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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Good games this week. I actually came SECOND for once!! This isn't over yet @Glen-i and @RedShell Just one highlight from me this week.
  2. League battles or salmon run!
  3. I'm in tonight, maybe for Splatoon afterwards as well.
  4. My mum sold some of my old furniture on gumtree and bought this with the gold coins
  5. I'm on 9... Zelda, 1-2 Swicth (ugh), MK8 Deluxe, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Street Fighter II, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey. There's another one in there which I've forgotten. Edit: Kingdom Battle! Planning on picking up Skyrim this week. Then DOOM before Xmas, Xenoblade 2 is coming for Xmas (thanks, mum). Then there's the other 11 e-Shop games I've purchased... I like my Switch.
  6. @Glen-i rushing into battle! That face Amazing how close some of those games were tonight! This was my favourite win, because I got a kill right at the end which might have swung it. Really good fun tonight! It's a completely different game when it's 2 on 2. We need to do this more often!
  7. If we can get 4, I'd be up for league
  8. I'd be up for trying league battles a bit later, or will we not find a game??
  9. I'd be up for something tomorrow night, except DOOM because I don't have it yet.
  10. Hats off to the OP of the Skyrim OT over on ResetEra: "Skyrim on Switch [OT] See that mountain? You can play Skyrim on it." Thought it was worth sharing
  11. Getting DC'd... Dunno if it's on my end. Internet has been playing up today.
  12. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this!
  13. The temptation is real. Seems to be a really competant port. I only put 20 hours into the PC version but could see myself putting 100s into the Switch version.
  14. Nice! May have to pick this up, heard so many good things about it.
  15. Nicktendo


    I'm not too keen on the new guy, seems a bit too slow for my liking. Guess practice will highlight his strong points. +1 for MissingNo
  16. It was a really weird price on the Russian E-shop as well 1172 rubles, if I remember correctly. Must be a direct conversion from 20 USD.
  17. I've played in both, and both are ugly as sin. For comparison sakes I have a 2 year old laptop with a GTX950 in it and I play at 720p, medium settings. For me, the difference is night and day. Complaints about the text not being readable are also valid. The aliasing is jarring. I really hope they plan on touching up the visuals a bit.
  18. That's what I've done and what I suggest everyone who's new to Rocket League should do. It is harder to find a game, and the AI does end up appearing more often, but at least you're not going to get slaughtered by someone who's put 100s of hours into the game already. Graphics are baaaad in this game. Like really bad, but it was worth the sacrifice for that silky smooth 60fps. Here's hoping they can make incremental improvements over time. Love having this on Switch, was always such a pain to be tied to my PC and uncomfortable chair I'm gonna end up sinking hours into this. Getting together with friends and playing is pretty streamlined in all honesty, and matchmaking only seems marginally slower that the version I played on Steam. No complaints about this aspect, it's proper Rocket League, just without the glamour of the other versions. Rocket League 64 (seriously, it's that ugly at times).
  19. I don't play PS4 / Xbox One but it makes me sad to see the current state of gaming on those platforms. Lootboxes, microtransactions, day one DLC etc. Seems like the players are more roundly getting fleeced because budgets are out of control, and mobile F2P methods of monetisation are being implemented in full price games to compensate. It's disgusting TBH, and I'm glad people like Jim and previously Colin are willing to call them out. I hope he continues to shine a focus on this. Colin Was Right was always an entertaining watch and a well researched passion project. Furthermore, he is absolutely right about gaming journalism, it has completely nosed-dived in terms of quality in the past few years, and more so since the glory days of N64 magazine. I actually don't access written pieces anymore, save a few Eurogamer and Kotaku articles which people share on GAF or ERA. Much prefer to consume content on YouTube, such as Easy Allies, Kinda Funny, GiantBomb, SpawnWave (awesome for quick news) and Digital Foundry for those technical breakdowns. It doesn't surprise me that some of the best gaming journalists are now almost exclusively producing video driven content, especially after the whole Jeff Gertsmann / Gamespot debacle. Most things on IGN, Gamespot and especially Polygon have become annoyingly infused with politics and it just doesn't interest me what so ever. I don't want to mix politics and games, hence why I'm almost exclusively and Nintendo gamer, I play games to chill out or have some fun, not to think about wider society or bigger questions as a whole. I was firmly on the side of the people who criticised some reviewers and how bad they were at games. If you work for a gaming website, which could essentially be boiled down to consumer advice when it comes to reviews, you should be good at video games, experienced in video games and know what the hell you're talking about, in both technical terms and in terms of having experienced a solid back-catalogue of games you can draw on for comparison purposes. In most video games, though granted not all, mechanics are important, skill level is important, difficulty is a factor in overall enjoyment (especially in something like DOOM). To me it seems the most popular sites have become agenda driven and have started employing writers, who are undoubtedly skilled at writing, but probably don't share the same love and passion for gaming as say 99% of the users of this forum likely have. Almost as if they are writers first, gamers second. Colin is bang on the money in this respect, and having someone back in the business, regardless of politics, can only be a good thing. People who refuse to acknowledge him because of his (incredibly mild) "right wing" views are beyond help. Sure Colin is a bit of an arsehole, definitely cocky and arrogant at times ('Colin was right?' Come on!), but given his position and his history in the industry, I don't begrudge him that. After watching his interviews with Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan, I feel like I understand him more as a person, even if he isn't particularly likeable. He most certainly isn't alt-right, racist, sexist, homophobic, or whatever other labels people are throwing at him. And yet, even if I don't like him, I believe his voice is pretty valuable to the gaming industry as a whole and can't wait to see his new content.
  20. Wow... What a bunch a pathetic arseholes. I'll be tuning in for sure. Colin was easily one of the best gaming journalists out there. Glad he's decided to come back.
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