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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Time to raise this thread from the dead Started it just now, played the first 30 minutes It's gorgeous Other than that: Seems fairly simple. Haven't done much aside from learning how to create paintings/genies. Had a smile on my face all the time. The characters are lovely (not the bullies, of course) and it's just a joy to see them interact with everything and each other.
  2. I would love to post a video of one of the final battles, but...it's best you experience that for yourself Metal Gear Rising: Revenenenengeance is...something. I remember loving the gameplay but I don't really remember anything about the story. Pretty sure it's ridiculous If you like action games, you can't go wrong. It's from that time when PlatinumGames used to make games that are actually good.
  3. With Control done it's time for me to start a new game and I think I'll go with the PS4 game we got on PS+ this month: Concrete Genie In other news: Finished one more DLC of Borderlands 3: Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck. It was surprisingly emotional given Borderlands' humour and...well...Psycho Krieg Lots of fun playing through this with two mates, as it has always been with Borderlands 3. Two more DLCs left. After that I think I'll move away from the game. Not going to bother with the Platinum, either, as you need to complete a shit ton of side quests.
  4. There it is Had to acquire a few more ability points so I decided to give the DLC I haven't played, yet, a go: The Foundation. Atmosphere and mystery were top-notch with this one, too. No surprises there. It also had some new powers for me to use. They were pretty neat. Made going through the DLC a little less repetitive. Some areas, however, did overstay their welcome. There was one side mission which was really cool (if a little long): I'll leave a video of that mission in a spoiler tag: This is what I wanted more of. Action sequences that utilize your powers. Anyways, gotta say that The Foundation actually improved my impressions of Control as a whole. It was a little more varied than the base game.
  5. YES! Shame you had it spoiled, though
  6. Finished the story just now. Gameplay: Mentioned it before, but I found it to be quite repetitive. After the first few fights, you've pretty much seen it all. However, the abilities you acquire are really cool. Lot of potential marred by weak battle/enemy design. The occasional bosses that I've fought against spiced things up a bit, but it didn't help in the grand scheme of things. DualSense features are awesome. It just feels so natural having a bit of haptic feedback for every step Jesse takes. And the adaptive triggers add a lot to the Service Weapon. Graphics/Performance: played the PS5 version in performance mode and it ran like a charm. Looked very pretty, too. Graphics mode was even more gorgeous but it ran at 30fps which I can't deal with any more Audio: Great use of sound effects, music (which cut out occasionally during the first 2-3 hours) and dialogue which helped with the creepy atmosphere. Setting/atmosphere/story/lore: Loved it all. Thankfully no jumpscares The ending was a bit anticlimactic. Not the ending of the plot but rather how it was handled gameplay-wise. It's an interesting game. Control had me hooked right from the start with its creepy tone and mystery but almost lost me a few times due to the gameplay's repetitiveness. The narrative always pulled me back in, though. Not bad, not great. A solid experience Will go for the Platinum as I feel like some sidequests and whatever is left to do (acquiring ability points, doing some alerts) will push me further into the game's lore. Pretty sure there are lots more of case files, audio logs and videos to find
  7. Yes, thank you. Hm, that's a shame. Guess I'm not missing out then.
  8. Nah, he'd just get intimidated by my... ... ...superior video gaming skillz
  9. You and me both. But yeah, Ashtray Maze is now in my list of "favourite moments in video gaming". Edit: And now I also have the song This Picture by Placebo stuck in my head... Farewell the ashtray girl
  10. I do and yet I will not talk about it here. Sooo....you gonna keep playing?
  11. That. Was. Awesome!
  12. As I said. First playthrough: I wanted to have a full experience to have a complete verdict. Second playthrough: With two friends. They enjoyed the game and I very much enjoy playing games with them in general. I've played lots of games with them that I would never touch with a stick myself. No, I won't pick it up later. Maybe if Nintendo decides to sell Bowser's Fury as a standalone, but I doubt that will ever happen. This has nothing to do with you, but I will refrain from talking about it. Will do, once H-o-T gives me some impressions of Bowser's Fury, which I can't believe is taking him so bloody long
  13. Once because I wanted to see everything before having a final verdict. Second time because I love playing games with my mates.
  14. Let me rephrase: "In my opinion, one of the worst 3D platformers in existence." Apologies for not writing it out. I understand that it could've been taken as "objectively". And I also understand that it could've been read as a "childish post", it was not meant as one. But hindsight is 20/20. Owned a Wii U, played through the game twice. 100% completed all alone and 100% completed with 2 mates.
  15. Anyways, @Hero-of-Time it's been 3 hours. You done, yet?
  16. Ah yes, I forgot that it's not allowed to really dislike any Nintendo game. And it's especially not allowed to voice that opinion. I remember now why I didn't come into these parts of the forum as often.
  17. I'll take some ice cream, thanks.
  18. Looking forward to reading your impressions Can't be arsed to pay full price for one of the worst 3D platformers in existence just to play some 6 hours of new content. I'll be happy with reading some of you lot's thoughts.
  19. There has been a bit of talk about Bluepoint Games remaking the original Metal Gear Solid series. Here's hoping it's true and MGS4 will be part of their endeavor. Can't wait until you get to...that moment...
  20. Halfway through the DLC (I think, given how I've played through half of the "DLC map") and it's boring as all hell...the gameplay never changes (which in this case is bad, as I've mentioned before...after the first battle you've seen it all) and the collectibles/lore you can read through/watch/listen to is not interesting at all... Will finish it, but I'll be happy to get back to the "actual game" again. At least the lore is interesting there.
  21. You should play SUPERHOT. It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years. SUPER HOT SUPER HOT
  22. After completing mission 7 I got a new mission and thought it was just a side quest. You're right, it is actually the second DLC which ties in to what we've put into spoilers. I'm gonna watch a summary and keep going with the DLC.
  23. Started a side quest and... Never played those games meaning most of the story might fly over my head, I guess? Pretty annoying...
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