Why...why do you do this to me? :p
Depending on what my mate will buy it will be either Titanfall 2 or CoD: Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare for me. With the amount of playtime and fun I've with Black Ops 3 I really don't know which I will get. It changes everyday...I have put down a pre-order for CoD, though. 85€ for two games which I will most likely play to death during next year...I think that's fair and I think that's what I'll be going with in the end.
Final Fantasy XV is already pre-ordered. Will be the perfect gift as it comes out on my birthday
If I don't get Titanfall 2 I will definitely get Dragon Quest Builders in October.
I also want Dishonored 2, The Last Guardian, Watch Dogs 2 and World of Final Fantasy.
Depending on my financial situation right before Christmas I might get one or two of these. : peace: