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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Actually now that I think about it it probably was a train ticket. Just found it in my jacket pocket and remember there was a ticket needed for the BISH. I've thrown it out now though so just discount the points, I'll get over it :p
  2. On the subject of masturbation, I'm sure the neighbours dog saw me fapping earlier. Sat up afterwards and saw him looking in the window virtually straight at me.
  3. Yeah, but I'm more referring to everyone acting like EDGE is suddenly the devil because they didn't like Strong Bad or Wario Land.
  4. I would have thought it's more likely Sony go into a subscription system, look at that "Qore" thing they do that gives demo's early.
  5. Ah yeah, right enough. I have the dinosaurs too actually, only one of the T-Rex's legs doesn't straighten out fully so it doesn't stand up properly. Only one out of 3 box's worth thats not virtually mint If I really need I can get a pic of that too but that other one should be sufficient. Keeping childhood toys ftmfw.
  6. Think this has me now done most of the ones that are gonna be easy. Rest I'm gonna need to recruit a camera man / go to Tesco etc / both. Cube's something hot - 50pts and Nightwolf's leet clock - 50pts Haden's VHS player Haden's Robot - 150pts and Shadow's Original Power Rangers Toy - 140pts ( I have 3 boxes full of these things, but iirc the one pictured is the original one) Nami's Sock King - 132 pts Shadow's 6 can triangle - 90pts Shadow's bus ticket - 20pts Shorty's picture of myself of myself of myself - 70pts
  7. Sounds awesome. Thats something I love about Edge; the stuff they do abotu the industry. I was at one point interested in going into Comp Sci or something at Uni and becoming a programmer (though I'm now unsure about that) so it should be a great read. Hopefully my sister hid the mail this morning before she went out and will produce it later, if not it better be here tomorrow.
  8. Oh noes, someone's opinion is different to mine! Edge for me seem to get it it right more often than most review sites. Couldn't comment on Wario Land obviously as I haven't played it. And Maase, tbh, I preferred Halo over Metroid. I'm not much of a fan of Metroid or Halo in general, but while single player was a little boring, Halo was fantastic in terms of it's online functionailty/forge/video stuff etc etc. MP3 was only a single player game. You can't just say "MP is better in concept therefore Edge are wrong". Also, why don't I have my copy of Edge yet? Is it another bloody bank holiday today?
  9. Nevermind. http://buttonmasher.co.nz/2008/08/25/ea-mirrors-edge-will-not-be-a-timed-exclusive-for-ps3/ Seems like as Choze said, a translation error confusing "lead platform" as "first released on" rather than "primarily developed on"
  10. Not really. You still get the ones who act like that just because they want to feel "cool", irrelevant of whatever their families personal wealth may be. Most Ashley's are girls, but not all girls are Ashley's. However, there are a few Ashley's who are male. (See; Our beloved admin, and that dude on Corrie)
  11. The reason it's taboo is because of what I posted. There is a "market" if you like for the lesbian stuff, because guys enjoy it. So it has been around more often and had its effect softened. Whereas there isn't for two guys, so it's around less so it hasnt yet become acceptable. It's just the natural difference between guys and girls. Same way anything like that occurs.
  12. Thats because guys see a girl kissing a girl it's hot, whereas it's not the same for a girl seeing two guys kissing (afaik).
  13. I think to create 3D objects you get a basic shape and then cut pieces out of it. For example to create a cog you'd take a circle and cut pieces out round the edge. Backgrounds I'm not sure, though I know you can import textures and such. Motion you can very much have in. Watch some video's on GameTrailers to get a better idea.
  14. Mr Odwin's bumble bee - 150pts Cube's view from a mountain top - 200pts Strider's slide - 150pts Nami's basketball net - 159pts Coolness Bears' N64 games in teh mouth - 75pts (managed to cut off my head in this one ) Coolness Bears' 3 games beginning with G - 50pts Haden's spiders web - 50pts Coolness Bears' head out the window - 25pts Shorty's Rock Band drumkit - 50pts Cube's cube - 200pts Cube's N64 paks - 150pts Dyson's post by Dyson - 40pts jayseven's picture drawn with my feet - 100pts (forgot to video this, if you really need I can draw another one and video it)
  15. Basically, it's a 2D platformer editor. The hype comes from the sheer level of detail you can ediot down to. It's not just a set piece of items and shapes you can stuff into a level. I think I read somewhere that if you really took your time with it you could create a motor engine or one of those very early computers with it.
  16. Buy from GAME.co.uk using Quidco, a reward card and the offer code "NW02GME1". Quidco is 11%, reward card nets you £2 worth of points and the code is £3 off.
  17. Yeah, I was rather disappointed by that. Practice/quali seemed like there were a few places with overtaking oppurtunities but it just didn't happen. The whole "everything is grey concrete" should be away for next year since they will surely smarten the whole place up a bit (they didn't exactly have time for it this year) but I do hope theres a bit more action on the track in future. They were right about one thing though, it is like Monaco - really hyped up but ultimately rubbish.
  18. I just wrote on essay for Modern Studies about the effects of music downloads on the industry. The topic was intended as a "omfg illegal bad bad bad" but I went the other way and argued that it was actually a beneficial thing :p
  19. I'd be wary of a British team due to the aforementioned reasons, but I wouldn't object to them fielding a team of English players from the Championship or lower. Possibly with an age limit of 23 or something.
  20. Gizmo

    New Handle

    You can never remember my first name because I never told you my first name.
  21. Gizmo

    New Handle

    Call yourself Mfento in honour of me since you seem so obsessed with calling me it.
  22. Wasn't there talk about the pit lane being potentially dangerous if it was wet?
  23. I was hoping for Vettel getting on the front row after the first two rounds but ah well. Seems to me that whoever goes round the first corner in the lead won't necessarily win it too so it should be a good race - I like the look of the track.
  24. I just realised I may well be in Sheffield on that weekend meeting other people I know from teh interwebs, so depending on whether that happens I might be able to show up. Although I'm only sixteen, so no going to the pub or such afterwards.
  25. Argh. I seem to have somehow cut the inside of my bottom lip, which has somehow lead to insane swelling of the bottom lip, which has lead to insane pain anytime I try to eat, drink, talk, swallow, smile, laugh, or generally do anything involving mouth movement. This makes watching Dad's Army while eating Pork Chops for dinner extremely painful. Worth it though.
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