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Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

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Everything posted by Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

  1. This is such a piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttyyyyyy My only fear is that my beatiful Californian friends don't pick up some sort of Chavvy language from over here. It will truely break my heart.
  2. Ditto all the way.
  3. I had such a great time with the first Pokemon games. Now it's just been totally drained and butt fucked.
  4. Definatly the SNES.
  5. I was in the "It's gonna be a visor!" gang.
  6. I don't understand. I think the controller is perfect for FPS. Especially if they made that gun designed addon.
  7. ...like? it had barely anything to do with metroids. it seemed as if Retro just threw some in in the middle of the game and called that thing at the end a metroid.
  8. black one plz. thx
  9. The urge of writing songs, bad or not.
  10. great adventure shooter game, piss poor metroid game.
  11. a boy can dream.
  12. haha awesome.
  13. Oh wow. My hopes and impressions have gone up for this! I can't wait!
  14. egon Click to view my test results
  15. that's fucked up.
  16. hahaha i <3 sam & max cartoon.
  17. Black. The white is too idodish.
  18. lol @ all the Playstation fanboys giving it a miss.
  19. sweet, a pillows fan.
  20. I guess i'm happy with it, though I need to see it in action with a game to express my final opinion. I'm not too sure what I think about it...
  21. i'm me, me be, goddamn, i am.
  22. it is pretty sweet.
  23. right now... Weezer - Fall Together Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song) Foo Fighters - Hell The Offspring - Gotta Get Away Hot Snakes - 10th Planet
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