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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Fuck man, my English is pretty good (I think) but sometimes I have a hard time understanding what you're saying Thank god for dictionaries and common sense.
  2. I kid of course. I think the buildup is great.
  3. You want me to post that video again? :p Edit: Oh, you sneaky bitch.
  4. What a ridiculous statement. I'm almost 25 and I created this: Inside a hill. Yeah. I blew your fucking mind, didn't I? :p LET'S GET CREATIVE.
  5. Survival: 1. hit blocks until they break 2. craft stuff with blocks (i.e. pickaxe, sword, wooden planks, doors, buckets,...) 3. hit more blocks 4. craft more stuff 5. build a shelter/dig into the ground/GO AND HIDE 6. kill shit 7. build shit 8. explore shit 9. hit MORE FUCKING BLOCKS Adding to every point: survive :p Creative mode: 1. you have access to unlimited supply of all blocks 2. BUILD SHIT
  6. That's what I hope. It needs to be dispatched on Saturday at the latest...then I'll get it on Monday. And if it's true that Bungie opens up the servers as soon as it's 9th September somewhere in the world, I'll be able to play on Monday when the clock strikes 2pm.
  7. @S\.C\.G
  8. Heh, I only really care for the survival/exploration/gathering aspect. Creative mode isn't really for me as I'm, well, uncreative Currently uploading a video to youtube which shows loading times and a bit of "gameplay". My internet connection sucks, so you have to wait 2 hours @Daft if possible, dive into the survival mode uninformed. I think crafting recipes are shown to you in the crafting menu, so you don't need to look them up. Beware of the night, my friend :p
  9. Remember: There is no cross-buy between the PS4 and PSVita version. If you want the latter you can buy the PS3 version (has cross-buy with PSVita) and upgrade to the PS4 version for 3.99€. Total cost: 23€ for all three versions. Seeing as the Vita one will probably be sold for the same price as the others (18.99€), that's the cheapest way to go, if you want the Vita version, too.
  10. YES. Great news It now is only a matter of time : peace: A girl texted me on Tinder, we've been chatting for two days now. She seems nice, but lives a 50 minutes train ride away Let's see what'll come of it. I'll keep texting her for now. And tomorrow I'll meet up with my friend-with-benefits to do the dance with no pants.
  11. Make them allies. Here's a scenario: Skylanders/Disney Infinity already have a fanbase. The gamers buy amiibo. They now own the figures - obviously...it's simple, yet important. And down the line other games use them. New games use them. Nintendo's own games use them. What might happen? Exactly, those who already have amiibo figures will buy these games. And those who don't already have figures will buy them for the new games (like you said, you'd wait for Nintendo's games).
  12. But why not broaden the audience? Why not have all the stuff you said (usage in MK8, Smash, bla) AND Skylanders/Disney Infinity? Why does it have to be one or the other every time with Nintendo?
  13. It's not about their characters. It's about amiibo.
  14. And in the meantime Nintendo could give people the chance to have Nintendo characters in a Skylanders/Disney Infinity game. Would be good marketing. What a waste of a chance.
  15. Clearly inspired by Unreal Tournament. Looks awesome. Think I'll get it.
  16. Well, Dragon Heroes won't sell much either, then...
  17. Ridiculous. That's all.
  19. That's neat. Update on Minecraft: [tweet]507194957354905600[/tweet]
  20. Apparently Minecraft won't be released today. In the meantime, a guy who works for Mojang tweeted this: [tweet]507164133087657984[/tweet] Confusion everywhere. Edit: That tweet from SonyFrance has been removed. Probably a release next week, then. Shame, won't buy it as Destiny will keep me busy. Well, downloading Velocity 2X
  21. I will tell you as soon as the game is downloadable, or rather as soon as I have downloaded it :p
  22. Ah, I can see your point. The lady can be a bit...well...weird. But it's not a about her personality. It's about her ass, so...
  23. 7F9-767-F74 Redeem this code (Bungie.net) to get the following emblem: You get the code after exploring every planet in PlanetView : peace: Also: Here are 17 other codes, in case you haven't already redeemed them (they are found on Grimmoire Cards; no one knows what they will earn you when the game gets released): Warlock: YKA-RJG-MH9 Hunter: 3DA-P4X-F6A Titan: MVD-4N3-NKH Rixis: TCN-HCD-TGY Old-Russia: HDX-ALM-V4K Hive: 473-MXR-3X9 Moon: JMR-LFN-4A3 Gjallorhorn: HC3-H44-DKC Duke MK.44: 69P-KRM-JJA The Tower: 69P-VCH-337 The Hive: Ogre 69R-CKD-X7L Valley of the kings, Mars: 69R-DDD-FCP The Fallen: 69R-F99-AXG Red Death: 69R-VL7-J6A The Cabal: 69X-DJN-74V The Devastated Coast, Venus: 6A7-7NP-3X7 Vex Minotaur: 6A9-DTG-YGN
  24. Dude, wtf? Bayonetta is awesome. Will be one of the two games I'll buy for the Wii U this year (and the game I will trade in for Smash :p ).
  25. Yup, not patch 1.8 but no idea which one. And PS4 worlds are supposed to be 36 times larger than PS3 worlds.
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