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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. According to Amazon.de 17th November.
  2. Why...why do you do this to me? :p Depending on what my mate will buy it will be either Titanfall 2 or CoD: Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare for me. With the amount of playtime and fun I've with Black Ops 3 I really don't know which I will get. It changes everyday...I have put down a pre-order for CoD, though. 85€ for two games which I will most likely play to death during next year...I think that's fair and I think that's what I'll be going with in the end. Final Fantasy XV is already pre-ordered. Will be the perfect gift as it comes out on my birthday If I don't get Titanfall 2 I will definitely get Dragon Quest Builders in October. I also want Dishonored 2, The Last Guardian, Watch Dogs 2 and World of Final Fantasy. Depending on my financial situation right before Christmas I might get one or two of these. : peace:
  3. Did you play on a Pro?
  4. Oh man...
  5. Is that easy to do? I've always been interested in using a PSP Go for emulation. They are hard to find on Germany ebay, though...
  6. Oh man...only one game in October, I will only buy one game in October...ONLY ONE GAME. @Hero\-of\-Time, what should I do
  7. The game that keeps on giving. I recently bought a DLC car but fuck me, Triton looks insane! Will definitely buy that. If Psyonix ever add races, Rocket League might become the best multiplayer game in existence
  8. I can afford this again with the new job so I pre-ordered it.
  9. Awesome : peace: Will definitely get it as soon as it's on sale.
  10. PlayStation 2 Slim all the way.
  11. I signed up and joined the league. No clue what to do but I'll see when the season starts
  12. Since this will be out next week I've just pre-ordered it
  13. I regularly distance myself from "my tribe". :p
  14. Just came back from an all you can eat sushi place...I can't move. Haven't been this full in a year...
  15. Magazines are still a thing?
  16. Ah, never watched that movie. If you didn't think he was attractive it wouldn't be a compliment :p But in this case: Thanks
  17. Yes, Severed is awesome. Buy it, play it, love it :p
  18. 10 hours in and I'm loving it more and more I'm focussing on the story so far with the occasional side quests to upgrade my inventory. I never really liked Musou games but this one is great. : peace: There is a surpising amount of strategy involved with the tower defense mechanics.
  19. @Animal, two questions: Who is that and can I take it as a compliment?
  20. In this case it was a matter of first-come, first-serve but yeah. She's an idiot.
  21. If that's true, then that's me out for paying full price. I hate Nintendo's hardware build quality; it's horribly cheap. Second hand NX at a low price, here I come. Thank God they're ditching the Wii/DS brand. They need a fresh start and it looks like they have one.
  22. Looks like it was supposed to be a Phantom Pain DLC but Konami turned it into standalone title. And it looks boring as fuck. Goodbye Metal Gear...
  23. For PS4/PSVita. Bought the DLC, too, for a total of 13€. (the full game and the DLC are 50% off). Was in the mood for some turn-based goodness on my Vita and this game is supposed to be good and entirely skill based. : peace:
  24. Not sure if it fits the"sound effects and sound design" topic but I found the music levels in Rayman Legends incredibly well designed. God, I want a new Rayman game...
  25. In the last few weeks I've applied for several student assistant jobs and had 3 interviews last week. As you know I've been offered a job by one faculty and today I signed the contract. I also got a call from a different faculty who wanted me to work there. I apologized and said that I accepted a different job. The lady was seriously pissed..."What? This is unacceptable. Thank you for wasting our time." and then hung up. I mean, yes, I kinda did waste their time, but they had other applicants (they explicitly told me more than once during the interview) and is it so wrong of me to apply for other jobs and maybe take one if I get the chance and the job seems nice?
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