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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Is that what they are calling it these days?
  2. *heads off to pre-order* Edit; It also mentions we'll be able to download and play from 14th November. Which means it will be released 21st, if what they said about a week early is right.
  3. So basically we now know Celtic won't progress to the knockout stages.
  4. On a website I couldn't possibly mention on N-E.
  5. It's name was too long. Every time they tried to print off the box art they ran out of ink. Eventually they gave up.
  6. Is Castle Crashers worth getting even if I'll rarely get any co-op going?
  7. The new Peggle is out! That's just turned an OK day into an awesome one.
  8. Argh. There are no streams of the Celtic game anywhere and I can't even find a radio commentary.
  9. Gizmo

    Fable 2

    Even more lucky for me, I got it free
  10. Doesn't rule out a move across the city though! DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN
  11. Gizmo

    Fable 2

    I'm sure I read someone from Lionhead say something along these lines a while ago. "There will be consequences" or something to that effect.
  12. Massive. I won't even bother attempting to list.
  13. Make the beard blue also and your onto a winner.
  14. Was playing football with my mates. We booked the school hall for an hour, 2-3. We just finished just now at 5. My thighs are so cramped up right now I can't even bring myself to go in the shower as it would mean standing up for over 30seconds.
  15. Probably the last ones I'll get the chance to do; Supergrunch's spectrum - 130pts DanDare's construction worker - 75pts Paj Meen Ah's roast chicken - 200pts (lunch of the gods right here, btw) The remains of said lunch in the form of jayseven's pile of broken bones - 100pts (absolutely destroyed my hand with scratches in breaking these btw )
  16. I just checked around, and Activision have confirmed that the Rock Band 1 drums will be compatible with GH:WT.
  17. Tomorrow at lunch time I'm gonna look at this thread and then immediately head down to Morrisons to get me some chicken. I wish there was a 24hour Tesco near me right now.
  18. Which are the best Nine Inch Nails albums? My friend recommended them to me but they have so many albums I don't wanna download them all at once.
  19. Sorry, I mean on the 360. As in, will Rock Band 2 be playable with Rock Band 1 drums? Same with GH4, although iirc that has 5 pads on the drumkit, so it probably isn't.
  20. Holy crap I'm hungry.
  21. Gizmo


    Ironic how anti-piracy measures have lead to increased piracy.
  22. Will Rock Band 2 / GH4 be compatible with the old instruments? Theres no way I want to buy another set, but I might be tempted to buy just the discs if they work with the RB stuff.
  23. My school is like 30seconds away and does public swimming sessions, it's rarely that busy. Just seems a more fun way of getting fit than cycling or running. While there are some pretty awesome places to go round where I am I never have the stamina for it, whereas swimming I do. Only problem is lack of music. Wonder if I you can get waterproof MP3 players :p
  24. Today was meh. Woke up this morning and literally did nothing for like 8 hours. Wasting time on the internet, watching rubbish TV, sleeping. Have no idea why, but I just had no energy. Then I went to work, which was ok, and came back and played Resi4. Never did finish Seperate Ways for some reason which I'm gonna try and get done tonight/tomorrow, then maybe replay through it fully. Also, I really need to start getting some exercise. Is swimming good for improving general fitness?
  25. Was that the one where the guy was shielding it in the corner, and he basically just ran up and kicked the guy deliberately?
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