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Everything posted by Excelle

  1. Amazon has it for pre-order for £30
  2. I had to look that up before I found out it was a Boxing game Now I'm more interested!
  3. Dear god yes, I managed to order a Wii off Boots this morning
  4. I just managed to order one of these: *explodes with excitement*
  5. Drinks on Aimless Oh, and happy birthday...
  6. Oh. My. God. I walked into John Lewis in Harrow over the weekend. They had GH2 set up on the PS2. I've never played it before. After I played with the whammy bar for a bit, on Boston's More Than A Feeling, I was smitten. Must. Have.
  7. xxxxxxxxxx
  8. Waiter! I'll take a 12, a 13 and a 75 please. With a side order of baby oil
  9. There's a video on Amazon for Eledees. Although the music in the second half makes my ears bleed http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/mpd/permalink/3770:3767
  10. Play.com even have Eledees down on their 'Countdown' bit (5 days now), which would be a bit odd if they didn't know they were getting stock in!
  11. Tiger Woods 08 still on for August, that is a least some good news...
  12. Woo, sold! I'm going to go and buy this in a bit, since I'm seeing them live in London this evening
  13. That's as maybe, but I don't know many people who have laughed so much their arse has fallen off either
  14. Bagsy first person to say 'Pro Wiivo'! God, bloody mass media has rotten my brain
  15. It's because she has to have cables trailing everywhere as her power point is halfway up the wall. Irritates any self respecting geek
  16. They have websites for that sort of thing you know...
  17. I can handle that, just as long as your biology teacher was a man And not 50+ (I'm 25)
  18. An hour walking up a hill does that to a man Maybe, but there's green stuff in the background, not burning cars and men with guns
  19. This was taken last weekend up the top of Brown Clee in Shropshire. Yes, I do actual exercise! I wouldn't want to show off by boasting about having climbed Snowdon and Ben Nevis now would I? Oops
  20. I don't think I need to say anything here. The fact the thread has 30 posts in just a few hours reflects my sentiments perfectly
  21. Do I ever - I was driving around that bloody ring road for about quarter of an hour just the other day I'm just off the main road between Stourbridge and Wolvo - A449 I think it is (well, it is at my end of the road anyway!)
  22. Preparing for my Wii: To go with the Remote I already have from Wii Play To connect to my nice new HDTV Linksys WRT54GL - to get online with (my current router is wired) For when I start playing TP 2500mAh - should last forever!
  23. Oh god, you live somewhere near me Time to take out that injunction I feel...
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