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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Mario Kart was on this hallow eve, where’s the smash room? Waiting.
  2. This is truly the darkest timeline. Enjoy retirement, my favourite meme generator. You don’t look a day over 40 😘
  3. You called it https://www.nintendo-insider.com/report-scalebound-resurrected-as-a-nintendo-switch-exclusive/amp/#click=https://t.co/X9IVxgpkg8
  4. My best is 4th so far, the last 10 is so insane and I just constantly make mistakes. Whoever thought battle royale Tetris could be a thing 😂
  5. Awesome, looking forward to getting back into this. One of my favourite indie games on the Switch but I haven’t put a whole lot of time into it so far.
  6. The Nintendo Direct hype train, stopping at: Rejection, Disappointment, Back-stabbing Central and Shattered Dreams Parkway. Not much in that Direct for me. Mario Maker 2 is nice. Undecided on the Zelda art-style. Don't want to play Link's Awakening again... Platinum's new game looked aweseome. So hyped for Fire Emblem but almost fell asleep during the trailer. No Metroid is disappointing but expected, if they only canceled 4 a few weeks ago, there's no way the absolutely-definite-100%-confirmed HD Trilogy remaster would be close to completion. "Leakers" can burn in a sea of fire, I'm 70% sure of that.
  7. Exactly the same thing happened to me. Finished two or three chapter twos and dropped it. Went back to it last week and just can’t get into it. Shame, as it’s gorgeous, combat system is great and the OST really is amazing. The stories are just so staggered though, I already can’t remember what the hell is going on despite re-reading everyone’s backstory.
  8. Nintendo had all of them by the balls and then showed the Joker trailer which absolutely no-one predicted I really hope that the ones that do claim they have sources are getting fed false information. It seems like the only way for Nintendo to put an end to this nonsense.
  9. I've had a rant about this in another place and these "insiders" really piss me off. They get lucky a couple of times and then act all high and mighty about how much they know. What does 70% sure even mean anyway? You either know, or you don't. Just an excuse for them to fall back on. 4 'unannounced' games coming in 2019? Ok mate. What bugs me the most is how much discussion comes out of it, and then, inevitably the people who are wrong make their excuses and the backlash is directed at Nintendo for not giving the people what they want. So many people were "hearing rumblings" or had "close, reliable sources" tell them about Prime 4 at the Game Awards. Bullshit. StarFox GP. Bullshit. Pokemon Stars. Bullshit. Animal Crossing coming in April? Absolutely bullshit. Not a chance in hell. It's all a big scam for attention, clicks and money via their Patreons or YouTube channels. A glorified dick-swinging contest. I love predicting what's coming, but completely ignore these clowns who claim they know something. Plenty of good stuff to play on Switch now, plenty of confirmed stuff to look forward to and chat about if you want. Why should anyone waste their time on baseless speculation, I really don't get it?
  10. I vote for all 3, is that allowed? I genuinely don’t care, I’d gladly play any of them again !
  11. Can someone make a gif of Reggie as Dr. Evil with the tag line ONE HUNDRED..... AND SIXTY..... MILLION DOLLARS. BWA-HA-HA-HA. In all seriousness I thought we’d get better online, dedicated servers for big games like Splatoon, but nope. Roms and complicated voice chat. I don’t mind paying because I actually see some value in the NES and (hopefully) SNES games. And I like playing online. But if this is really anything other than a cash-grab, simply because they can, then my uncle works at Nintendo.
  12. I’m sure it’s eating into a huge chunk of that 160 mil. Probably at least one percent more than when they were offering free online
  13. A $200 portable only Switch makes so much sense for this year with AC and Pokemon slated for release that Nintendo would be crazy not to be doing it (they probably won't). Stuff I'm reading on ResetEra makes sense though, mini this year, pro next year to tie in with a major powerhouse release. What is it, 24 million 3DSs sold in Japan? It's time to capture that market. I'd really love them to take a mobile phone style approach and release a more powerful Switch every 2-3 years. I was also skeptical about the hybrid, but it was definitely the right choice. If they can get NSO subscriptions, mobile gaming and their other ventures like films and theme parks to replace the console / handheld model of earnings, I think they'll be just fine.
  14. To put that into perspective, Nintendo have made ~$160,000,000 for releasing a shitty mobile app, uploading a few roms and basically doing absolutely nothing else Itprintsmoney.gif
  15. Probably going to pick both of them up too.
  16. So happy for EZA. They’ve come so far since gametrailers. Already looking forward to watching E3 in their company.
  17. Massive respect to Nintendo for coming out an saying this, the reaction has been great too. I honestly don’t mind waiting if it’s going to be a fantastic game.
  18. This was so good, I’m honestly interested in picking up almost every game.
  19. So according to Radio Free Nintendo if you aren’t at 9.9 before the final boss fight, the maximum score you can get is 9.8.
  20. Because Nintendo. Hence why we’ve had DKCR:TF and NSMBWUD (lol) at full price. At least the online is only $20, amirite?
  21. How much did you pay for it? I haven’t bought it yet and now I kind of regret not jumping in last week. The problem here was that prices were generally in line with Europe, maybe a little cheaper. I guess Nintendo had too many people taking advantage of it and put a stop to it, which is a shame as there are better ways to tackle that than wholesale increasing the prices.
  22. Same thing happened on the Russian e-shop. It's funny, they sent an email round saying it was due to the increase in VAT (from 18 to 20%), but after going on the shop this morning it is only the Nintendo published titles that have increased in price, and in no way close to 2%. Pricing is now significantly more expensive than in Europe and the UK. Good job I'm physical only for retail releases.
  23. I don't know what we will get, but I'd love to see Xeno X, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Mario 3D World released. Starfox Zero would also be welcome. Nintendo Land too, but I guess It'd be impossible. Skyward Sword HD while we're at it please.
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