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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I find this to be quite an arrogant stance to take. What is wrong with Spyborgs, exactly? Review scores are such a flawed way of "benchmarking" that it's pointless. Let's take for example a few of the games sitting on the shelf on my computer desk. Black and White:Creature Isle has less than 70%. Does this mean the time I put into playing it should be erased? But Black and White 2 got 76%. But I preferred Creature Isle, personally. So why is ok and CI isn't? How about C&C:Tiberian Sun Firestorm vs C&C3? I hated C&C3 with a passion but have put hundreds of hours into Firestorm. Yet Firestorm got a lower score. Basically, review scores are not suitable in the current format to be used as a deciding factor in whether a game is good or not. Read the reviews and get an impression of the game from them, but don't take the percentage at the end as the be-all-and-end-all. So what you're saying is, The Sun's opinion is invalid? For what it's worth I agree on that actually but for different reasons. Who is to say what is an off review? As my own sidenote, take Peggle as an example. This game got a higher GameRanking average than Ninja Gaiden II. Does that mean that Eurogamer, PC Gamer etc who reviewed Peggle are "off"? Because Peggle is about as casual as you can get. Someone has different taste in an entertainment media and therefore it shouldn't exist? Should High School Musical not exist, because it a) isn't as high quality a film as Lord Of The Rings and b) I don't like it? Should Linkin Park not exist because a) Metallica are better at playing guitar and b) I don't like them? So people get hooked on Linkin Park, really love listening to them, and then have to get gradually brought into what you consider good music? It's the same thing. People love playing Carnival Games, why should they have to gradually get into playing Zelda and Call of Duty? I'm also struggling to see what makes it a "greater purpose", apart from the fact it's a new IP. Sure, that's nice and all, but because it's an FPS it is suddenly greater than anything else? That is a very arrogant / elitist view to take. I have no idea what you're trying to say here. You've just completely contradicted the argument you've been making up to now, that Casual gamers need to get into hardcore games. Again, this seems contradictory to me. You just finished saying that casual games should not exist other than to make money for the publishers. Mario Galaxy seems a poor example in this argument. I bought my Uncle galaxy for christmas last year and he ended up completing it with 100~ish stars, and the only games he owned previously on his Wii are Wii Sports, Wario Ware, Mario Party and Happy Feet. Who's to say they need to get into hardcore gaming in the first place? You've contradicted yourself again here as far as I can see; you want people to buy casual games to make the publishers money, then you want the publishers to stop making them, then you want casual gamers to play hardcore games, then you don't, then you do again, and then you want publishers to keep making casual games. You're trying to live in an ideal world where everything happens at once in the exact cycle necessary. So you're overall argument is simply that publishers need to put more time, money and passion into their casual games. But you've already said that casual games are only necessary for making money to fund the hardcore games, so doesn't that go against their business model? You need to decide whether you want casual games to be a gateway into hardcore games, a flawed argument (why is this necessary for the publishers, would the casual gamers want to transition, is this even possible) or you want casual games to be a cash stream for hardcore games, also a flawed argument (publishers are businesses, why would they fund hardcore with casual necessarily, why does quality need improved if it's only for making a quick buck). Sorry if alot of that made no sense / was described badly, it's early.
  2. I've never had any problems with GAME. Always had friendly staff at the branch local to me when I used it for buying stuff, and since I started buying online I've found the GAME website to be the cheapest option 9 times out of 10.
  3. Toy Story. End discussion.
  4. What the hell was wrong with Massa? He spun like what, 6 times? Raikkonnen did aswell once or twice too. Poor Webber getting himself on the front row then losing it on the first lap. Has to be said though, Hamilton did a great job. Lapped pretty well everyone, and if what Ron Dennis said is true probably could have lapped the few he didn't if he pushed to the end. Also good to see Rubens on the podium again.
  5. blender you try to hard. Having "celebrity troll" in your name says it all really. If you're going to troll on purpose make it funny, if you aren't going to be funny don't call yourself "celebrity troll". Just makes you look dumb, even though I'm sure there's a reasonable intelligence there.
  6. I know, I just thought it was funny you were swearing and ranting at the EU for blocking you, when you're currently in China
  7. Mess around with the inventory, stats etc screens. It's easy to forget changing weapons as you get more powerful ones, or to level up your stats (not to mention the same things for your squad mates, which has to be redone if you change your team, and weapon powerups, etc. It's alot of stuff thats barely mentioned.)
  8. I managed to understand everything by the third main story planet or so, and I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the box.
  9. Mass Effect is difficult at first. The menu's etc really aren't explained at all. It's hard to get into but once you do, it's excellent.
  10. So basically they are arguing; does Top Gear need Hammond and May more than Hammond and May need Top Gear?
  11. ----
  12. That part in the basement of the shopping area, filled to the knee with water and the statues that come to life. First time I did that it was relatively dark in my room and it was hella creepy. Also, can't remember where it is but theres some part of it that had you standing over basically two dead bodies in a pool of blood with splicers coming at you from all around. Oh, and that section in the freezer where you have to kill the guy for Cohen. Damn I love Bioshock.
  13. Man that top one of Wario running would totally be my new avatar were it not for the fact that my current one is Boris.
  14. Same here. And I never fully appreciated The Gloaming until seeing it live. Same with Like Spinning Plates.
  15. It's like your me 9 months ago.
  16. Isn't Donington in worse shape than Silverstone? For one the track must be too short, surely an F1 car could get round in less than a minute. I'm betting the off-track stuff isn't as good either, so wouldn't it be cheaper just to keep it at Silverstone? I'm a bit baffled at this. Also wouldn't Brands Hatch be a better alternative?
  17. Hail to the Thief is awesome. 2+2=5, Myxamotosis, There There, The Gloaming...
  18. I'd remove my stomach flab. Nothing too bad but I'd rather be a bit more toned. And as for what I'd keep; I have heterochromia in my eyes (left is brown, right is a green/blue colour.)
  19. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    I think there are 2 ways of making Infernus's spawn; 1) While driving the original others spawn a LOT. Like the entire pavements get lined with them. Just push one with the other and get one to your parking space. 2) Sometimes they spawn around the start of races that Brucie sets up.
  20. Did you actually just attempt to hotlink a 4chan image?
  21. I had no idea what word Esequiel was meaning, I just used the four asterixes to show I was repeating his word
  22. Well then we again have two options; am I dumb, for misunderstanding what the filter was, or am I gentlemanly, for not having used enough of those kind of words to have noticed?
  23. I loved this weeks one. "Well aware of the hypocrisy" says it all to me. He used to run a webcomic himself I believe, and most of the points he raised could be applied to him. But the part where he did a comic strip of himself etc shows that he isn't taking it too seriously, or where he says "you know, kinda like what I'm doing RIGHT NOW" That's why I like ZP. fuck shit piss. I'm trying to decide, what is more childish; having the filter on, or all of us just swearing now because it has been lifted.
  24. My post is a demonstration of O'Neils track record for goalies. Rab Douglas and Magnus Hedman, both so clanger prone they got dropped for a 19y/o. Who then inherited their habbit too and got sold to Norwich by Strachan.
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