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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Anime pervs R us! >_>
  2. I'd like to see an Archer or Mage from one of the FE games rather than all fighters. Or even one of the ones which fly on big nasty dragons, which I forgot the name off. The only FE game I have played is the second one on GBA, though. Also, DIDDY KONG FTW! I even named a pet after him when I was younger. <3. I also like Meowth as a character. Who are the two between Falcon and Mewtwo supposed to be? Samus and Zero Suit Samus? :S Oh, and I want Young Link back too. he was my favourite in Melee. And Midna. Gotta have Midna. So yeah. Even though it's obviously fake, the "lineup" they show isnt bad.
  3. The problem with new colours is that you see it and you think - "Wow! That looks cool compared to this old one" - But, think about it the other way around. If it started black, and they released a white one, you would be of the thinking that the black was bland, and the white was a sort of iPod-sleek design. So it's all really a gimmick, which will wear off quickly enough. I'd rather buy a decal which I can remove.
  4. I'm feeling the same way, Link. Eledee's, Kororinpa, Excite Truck, SSX, Sonic...looks like the drought might be ending "soon"
  5. Wasn't Sin and Punishment confirmed to be coming to VC "relatively soon"? Also, I won't be getting OoT. I have it on GC anyway. MM now, thats a different story...never did play that one
  6. Just found my copy buried under some other mail ^_^ The SSX Blur preview has convinced me to get it - I was already considering it, but now I'll be getting it for sure.
  7. Hah, yeah. Nobody else seem's to have liked the idea Team Rocket stealing the Pokemon was my first thought, but then it would mean no going back to the old area's till the very end. It would also mean they were successful for once, which is hardly realistic The sad thnig is this could never happen, though. It would either a) cost too much to sell, b) hurt the sales of D/P by comingo ut to early, or c) Be outdated before its even released by coming out around the time of the next installment. Perhaps it could be the "Yellow" of D/P? I also like the 3-D-Wii idea. I would LOVE that, and Nintendo could market it as the real Pokemon RPG everyone hoped XD would be. Classic controller, though Last thought for now - Add in the battle frontier and the island area's from FR/LG. Ooooh, and we never had a game based in the Orange Islands either... So much ownage. On another note, the OI thought took me to the photographer from the anime and onto Pokemon Snap - how great would that game be on Wii with Wiimote compatibility and a shedload of new Pokemon?
  8. Didn't get my copy yet Suprised by the scores for Excite Truck (only 77%?) and Eledee's (only 82%). Was expecting more like 85 and 90 from them - but I'll still buy them Also impressed with the Kororinpa score - anybody remember what SMB got?
  9. Remember back to Gold and Silver. After defeating the elite 4 of Johto, you could travel back to Kanto and defeat the 8 gym leaders and elite four of the Blue and Red games. Well, why not put all 4 continents together? Start off in the Fire Red / Leaf Green kind of area (basically the blue/red area, but with the updated graphics). Once you beat this area you travel over the waterfalls to Johto - beat this area and travel to Hoenn, and on to the D/P area. Pointless? Possibly. But think about it. How much goodness would be pakced into this game? Nostalgia? Each time you enter a new continent, Team Rocket steal your old Pokemon and your forced to start again with the new Pokemon given to you by the next proffessor. (this needs improved though...possibly the ability to get them back as you go to the previosu regions would help). But in some way, you start up again at a low level. Or perhaps just make all the regions pokemon more appropriate levels, culminating in lvl 100 wild pokemon in D/P? Trainers would be equally scaled. Breeding and EV trading with this would be huge. Length would be huge. Capturing all the ubers, all the starters? I would get it. Not perfect by any means with the way I have thought it up, but an interesting concept, surely? Put an online battling and trading system on, too. But this would be too big to fit on a DS Cart, you say. Well, that GBA cart aint there for nothing. If a GBC cart fit two regions, surely DS and GBA combined can take all 4 with graphical updates. Thoughts?
  10. Sounds interesting, though I agree it seems to me just a way of eeking more money out of customers. If the improvements or could though, they could succeed, at least with me...
  11. Hmm...Still undecided on this. However. MARIO KART 64? MORE LIKE MARIO KART 6.4 RITE? http://www.gamespot.com/n64/driving/mariokart64/review.html yeah....
  12. I wonder if they will implement the SD Card Music thing from Excitetruck?
  13. Also - it says on the Release List page that Wing Island is 23/3, not 23/2 - which is the right one?
  14. Borrowed this from a friend today and have so far done the first two missions - and I have to say I was pleasently surprised. The controls were much better than I was expecting after when I briefly played multiplayer and the difficulty so far seems to be just right. Looking forward to advancing the story
  15. Me and my friend are bypassing the drought by swapping games :P Red Steel is better than I expected, but I miss my monkey ball :P
  16. It's all about how close you are to the sensor bar - you wont be pointing directly at the spot on the TV. Meaning elephant, waitor type forms can go wrong if you don't point to the right spot.
  17. I'm doing Boxing alot past few days because I have a knee injury keeping me away from "real" exercise. Fun and exercise rolled into one = win. Also, the balloon trip minigame on Wario Ware is rather tiring if you do it as intended.
  18. I got given 5 extra ones, despite ordering 3. Never know when they might come in handy though - and I like the idea about the DS. I took off the "thumb strap" long ago - remember when that was supposed to be a viable control method? Never seemed comfortable for me...
  19. Wing Island, Bust a Move Wii and Mario Party 8 all look so-so titles...I'm really unsure whether I should buy them or not. Excite Truck I'm looking forward to though, aswell as Mario + Donkey Kong 2 on DS. Do GAME still do their 14day return policy?
  20. Hah, cool. Pointless, but cool.
  21. This reminds me - I got Fire Emblem on the GBA and never got round to finishing it after coming back from a holiday. Once I'm done with Zelda and Yoshi's Island, I think I'll be going back This games looks really sweet, and I like how they are giving support for all 3 controllers (or appear to). Pave the way for more games like that, hopefully - my biggest fear was developers would be too scared to not use the Wiimote, and ruin some games with un-necessary "features".
  22. With Mario, Metroid and SSBB for 2007/early 08, I think this has been pushed back on the priority - late 08 is my guess.
  23. I think I would prefer to see Golden Sun 3 on DS, personally. I think Pikmin will be great on Wii - I never enjoyed it much on GC, but I would certainly be interested in a Wii version. Some kind of indication of the possibilities for RTS games?
  24. Looks cool. I especially like that classic controller - it looks sweet. I may get one...but speaking of classic controllers, I need one of them, not to mention Excite Truck, RRR, Trauma center, "Eledee's"... Bleh. So much stuff, so little $$.
  25. Hah, yeah, definately. But I got it working now too...I just hope I don't have any more problems to make this "simple" question that's "not error code related" any more complicated >_>
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