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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Switched to Hammer. Bone Bludgeon II to be precise. Kinda like how it hits hard but is still relatively fast. Before I even got to the Great Jagras quest I encountered one during another quest. Was quite the intense fight which was interrupted by a Pukei-Pukei...I got my ass handed to me when I got sandwiched between them I managed to escape when they decided to attack each other. Love this game
  2. Alright. Chose Charge Blade as my weapon. I only did one quest so far...and other than the fact that I didn't die, I had no idea what I was doing I think I'll explore Astera for now and see what all the vendors have to offer. What I can already say: This game is going to be a time sink...
  3. Oh boy, they're actually trying to compete with the Vita 2 which will release a week earlier and cost about 70 bucks more? Will be interesting to see how this'll play out.
  4. Urgh, was looking forward to seeing more until "4vs4 online" showed up...
  5. Yes please. Loved Yooka Laylee to bits. This looks lovely, too
  6. Well, it's your fault...you and your no-avatar-having-ways.
  7. First of all...I think I asked H-o-T and not you guys, S.C.G. and RedShell, so...Just kidding Thanks for the input. I think I'll give the game a go. Will be my first gaming purchase in a while. Hopefully I'll get some serious mileage out of it Edit: Bought it
  8. So...is this game worth the 20€ it's currently being sold for on the PSN store? Thing is: I could never get into the previous installments (DS games) due to the technical limitations. With this, though, I think I might enjoy more due to the world being larger. How beginner friendly is Monster Hunter World? Also: Is it a game that I could play for 30 minutes and still make at least some kind of progress? This is what threw me off the handheld games, 'cause I always felt I needed to play for longer in order to achieve something. Aaaaand: Would it be worth it for a solo player? I usually don't like playing with randoms and I'm not sure if I can convince a mate to buy this @Hero of Time, help
  9. Fine, forget that I said anything. Jeez
  10. Well, there are other means to find pretty much all FF OSTs to listen to
  11. You should all search for "Final Fantasy Original Soundtrack" on either Spotify or Apple Music. Thank me later.
  12. Managed to beat another new boss which was added in a patch. Getting to him was a bit of a pain but he's not too difficult. Made some sloppy plays and in the end had to tank my way through the fight, though. Thank God I had a lot of HP thanks to beating the first few bosses without getting hit (you get +1 max HP for each boss you kill flawlessly). Unlocked more items and guns to find but made no progress with regards to the final Gungeoneer Fair to say: this game's got me hooked.
  13. Wild Area look cool. First step to destination "Pokémon MMORPG"? Seriously, it better be! Other than that...it's Pokémon, so...
  14. Killed the little fella's past after two failed attempts. Third time's the charm, aye? Anyway, his past is awesome And now it's time to unlock the last character. Shame that it's locked behind RNG, but in this case it's ok. There is so much I have to do and unlock anyway, it's simply a matter of time.
  15. Managed to unlock another Gungeoneer. And during that run I got the trophy for beating all 5 bosses without getting hit. Yay me Then I intentionally died during the "past" for another trophy. I've killed that particular past anyway, so no big deal. The new Gungeoneer is quite something.
  16. When it comes to rogue-likes I always say: "Just play and learn.", which isn't really helpful, I know But to me, that's the beauty of the genre. At first, if you're not good at the game and die early you still come out with more positives (experience, helpful unlocks, knowledge etc.) than negatives, so it's a good approach to "just jump in". Anyway, in my opinion, it's most important to immediately identify what a weapon can be used for, i.e. is it a room-clearer or a boss killer? There are no real indicators so you just have to try them out (or look it up). Also: dodge-roll is not the be-all-end-all for survival. Usually it's best to think of the game as a bullet-hell type. Try to avoid enemy bullets rather by moving instead of rolling. Think about whether you want to use keys for treasure chests. There will be other locks that might be more important to open (e.g. special floors). And speaking of treasure chests: They come in different colours: Brown - they usually suck Blue - ok Green - pretty good Red - high-tier items Black - cursed items Synergy chests - have a chance to drop items that give a synergy Rainbow - ALWAYS OPEN THEM, trust me That's it for now. If you have more question, feel free to ask.
  17. Sorry, I'm gonna gush some more about Breaking Bad. I got goosebumps during the following scene even though I've seen the show twice before (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD).
  18. Managed to do it. It was actually much more difficult than I thought. The Gungeoneer's final boss was very tough to beat. I only had one HP left. Anyway, love that character. Runs with him are out of control Now I "only" have to unlock two more Gungeoneers. I know how to do it. One is based on RNG (urgh) and the other is probably going to be very annoying. Looks like Enter the Gungeon will be the first game in a long time that's making me go for the Platinum
  19. Currently on a run that could unlock the best Gungeoneer. That Gungeoneer's special ability is awesome:
  20. What a game. Beat the "story" for the main characters, unlocked a new Gungeoneer and lots of items. I do love me some rogue-like entertainment. Haven't died a lot. I've won more runs than I've lost which is pretty great. The devs fined-tuned the difficulty perfectly. I remember it being borderline unfair after its release, but now it's enjoyably tough. Consumables drop more regularly, weapons/items have more synergies, enemies have been balanced but all in all it's still no easy affair. Love it.
  21. Played it for 15 minutes. It's horrible. Combat doesn't feel right. It's just bad. Deleted and out of my mind.
  22. @Glen-i's "I did it!" on the results screen makes me irrationally angry
  23. Now that the final "DLC" had been released a while ago, I finally gave it another go. It's awesome. The QoL changes are great, the new additions are awesome. Love it. Still, I kind of love/hate the fact that Enter the Gungeon (and Dead Cells for that matter) got so much post-launch support. Love, because new content; hate, because the new content changed a lot. And I don't really like to play a game for a while and then have it changed this much. I've held off playing this and Dead Cells for months/years
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