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Everything posted by Excelle

  1. Metallica (obviously) Maybe a bit of NIN if you want something a bit more electronic If you want a bit of prog metal, Porcupine Tree are awesome (Deadwing is a great album) And maybe you want to try one of my guilty pleasures - light-hearted hairy metal Helloween (Pink Bubbles Go Ape is good) *waits for the Bard to rip into him*
  2. Interesting. Love the first album, but gave up on them after hearing the second. Guess I should check out the third!
  3. Good on them - you wouldn't catch me relocating for a job. Why should I uproot myself because my employer feels they might do better somewhere else? There's plenty more jobs out there.
  4. Really? Sweet, I want this too. Might wait and get it for my birthday (start of July) though.
  5. How are the textures horrible? I'll admit the burning torch models are a bit rubbish though. Other than that, it looks better than most of the stuff available on the Wii atm.
  6. I like the look of it, but also hate pollen. But then I can make the pollen crash and burn mwuhahaha
  7. Info about Potter gestures and some new screens. Graphics look very good there, and the control system also sounds great. http://uk.gamespot.com/wii/adventure/harrypotterphoenix/news.html?sid=6172009
  8. Um, can someone tell me why the sniper rifle is being aimed with the nunchuk instead of the Wiimote?!
  9. A fucking tank? Maybe I read that wrong Or maybe it's just some Tomb Raider manga I haven't seen
  10. I've got a PS2 controller on the go, personally
  11. It would be a missed opportunity if you couldn't have your Mii on your army banner (assuming there is one, having not played the original!)
  12. I know we don't NEED one. But that's what we'll get, if anything
  13. I just downloaded it for £17 off Steam. It seems to rock somewhat. Anyone else got it? And interestingly, anyone got it who hasn't played the original? In fact, has anyone NOT played the original?
  14. I would love a Wii HDD and a Wii headset, but frankly I can see the 'big new hardware news' just being new Wii colours. Mario Kart Wii - I can see that being correct, it's about the right time for it, for an early '08 release (in the US).
  15. I thought so. Gets about doesn't he?!
  16. I played a fair bit of 4-player over the weekend as I went to a bit of a Wii/LAN party. It was a good laugh, although me and a mate kept beating the crap out of everyone You would be surprised how well the wiimote/nunchuk combo works for this game. I had no trouble getting to grips with it. The only thing that felt a bit wrong was shaking the nunchuk to change powerups - a bit awkward when you're trying to move players with it too! You need the sensor bar for the megastrikes and for navigating the menus. And no, you can't turn off goal saving, but it's really not as intrusive as I always thought it would be.
  17. Nice. I particularly like the strap. The faceplate could do with a bit of work, although I seem to remember it was replaceable so you could customise it?
  18. I was browsing through the new mag today, and they had a section on people making Miis that look like celebs. Two of them were were by someone called 'DJCube'. Would that be the one and the same? If so, that Gordon Freeman Mii rocks huge bells, well done If not, someone has stolen your identity!
  19. Congrats on making me laugh
  20. Apart from a second hand Megadrive I've got in the cupboard, the Wii is my first 'proper' console, and I picked it up about a month ago. I consider myself a core gamer (as they like to call us these days), just on the PC and prior computers (Amiga, Spectrum). I am in no way short of games to play: Wii: Twilight Princess (please do not miss out on the magic of this - it's fantastic), Sonic, Monkey Ball, Wii Sports, Mario Strikers GCN: Zelda Windwaker/OoT pack, Burnout 2, Monkey Ball 2, Paper Mario, Soul Caliber II, FIFA 07 VC: Super Mario Bros, Mario 64, Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine, Super Castlevania IV, Zelda: A Link To The Past Quite when I'll get chance to play all these, I don't know. But I'm looking forward to Super Paper Mario (Thousand Year Door on the GCN is awesome!), BWii, SSBB, SMG and maybe Tiger Woods 08 if they get it right! Not to mention that I want to pick up Excite Truck and Rayman Raving Rabbids having played them around a friend's, and Eledees as well, which looks great fun! I would not give back my Wii for any money - I play something on it nearly every day! I've got games on my PC that are getting neglected because of it!
  21. Largest ever UK web 2.0 aquisition. I really hope it doesn't suddenly get 'Americanized'. The fact it is quite British in its styling is why I like it!
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