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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. My take on it; We have absolutely no information (that I'm aware of) on Calza or Ellmeister. DomJCQ was the one who (according to welsh_gamer) killed jayseven and darksnowman, and "didn't want" darksnowman to be recruited. Haggis defended darksnowman, who turned out to be a good guy. Unlikely for him to do this if he was mafia. All I can remember on LazyBoy is that he was taken hostage. martinist was roleblocked by a mafia member, neutral is possible, good more likely. MBAM can force people to do something. Likely to be mafia, I'd say. welsh_gamer was taken hostage, aswell as revealing info on DomJCQ. Zell was taken hostage and had something stolen from him. I'd say the possible remaining mafia members are Calza, DomJCQ, Ellmeister and MBAM. Not necessarily all of them, but from what I've gathered in the thread those are my suspects.
  2. "I told you so" :p
  3. So thats what I'm doing wrong. I don't have a chair in my bedroom; I sit on my bed for watching TV, doing homework, playing games, listening to music, everything. Also, every night before sleeping I'll watch TV / play my DS before actually attempting to fall asleep, at which point I'll turn my music on. Basically everything you stated not to do
  4. So a woman who speaks in the third person?
  5. Gizmo


    A couple of the jokes are really forced but overall I really enjoyed it. I think it's worthy of most of the hype its getting considering it's got a much lower budget than most movies these days.
  6. Managed to escape most of it today at school. Wasn't too bad really.
  7. The game completely changes depending on what song you listen too. The first song I did was a very rocky, fast track. It was less about strategy of what to pick up where and more just grab as many as possible and hope they fit together. Then I did it to a Jack Johnson track and it was more like playing Tetris or something.
  8. Never understood Valentines day personally; everyone buys a rose for their girlfriend, whats special about that? If you buy them a rose any other day, it's a million times more special.
  9. Hybrid describes me pretty well in the main - not finishing games is an annoying habit I'm trying to get out of, and I have 2 controllers for every console I've ever bought (other htan the GC, which I have three for due to getting a Wavebird :p)
  10. Yeah I played the demo for this a while ago, it was awesome. Definately worth buying, especially for the price it's going for on Steam. Was going to make this thread yesterday actually, but I forgot.
  11. I started a new campaign on Mass Effect on Friday to play over the half term. It's so much better on the second play through, when I first played it I only started enjoying it later on when I actually had worked out all the menu's and stuff. Knowing all that from the beginning, it really is just awesome from start to finish (if you ignore the awful side quests, that is).
  12. I do that all the time, turn on the Wii and feel for the Disc channel and start it up, while continuing to watch TV until the program is finished. Just search for pictures of the options menu's and feel your way through.
  13. Moogle lives!
  14. I'm 15 and don't drink as of now. Will probably change when I go to Uni or something, but for now I'm fine not drinking.
  15. In the right context it can be good Rez, but you take it too far and it stops being funny.
  16. Your saying that anyone who ISNT mafia is a threat? Basically your admitting to being in the mafia? :p I'd sum up but I'm going offline after this post. Who's to say it was formed midgame? Esequiel joined the game late; it's possible there was a "group" already made from the start and Moogle placed him in there. I really don't know. Just leave it and investigate him tonight, and we can take it from there. If Esequiel turns out evil now I've basically dug my own grave by defending him. I only have the same evidence you have; I'm just interpreting it differently. Read back over everything from today dohnut, theres alot of stuff defending him I think you've missed.
  17. That little rant came out a bit condecending, sorry. How do you know he was nothing to lose? Like you just said, your going to investigate him anyway by the looks of it. Why should he give the mafia any more info? In his situation (assuming his group is how I am conceptualising it) I would want you to investigate me and not give anything away. It's also possible that giving out information on the group lessens it's power, I'm pretty sure thats happened in previous games. Just investigate him tonight. If he's evil I'll gladly eat my words and understand if you turn on me. Heck, if he's evil I'd suspect me. But I think the odds of him being evil are low.
  18. Bear in mind the mafia hasn't killed the last (2?) nights. And I think your investigations won't be "wasted" if it means trusting someone properly. It would be "wasted" for you to not investigate him and wrongly keep him under suspicion, or "wasted" for you to not investigate him and trust the word he gives when he if he is infact evil. I think we need closure on the issue of Esequiel and gaggle, and the only way to get that is to investigate one of them. No matter what he says, you will still be suspicious of him. You need to think about this game from the perspective of more than just yourself, dohnut. Read what someone has posted, and think "If he was good, why would he post that?" "If he was evil, why would he post that?" and from that perspective you can build up profiles of players. As you do it now, you simply attack players until they reveal themselves, which while being successful often, also often leads to players being revealed and made targets. You make yourself a target by being so aggressive; were you not this loud, you would be able to go about investigating quietly and then when you get something solid can come out with it, rather than throwing random theories around and pestering people until they reveal themselves. This is a game of subtlety.
  19. PLCs=Public Limited Companies. Anyone can buy a share in them from the stock exchange. Large business (national/international). Example: Nintendo LTDs=Private Limited Companies. Owned by (a) private investor(s). Not on the stock exchange. Large business (national/international). Example: Actually, I can't think of any in particular. Many large businesses will be LTD's without the public actually realising. Partnerships=Owned by 2-20 private investors, medium sized businesses (local/regional). Example: Most law firms. Sole Trader=Owned by one person. Small businesses (local). Example: Hot dog vendor.
  20. Esequiel may wish to remain silent to keep details from the mafia. I think thats fair enough. If you investigate him tonight, that will give us solidity on him; even if he did tell us anything, we can't trust it 100%. Your info from investigations up to now has been correct. I shifted attention to Mcoy because being aggressive towards Esequiel was clearly going to be fruitless, and it would be far more usefull to lynch Mcoy (who yes, we have nothing on really, but he wasn't contributing anyway so it's no great loss). Oh, and Dom, what have you to say to welsh_gamer's info?
  21. I don't get it. There was a point in there were anyone would laugh? And anyway, sofa companies adverts are just annoying in general. Whats the point advertising a sale that ends Sunday at 9pm, when a new one begins at Monday 9am?
  22. This thread needs a youtube link.
  23. 5-1 vs Aberdeen, get in.
  24. It seems someone reads 313 and has a low enough iq to think this would make any difference at all.
  25. Sounds like an awesome trip, good luck.
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