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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. If you look closely you'll see that it is a Rock Band guitar. RB isn't out on Wii yet - it's the 360 version. The Wiil is quite obviously for the Wii, and the Bongos are quite obviously from the GC.
  2. Since when did you pay for delivery with GAME?
  3. Yep, definately. I didn't even finish DMC4. I got up to the second half where you control Dante and gave up.
  4. I can't usually either; but Mass Effect and Bioshock are both such fantastic games. I've played both twice now and will almost certainly play both again at some stage - I'm still to play Paragon in ME, and Hard Mode / No Chambers in Bioshock.
  5. Oh dear.----------
  6. Since I've got all the stuff about I better upload these so I don't miss the deadline; Coolness Bears' Pillow Cup Head - 175pts Jayseven's flagpole - 10pts (it's a golf course. This is about as close as I could get without getting into trouble. Another Gizmo special picture; ambitious, but rubbish :p) EEVIL's Peripherals - 200pts (Wiil, Guitar, Bongos) Mundi's facepalm - 100pts Mundi's elbow lick - 100pts Mundi's sign of true defeat - 200pts (waving the white flag!) Nami's worms - 47pts (I'm not in this, as I was surrounded by a group of people who thought I was odd enough for taking a picture of worms, never mind writing my online moniker on my finger first. My very flimsy proof being my picture of a slide where I had the same trainers on.) Also, I had a great idea for ReZ's "make a mountain out of a molehill". Except the damn council have gone and got rid of the molehills in the field behind my house, so I can't do it anymore
  7. Radiohead - In Rainbows. People had the choice of downloading it free, but they still grossed more than all their other albums online put together. Why do I keep mentioning Radiohead recently.
  8. That isn't exactly the kind of attitude I'd hope for from a game dev.
  9. From what I've seen I actually prefer the current system to be honest.
  10. I do this all the time. Unless you're dumb enough to get near to touching the element, I don't see the problem.
  11. Missed the qualifying as I was helping my sister move into her Uni accomodation. Sounds like I missed a corker. I've always liked Vettel since he came into F1, and Toro Rosso are really having a great year. The winner could be anyone; Kimi and Lewis so far back, Massa unstable in the wet, Heikki not on great form. And of course it's Monza. Can't wait.
  12. Same way you're computer hard drive needs everything reinstalled every time you reboot? Of course it will be fine.
  13. And you said Haggis looked like a girl!
  14. Why's that? Afaik, you're the only McCain supporter so far. What is it that makes you support him?
  15. Today I spent 2 hours fixing other peoples mistakes at work and then another 3 moving boxes around. Good times. One of the girls at work has seriously the best arse I've ever seen. Do want.
  16. Hahaha that's awesome.
  17. I have no idea who anybody is in this thread. The occasional mention of Spiderman is about all I get. I'm willing to roll on what others are going with in that case. Vote: DomJcg
  18. Call the kitty Dante in honour of yourself, since you're awesome. If I got a cat (which I want to do but my parents are sux!) I'd call it Gizmo. It would be mega.
  19. I have more to upload but I don't have my cable to hand and am too lazy to go fetch.
  20. Self is Homeland Security, Mahone was FBI.
  21. You're one of those people who would have sat as a caveman thinking, "hmm, yeah, this is ok. I mean, there are tigers that eat me as soon as I step out, but hey. I manage to live mostly" Then there are the other people who venture out and create fire.
  22. Aah. Missed the Macedonia game. Don't remember him from the Ireland game though. Sounds good. He right wing/left wing?
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