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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Why can I not get excited for this game? It looks good, but the lack of Smash Bros just dampens it entirely. I know that sounds lame, but it's true.
  2. Celtic v Barcalona tonight. Can't wait. We always win at home, it's like a tradition, and then collapse away from home. I can see us getting a 1-0 or a 2-1 win, then losing 2/3-0 at the Nou Camp. We definately have a chance though.
  3. Only complaint I think anyone can have is that this game is way, way too easy.
  4. Wii2 games will come on magnetic tape, wait and see.
  5. Expected that, tbh.
  6. Oasis are terrible. I stopped reading that list after the first two.
  7. Sales figures beg to differ.
  8. I think the game in your sig is pretty much the definition of a long lasting game.
  9. Hexis 2 was free in Korea iirc. Also, Uno was free at some point, wasn't it? Texas Hold 'Em too?
  10. Let's hope nothing is playable for the first time this year then, or it might end up being shit.
  11. I don't like the generalisation that everyone who doesn't support their local team is a gloryhunter. I don't live in Glasgow, but I still support Celtic, as my family always have. I was just brought up to support Celtic.
  12. I wouldn't know, I still get error everytime I attempt to create an account.
  13. It's not just this thread, people sign up and don't contribute at all alot.
  14. Yeah. It's kinda like that in Freestyle, but it doesn't feel as satisfying as you don't actually "collect" them, you just go past them. Ninja Mono is my favourite.
  15. Which will make it out first; Duke Nukem Forever, Brawl, or MGS4 360?
  16. Loads. Poker, Balckjack, Rummy, Bridge, all the obvious ones. Plus a couple taught to me by other people, and all the games off 42 All Time Classics.
  17. I'm not criticising it, I love it. I just like Kid A and The Bends even more.
  18. Agree mostly. OK Computer is awesome, but not the most awesome imo. Although you missed Subterranean Homesick Alien off the "amazing" list.
  19. Gizmo


    Hahaha, awesome.
  20. Gizmo


    I find it funny how this place works really. Theres a sort of undefined "group" of "cool" people (which seems mostly to be populated by people who mainly frequent the Other Consoles board) who find it fun to rebellious, but as soon as someone does something about it they get called Nazi's and shit. And as soon as they get banned, or "leave" the forum, they come back because they want more edrama and/or attention.
  21. Gizmo


    Hokay. Putting a porn link up at midnight doesn't have quite the same effect, but whatever.
  22. I'd hope for a Euro date from Sakurai's speech, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  23. El Scorcho by Weezer is a relaly good demonstration of the software. The track is very well defined and varied. Oh, and anyone who can complete Bodysnatchers by Radiohead without hitting a grey on ninja mono is a better man than I.
  24. I agree with Lazyboy, I'm not convinced Zell is mafia. It's a possibility sure, but I'm not convinced. I think we're better off harrassing someone like MBAM for info.
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