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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Cheers for the heads-up Rez, I was already aware (but thank you anyways, nice to know people are happy to help my wallet ).Anyways it was either this or the Yoda one from Play (My Pop bought me the Luke Skywalker one from Play for Christmas) - the prices on there are insane! As Vader's is much rarer than Yoda's saber at the moment, for it is older, I thought I should invest before I can't get it as cheap as I would like. Yoda is next though, just hope Play don't run out of stock anytime soon! You're more than welcome to come and reenact scenes with me
  2. Master Replicas Darth Vader Force Fx Red Lightsaber. Was so impressed with the one I got for Christmas that I've decided to start collecting them. £50. Cheaper than most places as unbelievable as that may seem.
  3. Although I'm known for my outbursts of inappropriateness, I can't help but say, Wow! You look simply stunning in that pic!!! I think that particular hair style and colour really does suit you! :heart:
  4. I think we're going slightly off topic here. The point is, if you don't want the euro for a stupid reason (as portrayed by Haggis earlier on in this thread) then you're arsehat.
  5. That's a good effort on your part, musta cost a bomb! My Pop managed to get it it surprisingly cheap compared to most places. Videos of me as pretending to be Luke Skywalker are yet to come. I just need a costume now!
  6. I got numerous things but nothing beats the best surprise present I've ever received: That's right folks, an official lightsaber replica. My God it made me cream when I turned it on. I'm hoping the youtube thing works, if not! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MAdxWDEIqZ0
  7. If we were to make a mainland trip, then I'd say Paris or Brussels. That way it's a simple Eurostar trip there and back for UK folk! Plus, Paris (having already lived there), is awesome for pretty much everything, unlike here in the UK where drinking (as fun as it is) seems to be the only fun thing to do in most places.
  8. Don't worry buddy, I'm a French and Germanist, so you chill out and do something else just as useful! Eventually I'll be fluent in both, so I'll happily carrying the flag for team UK
  9. I could see that cranberry base working quite well come to think of it. Do you use your standard mozzerella or another type of cheese and how does it gel with the stuffing? This is a recipe I may have to use in your honour at some point!
  10. I'm exactly the same. I always get this mini adrenaline rush when I do, t'is very weird but funny! I look like I'm playing the bongos on my legs and arse!
  11. I seem to recall hearing that HMV are also currently in the shit - might be the end for them soon too!
  12. Hahaha, the greatest idea in the history of video gaming, that's for sure! Would be awesome!
  13. Am in a similar boat friend, only til 10 though so I have no right to complain!
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