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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Prety sure that exact list was on NeoGAF about a month ago and it was shot down completely.
  2. This game is really worrying me. I really, really want it to be great. But everywhere the impression is mediocrity. I want this game to be brilliant, but I just can't see it happening right now.
  3. At the risk of being shot: I think what he says has a bit of truth behind it. While the Wiimote is definately more "revolutionary" than XBL - it changes games completely - the quote is: Do you really see the Xbox3, PS4 and Wii2 all having these Wiimote controllers? I don't. Do you see them all having XBL levels of online? I do.
  4. So theres 26, lets say Dr Mario, Pichu, Roy, and Young Link are left out. Thats 22, hopefully which will all make it. Then theres Snake, Diddy Kong, Metaknight, Pit, Wario, Red and Ike (also, lets assume that ZSS and Samus are one character, like Zelda and Sheik). Thats 29 characters already "confirmed". Theres 2 more 3rd party to come, which is 31. I would say that 40 is a reasonable guess. 9 more Ninty characters would seem about right to me, if some much requested characters get in.
  5. 88%, iirc.
  6. NGamer review was pretty weird - they spent the whole review pointing out all the bad parts, andthen at the end said: Hold on, we didn't really mean that. Its awesome. Anyway, I'll be getting this regardless. 7 days!
  7. Can I just say: Zechs: Caris's point is that Halo will sell more in the areas were they both do well. Japan is "left out" of the equation for this comparison because it's clear that it just doesn't do well there. Caris is comparing the sales were both are going strong, as a more direct difference. When he says "you only want to count Japan because your not confident in Mario outdoing Halo in the US alone" he means to point out that the comparison would be slightly shaded as it's not a "fair" comparison. Caris: Zechs is trying to say that no matter how badly the 360 sells in Japan, it should still be counted overall, as thats no fault of Nintendo's and therefore Mario would be losing out on one of its more strong regions. Wow I still can't find the words. Basically: Caris wants to compare them directly to the region to see which sells better in a competitive region; Zechs argues that the whole world is the competitive region. Wow this is a dumb arguement, even for NEurope:laughing:
  8. Out of curiosity, how many fighters were there in Melee? All this talk of 40 and 50 sounds like rediculously high numbers, but then again maybe I just didn't think about how many were in Melee.
  9. Wilkinson getting injured is awesome. No offence motion. But I won a fiver off my mate for it. Two weeks ago: My mate (who is orignally English, btw): England are better than Scotland. We have the best player in the world" Me:"I bet Wilkinson gets injured before the WC anyways" Mate: "Your an idiot" Me: "Fiver on it?" Mate: "Done." :yay:
  10. I think they are comparing those who got beta codes against the people playing. And imo a 24hour ban is worth it for getting to play the beta for a week.
  11. This. 01010
  12. I agree that Banjo K/T are better than SM64. Not so sure on the Sunshine / Sa2:B.
  13. Maybe it does. But what I remember is Mario Kart comes with the "Wiil" and theres another 1st Party game to be bundled with the zapper (kinda like Wiiplay I'd expect. Possibly a new Duck Hunt game was what I heard being hinted at) Just announced today, believe it or not. Maybe you already read it, or are just psychic :p And I just noticed I'm now over 1000! Thats alot of spam :p
  14. Still looking forward to it and going to buy it (in fact, already preordered it from Virgin while it was at £25) but not as much as I was when it came out in the US.
  15. EU Brawl date, thanks.
  16. Yeah definately. If not I'm not even gonna bother with it, Rock Band will be enough.
  17. How very dare you.
  18. Yeah, the stuff about this game hasn't been too positive. I'm still looking forward to it, though. I wonder what happened to that game to be bundled with the Zapper? No announcement about that yet.
  19. But you just did :p The next year is a good one for games though. Alot of top quality games, for all platforms.
  20. Kinda reminds me of what I found so funny as a child: in clothes shops, where it says "Menswear" etc, I always read it as Men-Swear :p
  21. Tried them both, wasn't really impressed Gauntlet seemed interesting, but Dig Dug seemed boring. Couldn't be bothered buying more points for Gauntlet though. Heres hoping this whole "sale" thing becomes a more regular thing. First weekend of every month anyone?
  22. Yeah, I know. But I have alot of stamina in my thumbs.
  23. I feel like I'm the only person who owns a Wii who isn't going to buy this on launch day...though I'll still probably get it at some point. Please don't shoot me.
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