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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. It is clay, and when you play the game (i.e. see it in motion) you can clearly make that out. It's stunningly beautiful. You should get The Swapper in November when it gets a Wii U release (not only for the graphics. The game is amazing). Just to be clear: I'm not saying the Kirby game looks bad. It looks good, but nowhere near "the most realistic [clay] graphics to have ever hit gaming."
  2. Are you serious?
  3. I hate you all I have to wait a day longer...will have to play 12 hours straight to catch up with you guys :p
  4. Amazon.de sucks Well, no Destiny for me until Tuesday
  5. I hate you. Amazon.de probably won't dispatch it today... And it sucks that they don't do it... Destiny servers go live Monday, Sept 8, at 12 noon GMT COME ON AMAZON.
  6. Sweet. Probably won't use it for Raids/PvP but for a quick run through missions and Strikes it's nice to have. Also... DestinyFragrance Boohoo, poor Microsoft that showered many a developer with money to get exclusive stuff is crying... Will be interesting to see whether Destiny sells a shit load more on PS4 than XBone.
  7. Terraria has more RPG and fighting content. If you got bored of that quickly, don't buy Minecraft : peace:
  8. I'd have all the stuff from the Ghost Edition to go through :p
  9. Of course :p It's a bit early now, but with a bit of luck we could play on Monday
  10. Yeah, you got a point. I don't mind the new crafting system. Have played the PC version to death and found most of the recipes out by myself. So now the new crafting system just makes it a bit easier and quicker.
  11. I only had problems getting used to the inventory. But once I decided to not use the analogue stick but rather the d-pad everything was much better. : peace:
  12. The basic gameplay is similar but has little "tweaks" or additional fighting options (most importantly Witch Time). Oh hell, I'll get it Loved the first (and I love DMC :p). Still have it for my PS3 but will be happy to get it again with Bayonetta 2 (unless Baynotta 2 single will be much cheaper without the first).
  13. Woot? Do they spawn during the day, too? I always thought they spawn at night but don't die at daytime. Edit: Come on, people. You gotta stop with the Ninja-edits
  14. On PC there is a Hardcore-mode which has perma-death. Haven't found it in the PS4 version. I assume it's not included. Yup, but they don't burn/die when day begins.
  15. That's Minecraft for ya I forgot about the creepers. Was minding my own business building a house and then...SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssss, BOOM. Dead. You respawn at your respawn point (duh), which is either where you first "landed" on your world or
  16. Wat? Maybe on normal difficulty, but increase it and you got quite a deep fighting system. Bayonetta was the same, and I figure there won't be a lot of differences in the second installment.
  17. So, what are the prices? Bayonetta 1+2 more expensive than standard game releases? Bayonetta 2 only, cheaper than standard game releases?
  18. It isn't though, as many have pointed out before. You should contact Sony if it bothers you that much. I barely hear my PS4, my mate doesn't hear his at all (and let me tell you: he gets annoyed by loud fans more than you :p )
  19. A couple of retailers are already sending out copies. Apparently all retailers have copies in stock. COME ON AMAZON. Ship mine now. Please...
  21. Cancel your pre-order, then. I assume we won't get any reviews until 5-7 days after release. The servers won't open early for reviewers.
  22. Yeah yeah, Real Life Achievement Award 2014...@Murr As every year. Happy birthday...
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