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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I'd rather have my Vision:M. My friend has a PSP and all he uses it for is music and videos, and mine does it a hell of a lot beter. I mean fair enough there will be a few good games for it, but it just doesnt appeal to me.
  2. The whole "3 different boxes" is a sign of just how much the Xbox wants to be a PC with a game pad
  3. Bunnies are always good, but there are better ones out there. Mmm...six.
  4. Ya, I kinda realised that. But still. It would be boring waiting for 30 others to connect anyway :P
  5. F-Zero...omg...it will be liek Excite Truck pumped on speed. And I mean SPEED. Excite Truck is awesome. But it at 300mph and with 29 other cars. And online. *wets self*
  6. Once again, I lvoe Amazon. Last game I ever order from them. I pay for first class postage and I don't even get it. Cheers.
  7. I know what you're saying about having a small localization team and all that but - isn't this the EXACT same game as the DS game, but for one chapter? Does it really take 8months to translate 1 chapter of the game? And I very much doubt that space is a problem, considering this is a DS game with a little extra. Put onto a DVD there should be PLENTY space.
  8. What's Splatterhouse? :P
  9. 4-5 hours, and you have S'ed the two easiest things - trust me, it gets harder
  10. Call her Flinky!
  11. Album: Casually Dressed and Deep In Conversation - Funeral For A Friend Book: Any parto f the His Dark Materials trilogy, but I'll go with the finale, The Amber Spyglass, since it's the fattest ^_^ Movie: Jackass The Movie (1). Never laughed so much seeing that for the first time.
  12. Excite Truck lasts more than 6 hours, no matter what the reviewers say.
  13. Luigi in that suggests to me that he will be the 4th mystery character. Kind of disappointing, I wanted Yoshi
  14. Gizmo


    The camera is fixed - it stays facing "north" and you roll around without it moving other than to keep you on the screen. It doesnt turn around. Some of the puzzles are built around that, and it's rarely a problem (so far, anyway) Personally, I think the gameplay is better than monkey ball. This is how monkey ball should have been. Multiplayer is just both of you do the same level on splitscreen, race to the finish kind of affair.
  15. People go on and on about firmware updates, and then complain about why is there only 512mb of memory - well, if you want all these updates, its going to be less 512 more 12mb. All the more reason for a hard drive, though ^_^
  16. I think it would work, but only on one side. So you would only get 2gb read by the Wii.
  17. God damn Amazon. I ordered Mario Vs Donkey Kong first class postage, hasnt been sent yet. I ordered this on free postage, and while it was free, it too hasnt arrived yet. Neither has my Kororinpa or my Classis controller which was supposed to be packaged with it.
  18. Black and White 1 was awesome - 2 was disappointing. I'd rather have three on PC than Wii, personally. It's like an RTS - I mean, it would be good, and it would be fun, but why would I play it on my Wii when I can play bigger and better versions on my PC two walls away?
  19. I got stopped buying a Tony Hawk Pro Skater gamea couple of years ago because I couldn't prove I was old enough to buy it; I had to go back with my passport to buy it >_> Perhaps adverts should have a more prominent certificate on them, but really, theres no problem right now. Hells theres not even proof there is a link between games and violence, and wasn't there a study recently which suggested it could be the other way around? (i.e, kids are less violent because they get their frustration out while playing).
  20. DOkey Kong country was one of the first games I actually completed, if I remember rightly
  21. I remember on one of the Pokemon games, I think it was Silver. I got stuck on the second gym leader for days, and just gave up totally. I couldn't be bothered to train in the grass, so I just pakced my Game Boy away for like, a week. Went back to it and lo and behold, beat it first time without a single Poke fainting.
  22. Never happened to me...you sure your batteries arent just low? Though that sounds too obvious a solution. Try emailing Nintendo.
  23. I know what you mean about ZeldaFreak. Originally he was very annoying, then for a little while he started making some very valid points, but he seems to be back to his old self again Come on ZF, we now know you can be civil! Dont let yourself down On topic though - I can't wait for this game. It looks really interesting and I really want more details about how it all works. I hope the way to collect stars is more 64 than Sunshine - i.e. you can get them in whatever order you want.
  24. No, the Wiimote is used to investigate things (like the girl Goomba was in TTYD), and also in some puzzles. Held like a NES pad most of the time, 2 is jump etc. "A" I believe changes to 3-D-O-Vision.
  25. My birthday tommorow woot Shame Amazon screwed up and I wont get half my stuff til ~Wed
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