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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I want the original on VC. I found it in a game store a few months back and it was priced at £50. £50! It cost that when it first came out! I played and really enjoyed TTYD, and am really looking forward to this one.
  2. Prices are fair if people are willing to pay for them; and alot of people seem to be prepared to pay.
  3. I would have preferred WW. If it was not for the damn sailing.
  4. I've always wondered about Ice Climbers (or at least since they were in Melee). Is that even good?
  5. I use "fudge". Not just because of the link to the f-word, but also to a bit of local lingo. If not, sh*te.
  6. Ninty's cunning plan (combined with the Mii's thing) to make 3rd parties make sequels, and hence extending the Wii's lifespan?
  7. First off, this is probably in the wrong place. Feel free to move it. What's happened to them? I had a couple of questions sent in to Q&A and it's been so long since I sent them that I can't even remember what they were. Podcast is always fun to listen too, aswell. They just seem to have dropped off the edge of the earth. Bring 'em back
  8. Disappointed at losing Sky One. No more Simpsons while I play my DS in the evening. Virgin will take over the world.
  9. Which shmup would peopel recommend I download? I've already got Gunstar Heroes, but I've played it alot now and was wanting another. I was thinking Super Probetector, R-TYPE, and I think theres a couple more aswell. Which is best? ^_^
  10. I want Takeshi no Chousenjou on VC. For those not familiar with it, here is a wikipedia quote:
  11. I;ve got 8 days before my birthday to unlock everything in this game, or else it will be buried for a few weeks by Sonic, Kororinpa, Mario vs DK, and then soon after SSX Blur. Gotta love March birthdays, and the masses or releases there always is <3
  12. Only 3 hours? I have to wait anotehr 8 days! The upside is of course I don't pay for it myself though ^_^
  13. Couldn't get Alien Hominid to work. I'll try the AR later.
  14. Looks a bit Maplestory to me.
  15. Oooh leaderboards! Looking forward to it Now I just need to perfect that jump of mine. Unfortunately school means not much Excite Truck right now
  16. Because that includes Australia and the rest of Asia? :P
  17. Already have two preorders from me. Looknig forward to them alot, too. What I think will be interesting is how much the PS3 sells when it's released here. Will it have as spectacular a launch as the Wii did?
  18. Omg. Want. That. To. Happen.
  19. I just got a 2880 spin and could have had another one on it, I'm certain. Let's just say that Mako + Finalnd Ski Jump Ring + Going right at the start = big spins.
  20. For VC games, you can press home. For GameCube, the console basically launches the GC firmware it has installed which doesnt include any Home menu support. So no, you can't, because the games were made with the support for that button.
  21. Not long ago people were complaining that there werent enough godo games coming out and Ninty should release more than 3 per week. Now it's too fast? Theres no pleasing sometimes
  22. Gizmo


    I've ordered this off Amazon but I made a mistake and it's comnig in the same package as Sonic, so I have to wait a bit It's a good thing really, I have some important school work to do between now and then anyway and I still have Excite Truck. For those who've now played it whats the thoughts? Better than Monkey Ball but shorter?
  23. Just after I get this I get snowed under with school work leaving me with no energy to play...I went through to my bedroom to play it and ended up falling asleep! Oh how I want to read what's in those spoiler tags >_> It should get better after Thursday, so lets hope...
  24. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21022007/95/wii-makes-splash-market.html Good news for the Wii, though I think we all knew this already, it's good to see it made official!
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