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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Just did some "research" and apparently there's a so called "FFVI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition" and it is regarded as the "definitive version". I think I'll go with that. But first...FFVII Remake Platinum and Crisis Core: FFVII. Will take me quite a while longer
  2. Well, it'll be my first playthrough. And given how I play JRPGs...you gotta add at least 10 hours of grinding here and there The problem I'm facing: There are approximately 6 million versions of the game...I'm leaning towards the PSP port. Edit: Nevermind, I was confused. I think it'll be the GBA version for me.
  3. 2 million views for a showcase trailer. Insane. Getting more and more excited
  4. Gonna hijack this thread for a quick question: How long is Final Fantasy VI? I'm nearing the end of my FFVII Remake playthrough and apparently Crisis Core: FFVII isn't that long. Not sure if I'd be up for another 60 hour JRPG so early after those two
  5. Can't take credit for the picture. I just posted it here I thought it was obvious that it's a joke, though But you never know with arrogant Sony.
  6. This is a fake and was meant as a joke.
  7. I did it I'll put the fight, my tactics and the reward in a spoiler tag: My journey to the Platinum is almost done. 9 chapters left.
  8. Can't make it Only time I'll be available next weekend is Friday night.
  9. Man, I really hope they begin the showcase with the PS5 startup and then just launch Demon's Souls to show off the booting/loading speed. Alternatively: 40 minutes of Bugsnax. gg ez
  10. It does look cool. I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. Combat seems to have a certain weight to it, which I appreciate.
  11. Mymy, the optional battles are no joke. Only have the final one left, but haven't given it a go, yet. Just completed the two before that. Took me a while to figure out which Materia set-up works best for me. Once I found out, it wasn't too bad. The fights really went from the more action-y approach of the early game/normal difficulty to a much more tactical challenge. Switching characters, positioning, choosing which spell/ability is worth the ATB cost, keeping an eye out on HP, MP, enemy attacks, etc...it is challenging So...one more round in the Shinra Combat Simulator left. 5 battles, one of which is supposedly the most difficult fight in the game. Well, time to figure out which Materia to use.
  12. This is one of the things I like most about Final Fantasy IX. Every character has their backstory which you get to know over time and everyone also has great character development. This really helps when the entire group is together. They add so much and it just works. Nothing feels forced, everything is very natural Also: Vivi is the best. And also: Tetra Master is the best. And also: the Chocobo minigame is the best And also: I love this game
  13. Some of the trophies are really annoying. While the game design (i.e. the story being split into several chapters) is fine for your first playthrough, it really sucks for getting the trophies. E.g.: I had to play Chapter 9 three more times to get all of the dresses and sidequest related trophies available there. Well...thankfully I'm done with those What's left: The remaining three battles in the Shinra Combat Simulator (those Hard Mode fights are tough). These include the optional ultimate boss and apparently the most difficult fight in the game. Finish the remaining chapters on Hard Mode.
  14. I've become indifferent. Even if something has leaked, I still feel a sense of surprise when it's actually revealed. So if any of those insiders or leaks come true, you can be sure that I'll be giddy with joy on Wednesday
  15. I chuckled at that. Everybody needs some Happy Smile Points these days.
  16. Heh, getting quite excited to play Super Mario 64. Never got all 120 stars (also never got everything in Super Mario Sunshine) so this will be fun Gonna take quite some time, as I'll only play this with my mate on Sundays for a couple of hours. Managed to pre-order a second copy. Hope it'll go through. That'll be the Christmas gift for my sister sorted
  17. Hm. Interesting. I might give you a shout if I can find the time. I'll be quite busy next week. Great session I swear to God, for our next game I'll play in docked mode and use my DualShock 4 And here are my final 6 deaths in Super Mario Bros. 3: I swear...I'm usually not that bad at video games Nothing too weird happened during the final stretch of Kirby Super Star. I was very surprised by the JRPG boss, though. Did not expect that one
  18. It's a great game Well, aside from the last 1 1/2 rounds of football and curling it was pretty much unplayable for me due to lag. So a night to forget Good games, though Gonna take a fiver and then join ya for some Bowser bashing?
  19. Oh shit, totally forgot. I was busy with Final Fantasy VII Remake. Sorry...on my way.
  20. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll see the price and pre-order + release date. But the again: If there's none of that, I wouldn't be that disappointed, because Sony never said they will announce it But people would be up in arms anyways... Indeed. I always wonder why people want 800 games at launch. How rich are they? Of course, more games could mean a larger selection of genres, just in case you're not fond of some, but still...there's no need for more than two first party launch titles. For me, if I can financially manage to get a PS5 at launch, Astro's Playroom and my PS4 library would be more than enough. Yeah, we'll definitely see more gameplay of launch games. But I'm also holding out for a big surprise. A game that we know is in development but haven't seen, yet. Maybe one of those JRPGs you mentioned. And gimme that sweet, sweet UI
  21. Games only? Anyways, this will - going by Sony's wording - reveal the launch line-up. Will Demon's Souls make the cut? So, come Wednesday we will know most of what we can expect for this year's next generation release. Exciting times indeed
  22. More spam Chapter 9 Hard Mode done! Not as difficult as I expected, to be honest. The boss fight was still a battle of attrition. Almost ran out of MP so I got an indication of where future fights are headed. Now it's time for that accessory. Problem is: I missed a few prerequisites to actually unlock the battle that gives you the item provided you are victorious. One of those prerequisites: A battle in Chapter 9. I missed the chance twice so I gotta do it all over again. Well, I had to do it anyway in order to get another bridal dress. Speaking of which: I now have 6/9. Think I'll just switch to Easy Mode for a while, get the remaining dresses and unlock the ultimate battle. After that I'll get back to Hard Mode and try to acquire the accessory. Halfway through Hard Mode, only a few more trophies to clean up and then "just" finish the remaining chapters on the highest difficulty. Not long now
  23. Slowly but surely getting closer to the first fight that will, by my estimation, be the first real hurdle in Hard Mode. So far, it's been really easy. I'm already dreading some of the future boss fights because of a stupid Hard Mode limitation: You can't use items and rest points don't regenerate MP. But: For some bosses you have to rely on Magic and Magic consumes MP. This will make some fights difficult for the wrong reasons. Anyways, after I'm done with Chapter 9 (hopefully without a lot of problems, but as I said: I'm approaching the first tough battle) I'll probably try to beat one of the optional bosses in a later chapter in order to get an insanely strong accessory.
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