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Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

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Everything posted by Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

  1. amen. and yes, the control is rumble featured.
  2. they didn't show off the shells either. edit : beat me by seconds ;D
  3. metroid prime 3 looks like the same old shit they have been blowing out of their asses for the past (not including pinball) prime games. in my opinion. Edit *Spoilers* I think I saw Ridley again too.
  4. yeah i thought that sucked ass too.
  5. the best thing about that was the "porno music" at the start. what a dissapointment. no metroid 2d (or super), and the new mario game looks weird. Zelda does look ace though.
  6. lol @ yall being rude anall!~
  7. i think it's really funny. because when you say it, people think you are saying "wee"~ makes me lol out loud!~ lol pms later.
  8. yeah screw you guyz "wii" is the best girl plzzzz......
  9. scrap that last post, this whole thread tmm lol out in real life loud.
  10. that made me lol out loud.~
  11. Last night. Flips.
  12. Dude, you have no idea how amazing they are live. I mean, sure, I knew they would be awesome beforehand from what I heard/saw on youtube . . . But my god, they were more than that. They played Scotland last week and London last night . . . They are still playing Manchester and Birmingham next week, but it might be sold out. Worth checking out if they are still on sale if you are willing to travel though. They are playing with O2 festival too at London and Leeds in June too, but I'm not sure if it has that "Golden" and "General" admission thing, which would take ALOT of the fun away.
  13. I saw The Flaming Lips tonight. Best show I have ever been too. Words cannot express how I'm feeling about them at the moment of time.
  14. The "At War With The Mystics" one or the new Coca Cola one with the Jack White song.
  15. I may be going O2 to see the flips, strokes and raconteurs.
  16. well, you know, sorry, i obviously wouldn't wish death upon anyone, but people like that make me angry.
  17. oooh fuck off and die plz.
  18. Once again the organisers show how stupid they really are. Artic Monkeys co-headlining? Give me a break. They do it every year. Dumbasses.
  19. you gotta stop with the racist remarks.
  20. I personally sit in silence for a few hours, write a song, listen to music, sleep on it. Feel okay the next day.
  21. I picked up how to read music in Music GCSE and A Level. SO............. But yeah, I highly suggest you learn guitar yourself. You can go at your own pace and learn what you want etc.
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