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Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

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Everything posted by Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

  1. quit being such a fucking douchebag for once.
  2. Personally, I think those are the best types of boards.
  3. The only Japanese band I like are The Pillows.
  4. I got it. I think it's really great and the most emotional stuf he's ever wrote. So much better than their last disk imo. Can't wait to see them next week.
  5. I love NOM. Shame to see it go.
  6. Coffee. Tea is for pussies :P
  7. 1. Yes I do. 15 Characters.
  8. The Castlevania film could be amazing if they pulled it off well. But they wont.
  9. Disney Land California 2005.
  10. Mother fuckin' fireworks woke me up. grrr.
  11. I like some rap....
  12. System of a Down - Mezmerize/Hypnotize The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan Reel Big Fish - We're not happy till your not happy Weezer - Make Believe Foo Fighters - In Your Honor
  13. The DS, and OOT/MM. That's all I have ever got offa there.
  14. Thank god I had my sound off and I was looking at the "back" buttom whilst I crashed. I just saw loads of flashing so it didn't get me...as much. I hate those things.
  15. That is the greatest thing on the internet of 2005. Hell, maybe ever.
  16. Japan plz. *random w
  17. Christmas Day: Eat some potatoes and play Mario Kart. Other than that i'm busy with my music. I don't like Parties/New years.
  18. Family Guy no doubt.
  19. One of my favorite bands. Amazing live too.
  20. Of course it is. Geez.
  21. ^^^ Creepy dfgdsfg
  22. Hahaha. Awesome.
  23. OLD/10. ........
  24. Wow. I didn't even know they were making another one!
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