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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I left 30mins early to go play football, thereby missing all the drama. Must remember to watch the highlights tonight.
  2. Gizmo


    Haha, I just had an awesome idea. Spore and Yakult should do a cross promo. The advert: You could have some evil looking creatures fighting against some good looking creatures. These represent good bacteria and bad bacteria. Then in flies some friendly bacteria on a UFO, befriend the good bacteria, and kill the bad bacteria. Then you get Spore advertising on the Yakult packaging. Awesome. /random
  3. You can't get into the Tools > Options window?
  4. Maybe my computer just has a useless IT team Make sure you set it up to the school's proxy properly; just check it in IE and copy it into Firefox.
  5. Get Bioshock, seriously. If you haven't already played HL2 on PC also get Orange Box. CoD4 is probably the best for multiplayer, though I've never played the single. The others McPhee mentioned I could take or leave.
  6. Another week or two might be good. I've not had a chance to go up to the shops and snap a load like many people have, but I start my job this week and so should get an oppurtunity within the next couple to do so.
  7. It's fascinating how easily chairdriver worms out of things. Vote:Chairdriver
  8. Gizmo


    Finally got it running. Love it One of those games you can get lost playing and emerge 6 hours later without realising. Only up to creature stage so far though; my first 2 hours got lost after a power cut (god damn no auto-save!) and I'm having to hold myself back tonight as I need up early tomorrow. Btw, we all gonna share tags? Mine is Gizmo54
  9. Not sure what I did, but it seems to be working now after reinstalling again.
  10. Jordan = My hero. Again. I'm fairly certain my drivers are updated, but Spore is still not running. I had assumed it was my drivers, but apparently it hadn't gotten far enough to fail because of that. At least I've avoided further problems down the line.
  11. Rokhed in Fable confirmed?
  12. I was debating whether to put a cookie in the envelope or not. Unfortunately I came to the conclusion it wouldn't go well, but you can still have an e-cookie from me.
  13. Since I can't get Spore to run, I'm trying to update my Video Card drivers. It's a Radeon X600, so I've downloaded something from Download.com which claims to be the update for it, and so far as I can tell it's the right thing. However, after I agree to the license agreement, a popup box appears saying "Setup was unable to complete the installation. Try to set up your display adapter with a standard VGA driver before running setup" What does that mean?
  14. Yesterday was cool; last night I was playing Balderdash with a few mates. Managed to rickroll the whole table twice! Good times. Also, sending off my mem card to Jordan so he can make it magic for me. My ruddy computer refuses to do it properly.
  15. Ooh, this is out already? Interesting. Any reviews up yet?
  16. Gizmo


    Yeah, I already knew about Vista and it's crappy file management system. Not there. Still can't get it to run. Thing is Spore is the first PC game I've bought in ages thinking "I want this to actually run properly". Fuck that shit. Ok, I'm trying to update my video card drivers and its coming up with a message "Try to setup your display adapter with a standard VGA driver", what does that mean?
  17. Gizmo


    Why is it that when you install the game it doesn't create a desktop shortcut or start menu button? Wtf. "Spore has encountered an error and needs to close". So now I can't play the damn thing? I already wasted 1 reinstall, I only get one more.
  18. I haven't kept up with this thread but I thought I'd post this in here; Lifeguard from my school is caught with 5000 images of child pornography on his computer. My school is a community school, meaning there is a public swimming pool/sports complex and creché (sp?) at one end. This guy worked as a pool attendant in the public pool, which is also used by the high school PE classes and classes from surrounding primary schools that come up for lessons. He's also the brother of one of the deputy head teachers. W.T.F.
  19. Something I would like to see in terms of Wii FPS games is a HL2 port. It worked on Xbox, so it should definately work on Wii. That would be a good test of how Wii can handle a "proper" FPS game.
  20. I dislike rail shooters. Many people love rail shooters. Sorry for being disappointed that a game I was potentially looking forward to is dipping into a genre I'm not a fan of.
  21. Wario Land is hardly setting the world on fire. On Rails sections has me worried, but I'll at least wait for some hands on impressions before I dismiss it entirely.
  22. Demo for Pure due up on Thursday. Glad theres a demo, I'm undecided about it. Looks like it could be awesome, but could equally be a bit meh. Shame I'm gonna have to wait a week before I can bloody well download the demo. Bloody Silver.
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