoyed Christmas this year. It felt different. In that cozy way. There was an awful rush in the beginning. Basically, I was slightly hungover Christmas Eve (not badly, just tiredness, luckily) and had to rush home from Dublin. Involved cycling & running & sweating & carrying awful bags. While rushing for my trains -- I wanted to cease. I wished to shrivel. Luckily, despite thinking I missed all trains, got home and replaced the single KitKat bar I'd been living off that day. It was unusually late to be home on Christmas Eve. Missed Mass and our visit to my Nana's [family things]. I've been lazy and doe-eyed the past few days. Visiting family & having fun with my immediate family. I sometimes forget how nice that is. We're such a LOL group. Typical chistmas -- lots of film watching, eating & I enjoy the feeling of walking around in just socks , jocks & a t-shirt at night
  14. Aw! How sweet : ) Feeling is all mutual -- it's been a good year N-E. Got to meet 2 more forum members too who are great, Eddie & HeroJan.
  15. I M getting quite drunk listening to Hair to Lady Gaga on repeat. I love life and Christmas. Nappy Christmas to all of you, I sincerely mean it. I love you all. Thanks for listening and for inviting me to all your parties. I am as free as my hair. @Paj\! @chairdriver I'm gonna ignore how everyone thinks I'm trying to be you. You're great, better than the rest. A release from shite. You're as free as your hair, I'll be there soon. Keep that in mind Diageo and Magnus -- forget it all!!!
  16. The presence of that video gives me the chills.
  17. Thanks, Danny I'm trying not to see it as a bad thing, necessarily. It was just great that I had the opportunity to meet so many genuinely amazing people. I'm happy but it is hard that they won't be there when I come back to college. In our building of, usually, over 140 people there's about 10 left. 5 of which are social. I've spent the day with my favorite Dane (I mean...2nd favorite, of course Danny ) , Christina. We bought a bunch of silly food and had a silly time. I'll walk with her to the bus-stop tomorrow -- she'll be my last friend to leave.
  18. Not very bad news but it's saddening me. The great majority of the friends which I've made this year from college are leaving for home. They were all international students from all over and today's the day where a lot of them are going home for Christmas. It's really nice that I became such good friends with them since September but it's hard to see 10+ close friends leave (forever / long time) in such quick succession. I said good-bye to my closest friend this morning as she left for the States I've never really had a friend like her. She always listened to me & I would do the same. I told her stuff I'd never mentioned to anyone. I loved how she always gave me a hug whenever she saw me, irregardless of circumstances, with a large smile. We had such fun. It feels really strange. I'm suffering from exhaustion & this feeling of abandonment. At least I'm going out tonight to have a great night-out with those left before tomorrow. Some relief!
  19. I'm using the excuse that I'm a poor student this year (which I am, tragically) and really can't afford much. So I'm buying for just my family. I've already got the siblings (35€) and must pay for my parents' gifts. We usually buy something together for our parents -- it's mostly better quality & I'm lazy :p I never really bought gifts for friends...I don't know why...I could be possibly buying for one friend. Just something small. I only expect gifts from close family members (there are a lot -- makes up for friends!) and actual family. I didn't write any list though so I've no idea what'll be ! Excitement
  20. Caught this on Twitter about an hour ago. I was definitely shocked. I heard there are many people on the streets crying their eyes out! Another one to add to the 2011 list. (I love the title, by the way, I didn't make the connection and thought of the singer :p)
  21. I never realised that you were on FB! We should be friends :] Although I can't find you..link?

  22. This is quite a difficult one. 2011 sure has been a full year. Let me think, Game: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Simply because I'm a Zelda fanboy and it's the only game that I've bought this year! Film of '11: It really has to be Melancholia. I really can't think of any other film which affected me as profoundly as this one. Plus, as mentioned before, the beginning is so magnificently beautiful..I can't. Favorite Film I've seen: La Vie En Rose, without a doubt. It makes me weak. Music: I'd say Edith Piaf, Fiona Apple and Lady GaGa have had the greatest influence over me this year. Although I've been listening to a lot of glam rock and 90s music recently which I'm very much earning an interest in..
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