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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I've always perceived it as when people say "the one" what they mean is thats the person they want to settle down with; they aren't necessarily the one person in the world that they could love, but in that place at that time that is the person you want to live the rest of their life with. If that person then dies, or they split up for whatever reason, they may still well find someone else.
  2. Rock Band is so DLC-centric that I doubt the Wii version will be anywhere near as good as the others.
  3. Theres one girl in particular in my school who goes absolutely nuts when she's on her period. She gets absolutely crazy mood swings. You can always tell. It's quite disturbing really.
  4. You totally should have left your character name and server on the note.
  5. Man I really can't decide about DMC. Played the demo again and still the best combo I got was a C. Is this gonna be one of those games where only fans of the previous games can really play it? Because I haven't played any DMC before at all.
  6. I'm in ur voucherz, steeling ur gamerpointz.
  7. I just realised; if I regain contact with my Japanese neighbour who I haven't talked to in 2 years, I may well get to have a shot of SSBB on his Japanese Wii.
  8. I just realised I have no female singers in my collection. (Unless you count a couple of collaboration songs, although still I can only come up with 1 song by Jack Johnson and 1 by Incubus)
  9. Seems I missed a x 7.
  10. 1372 by my calculations.
  11. Hutton is useless as a full back. His only strength is going forward, which isn't that great for a defender.
  12. If we are really intent on lynching someone, I guess it's back to getting the quiet people?
  13. I still love that Alien skit that he did, and remember him from YBF. RIP.
  14. Yeah with recruitments past confirmations of people being good are pretty much useless.
  15. We need CSI's back :p
  16. Eurgh. I still have nothing to contribute.
  17. I had a Hamster named Diddy Kong. He could do the monkey bars. Therefore, Diddy = awesome.
  18. Because angsty teenage girls of low intelligence (of which there are many) seem to enjoy crap music.
  19. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=928518&topic=41086812 Apparently GameFAQs hates ol' Serebii.
  20. Now that the final roster is confirmed I think I'll avoid this thread, and keep a few stages etc as surprises. Someone PM me if another character not in that leaked roster from awhile ago appears :p
  21. I told that joke to a blonde ex, took her 2 years to get it.
  22. God damnit. Vote:No Lynch
  23. Wow. I just read through ten pages of this thread. I checked it as recently as last night too.
  24. wtb ikaruga
  25. The DS will be sustained by third parties for awhile yet, while the Wii is relying mostly on Nintendo games. I don't see how this is in any way a bad thing.
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