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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Yes, I'll post every single piece of information in here
  2. Thanks for that, my day started so well... and now it's ruined. RUINED.
  3. Wow, that worked Couldn't find it while looking up how to import the content I got to HITMAN III. You're a life saver (well, technically a temporary storage space saver )
  4. Weird, mine only downloaded the PS5 version. Welp, I started up HITMAN I in order to get the Legacy Pack. Did not know that you had to download all levels yet again...looks like I'll have to check again after work. No idea why IO Interactive made it this complicated...
  5. I think now you're able to play both the content of HITMAN I and II in the third one (i.e. the starter pack, or the full game if you wanna buy it). Not entirely sure, though If I understand correctly, you need the legacy pack working in HITMAN I and then you can play it in HITMAN III. I wish IO would've made this a little easier.
  6. More info here Pretty awesome Content from both HITMAN I and HITMAN II will be available to play if you own these games. I grabbed the entirety of the first game when it was given out for free periodically. Getting access to it on HITMAN III is a pain...you gotta have all the episodes of HITMAN I installed, start the game, download/"purchase" the Legacy Pack, then start HITMAN II so the content from HITMAN I is ready to play there. THEN you can start HITMAN III and have the legacy content ready. At least that's how I think it works... Still downloading HITMAN I and II right now...I hope there won't be any complications
  7. Ok ok.
  8. Oh no, the story surrounding the fourth palace is gonna make me sad, isn't it?
  9. Let's make this official Great month. Obviously have Days Gone already, but good for all the PS4 players who don't (if you enjoy that kinda game, of course). And a big FUCK YES for Zombie Army 4. If my mates are happy to play the boring ass Remnant: From the Ashes they will have to play this one with me, too
  10. Rumour has it that, aside from Oddworld Soulstorm, we'll see Days Gone and Zombie Army 4 in April I can already taste the meltdown because DaYs GoNe Is AlReAdY oN tHe Ps+ CoLlEcTiOn Would be quite happy with Zombie Army 4. Have been interested in it for a while as it's apparently a pretty good co-op game. Will definitely give Oddworld: Soulstorm a chance, but it'll probably be like all the other Oddworld games...I won't like it
  11. Gotta say, after finishing the third palace and having a lof of time to do stuff my enjoyment has skyrocketed. There were hardly any tutorials/new things explained so I was free to do everything I've been tought so far. Guess the game heard my criticism Now I'm at the point where the antagonist for the fourth palace has come into play. Seems it's going to be much more interesting than the last one. Managed to get one confidant up to rank 9 and apparently I'm now in a relationship with that person. Which is very weird... Not sure if I now have more responsibilities with that person or if it's just "ok, you're lovers, who cares" 25 hours in and yeah...it's getting better
  12. Needed a game to accompany through my Persona 5 journey and decided to give this one a proper go. Don't think much has changed from launch. I had an incredible time. Been playing a few matches every night for a week now and it's fun in short bursts. Sadly, there's not a lot of different modes so after an hour or two I decide to move on. Still, it's nice to boot it up and just go haywire on other players Was a bit afraid that matchmaking would take too long given that some people on the internet say the game is "dead", but I never had to wait for more than 10-15 seconds Will be interesting to see what's in store for the game. There's a season pass coming, a new character and ranked mode. I hope we'll eventually see a racing mode (or even full game) coming from this. The driving is very smooth and arcade-y, it would work so well.
  13. @nekunando very fair points In other news, some of my friends were able to order a PS5 in the past few days But one of my best mates still couldn't get one Well, with stock coming in much more regularly it shouldn't take too much longer until he gets his hands on one.
  14. May I ask: Why did you even buy one? It's not a dig at you, I just genuinely wonder since what you found to be the issue(s) has been quite apparent before the PS5's release.
  15. Finished the third palace. Easily the weakest story line/antagonist so far. Looked up how much time I have left until the next palace and it's about 4 weeks. Now that's what I like to hear I'm currently making my way through Mementos. Completed 5 requests and did some money grinding (confusion trick). 3.5 mil yen Slowly but surely I'm warming up to the entire experience.
  16. Patch 1.2 Notes @Tales enjoy
  17. I know that, I've played P4G before (twice for 30 hours before dropping it). I don't mind it that much (which probably didn't come across in my criticism). I do, however, think that introducing a new major feature and then immediately locking you out of that for a while is annoying and this has been a big part of the 20 hours I've played so far. Well, I have enjoyed the individual stories behind palaces two and three and the main cast is pretty interesting, too. I just wish the overarching plot will kick in rather sooner than later. If the game turns out to develop as I imagine it will, then my impressions will surely shift more towards positive What I haven't commented on so far: The aesthetics. They're amazing. Persona 5 is stylish and cool. And it gets it done effortlessly. It never feels forced.
  18. Sooooo, can anyone explain to me why Verstappen had to let Hamilton pass at the end? The German commentators kept talking about how it's allowed to leave the tracklimit in this race, but then didn't go into why Verstappen apparently wasn't allowed to during that battle?
  19. I wish I could, but it's not an option for me right now. I see. Guess I'll have to push through the 50% that I don't enjoy I'm still in the third palace grinding enemies, creating personas and just enjoying the combat. It's so good. Pretty sure I'm close to finding the treasure, but there's no way I'll leave anytime soon Very happy I spent 100k on one SP Adhesive 3. It's a game changer. Will definitely try to find a way to grind money to get three more.
  20. Currently making my way through the third palace. 19 hours in and it hasn't. Maybe I'm missing something but I feel the game is more about limitations than freedom. There's so much to see/explore/do and yet, so far, there's so little time to actually do stuff. And that is with me completing palaces in a matter of 2 days. A lot of days have been: story after school (which means you can't do anything else) in the evening one of three things: more story; you're free to do anything; or the game just says: "there was plot progress, go the fuck to sleep" - the latter is what's annoying me the most Right now I dislike 50% of the game, i.e. what I've described above, and I very much enjoy the other half, which is actually being able to do stuff and the palaces/battles. They provide a great amount of challenge and I love acquiring masks and then creating new Personas. The story itself is ok. It's mostly about the individual palaces/characters involved but I wish the overarching plot gets some focus soon. It's a weird experience for me. I really don't know what to make of it
  21. As soon as I saw H-o-T posting here my first thought was: "He's going to talk shit about animals/pets." And sure enough...
  22. Decided to follow the sports again given that there's a new German driver involved Have no clue what to look for, what constitutes good driving, which team has the best cars, etc but I enjoyed the qualifying. Looking forward to the race tomorrow. A shame to see both German drivers so far behind. It was expected for Mick, but Vettel could've done better (I think? ). He was quite unlucky, though.
  23. Still saving up for this one. Hope I can get it on release day
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