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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. More screenshots, possible spoilers
  2. I have, and I still have to pay a subscription fee for Lovefilm and eventually Netflix. And by the way, I got your "hit" at the PS+/Xbox Games with Gold services. They offer more value for 10$ per month than the Wii U as a whole so far for which I payed 160€. Love how this thread turned into a "Wii U is awesome, PS4 sucks" or "PS4 is awesome, Wii U sucks" tournament. @Iun Fierce_LiNk link posted a great summary of pros and cons. Consider that, think about it and make you decision based on that.
  3. Same with me. Especially when talking English to foreigners. :p
  4. Should post that in the love thread. Might help some people there.
  5. Knew you'd like it. It's another of those "Just one more go" games : peace:
  6. Oh, this will be awesome. We'll need a "Destiny Raid Thread"
  7. I hate you. Ahhh, I get it now. I simply started a new game on the Cross Save file thinking it would work automatically. Now it makes sense. It's a bit different for Rogue Legacy though. It works automatically on PS4 but on the Vita you have to synch the save data manually. Anyway. Cross save is awesome
  8. But I don't want to pay for a subscription just because I'd like to watch movies that I already own on DVD. Brand new Premium with Nintendoland (shit game, btw :p ). It was an offer at Gamestop. I traded in my old Wii and three games and I got the WiiU for 160€.
  9. I didn't even know that. That is ridiculous. Ooooohhhh Nintendo Anyway, you gave a good summary. I'd wait for a really nice offer. I paid 160€ (which I said was the price for which I'd jump in) for a Wii U and I kinda regret that...Played Tropical Freeze for a while but now the console is already gather dust between my PS3 and PS4 which are used every day Waiting for Smash...
  10. He earned the completion trophy this morning at 05:43, my "What's New" section says. :p I want to finish it today, too. But I'll spread it out over a couple of playing sessions.
  11. Holy shit, just seen that you finished it already. Sweet Jesus
  12. The FeZ talk is here so I'll ask it here :p @Daft might know the most about it. How does the cross save work? I started a new game on my PS4. Used the cross save slot. Put my PS4 in standby so the save file would upload. However, the cross save slot on my Vita still says "0:00:00 0%"? Do I need to change something in the settings? And yes, I did try turning the Vita on and off :p
  13. Unless the PS4 does badly over there. Then it's irrelevant. :p
  14. Blabla. I know it's a great game. But it's too time consuming to play right now. I can hardly manage The Last of Us :p
  15. Never played a Shin Megami Tensei game. It's supposed to be like Persona? Played Persona 4 Golden (well...not much, but...). What's the series like? Do I need to play the first games to understand IV? I love JRPGs and would like to use my 3DS again before Smash.
  16. Hm already bought FEZ a couple of weeks ago. But it was on sale, so... Road Not Taken is a rogue-like puzzle game. YES! Crysis 3. Meh. Proteus. Looks interesting. Metrico. Never heard of it, looks cool. Lego Harry Potter. Couldn't care less :p Anyway, good month : peace:
  17. 14.49€ from ebay For PS4 : peace:
  18. Well, I used imgur now. Hope that works : peace: Edit: New screens. Obvious enemy/environment/character spoiler warning (nothing too serious, though)
  19. Hm. Weird. Never had that problem with postimage. Well, here I go with imgur. Avoid all of the following pictures if you want to go into the game COMPLETELY FRESH Alright, first some images with huge spoilers, so DO NOT WATCH UNLESS YOU'VE PLAYED THE OPENING SEQUENCE
  20. But it has always worked before postimage.org ALWAYS Meh, I'll upload them again later :p I did Oo
  21. They do for me, bro. All of them.
  22. I'd love to see Smash getting delayed. And I want a reaction video of Serebii seeing that news :p Nah, I hope it gets released in November. That's why I got a Wii U, god damnit! Also...couldn't care less about Toad's fucking adventure. I hated those levels.
  23. I never finished it. Stopped playing - I reckon - halfway through. Played it when I started university and kinda had other things going on then. I figured the game needed a lot more attention I could've given it, so I stopped.
  24. I have the game. : peace: Can't wait to see how it looks. And this time I'll finish it!
  25. Rogue Legacy is available now. 12.99€ but I guess there is a 20% PS+ discount (it wasn't advertised but I got it during checkout). 10.39€ for an amazing game! GO GET IT, peeps!
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