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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. And yet it's still banned, of course.
  2. Surprised nobody posted this already: 8th December, €30 according to NeoGAF. Does that mean £20 for Britain or will it be £30? If it's any more than £20 I ain't buying.
  3. My mic is broken and I don't have a spare. The mics that MS include in the box are rubbish.
  4. FFS, it hasn't arrived yet.
  5. I agree with the comments about SPM for what its worth. Other than the first chapter it really was disappointing.
  6. I knew I should have had some sort of footnote.
  7. Yeah I agree. I saw something on GameFAQs the other day. How did people rate them: Orange Box vs Halo 3 vs Bioshock. I'd have to put it Bioshock > Orange Box > Halo for single player, Halo > Orange Box > Bioshock for multiplayer, and Orange Box > Bioshock > Halo for the overall package. Agree/Disagree with that ordering?
  8. when you and a friend decide to play through Super Mario World at lunch time, and you're giving them directions to the secret exit of every single damn level, which you have memorised from the 20 other playthroughs you've done.
  9. I think they are back issues. The Hiro copy was the newest one as he found it on the stand, but Micah's is probably just one he already had from before which he chose to take with him when he moved in with them. Edit: Petrelli being female is probably a photoshop. Surely the makers wouldn't make such a glaring oversight? I might check later if I can be bothered.
  10. I think Shopto delviered my copy today. I say think, because I have a slip from Royal Mail who tryied to deliver something, but I had to sign for it and nobody was around. I've never used Shopto before, am I supposed to have to sign for it? Or is it something else that they've delivered?
  11. Awesome. I always loved the Ice Climbers hammer, so a heavyweight with a hammer? Sign me up.
  12. But I'm too young to die! I haven't even played Brawl yet! Also, I did say shes hot in the old episodes. Just not the new ones
  13. Me and my friend were discussing this earlier. Bring back Bobo!
  14. Oh, of course. I forgot that But I doubt it was Bob who killed Hiro's dad. First of all, they found the picture of him in Parkmans dad's apartment, and secondly, the guy who pushed him was relatively small and skinny - teenager-ish - which Bob certainly isn't But does anyone else feel like most of the parts of this are really tacked on? I've been thinking about it...wasn't this serious supposed to be focused on the older generation? So why is it the old characters doing all the investigating, while they stand around worrying abotu dying? Especially with Peters storyline - it feels really tacked on. Unless he comes into it big later, of course.
  15. We need a new defence. We need it now. Other than McManus, possibly Naylor. Although Naylor has less pace than a garden snail. Caldwell can't tackle for crap and Wilson can't cross for crap. O'Dea and Kennedy simply don't have the experience to play every week.
  16. Why does 16th November have to be the biggest gaming day in years. I have ****ing exams 2 days later.
  17. I love how some people in this thread completely ignore facts given to them by other people. If someone comes in and makes a decent comment that is pro Wii, people jump on and say "Hey, HES RIGHT!" and then people who make a decent comment about any other console ignore it and continue bashing. Of course this happens the other way too, but since its a Nintendo forum there are far more Wii fans. Just a note, I have a Wii and a 360, and I have played my friends PS3 and enjoyed it. People need to grow up. Seriously. And I'm probably one of the younger members of this forum.
  18. You didn't put me on the Yes list? I'm hurt. I must have said at least once per page since the start of this thread that I'm buying it
  19. That says "Platstation Home" to me.
  20. I don't think she can, as she saw Micah's power with the TV and didn't copy it. Also, anyone think that Kristen Bells character is Bob's daughter? The way she's working for the company, and she called her boss "daddy".
  21. I'm disappointed with the targets. In the other two games there was a stage for each character, but this time only 5? I like the replays though.
  22. I can't believe nobody picked up on this one: but that would be an awesome idea imo! It could be a sort of Poke-floats style level, with differing gravity, black holes, different sizes of planet...it would be ace!
  23. No Claire Heroes is a frustrating show. Just when one of the storylines starts getting interesting, they cut to a different one. Just when that one is getting interesting, they switch again. Then when THAT one is getting itneresting, it fades to black and "to be continued" pops up again. It's like Lost, except not as extreme I guess. And yet I love it.
  24. Aaah Zero Punctuation. Orange Box is far from his best one.
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