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Everything posted by Excelle

  1. I would like to add... nothing. That's exactly right. I was blown away by the visuals when I first saw it.
  2. I guess that could just be Ghost Squad though. I can't manage American timezones
  3. I guess I know nothing about the Final Fantasy series of games, so that probably helps - I just took it as a stock sci-fi CG film.
  4. I have no details whatsoever. But it looks like there could be an announcement or two today, if Kotaku are to be believed (and how often are they wrong?) http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/zoom/sega-announcement-coming-today-259233.php
  5. Am I the only person on the planet that actually enjoyed that film
  6. Oh, and I should say that I have, and it sucks! Much beer with a mate that time I tell you!
  7. Tricky. Unfortunately, if you're in a relationship, paranoia comes with the territory. You shouldn't have read her texts, because that can only fuel a paranoia you can't release, but we all do things we're not proud of when there's love involved. I think the long and short of it is that you would have talked it out if it weren't for the text-reading. I think she's ok to see to blokes as friends as long as she's careful and knows when it bothers you. Get too possessive and you'll push her away for good. Play it cool, and apologise a lot for the text thing. Make it clear you only did it because you love her and don't want to lose her. Counselling session over
  8. Some Toyota that just drove off without stopping. Will probably cost more for them It will cost a little shy of £90, which is twice the cost of the part, but I need it doing now so I can go to work (instead of playing Zelda - I must be mad!)
  9. Booked in for later today - nice! Gives me time for some Wii in the meantime
  10. True enough, but people always told me that you find the Office funny if you work in one, which I have for years. I find some of the characters interesting, just not funny. In my sad life, I relate more to Peep Show in an office setting
  11. Focus 04 plate. I have no chance of fitting one myself, my car knowledge doesn't extend beyond dipping the oil The whole unit needs replacing too, not just the glass, even though there's only one tiny bit inside that's broken. Gah
  12. Agreed, great show. Although most of the shows mentioned on here are great. Apart from the Office. How is that ever funny? EVER?
  13. Someone came too far across the road and smashed my wing mirror this morning. So now I have to get it replaced. Anyone know where I stand legally driving with a broken driver's side mirror in the meantime (in the UK)? Can I drive happily until I get to the garage to get it fixed, as my rear view is fine? Or am I risking 'driving an unroadworthy vehicle' each second I'm on the road until it's fixed?
  14. Hell, anything by Pink Floyd. Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Pigs. One Of These Days. Another Brick In The Wall is most likely though. Crazy guitar solo at the end
  15. Sounds good to me, we need more sports 'flail arms around' games. I'm finding there's too many games where I don't actually have to get out of bed to play them
  16. You'll never get a Wavebird with rumble - it'd just drain the batteries like jiminy
  17. I'm really looking forward to this now. Should be cool. Like a bit of taxing mental challenges in games now and again.
  18. I played Desert Strike on the MD, but I was never able to control it cos I was used to Amiga controls
  19. Good man. It ROCKS
  20. I'm extremely tempted. But since I'm getting my Wii in a few days and playing catch-up on GCN games, I already have Zelda TP, Windwaker, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario to play. Should keep me going until 2009!
  21. Damn, I'll have to get my mom to buy it for me
  22. Well I'm sure we'll get the European dates soon: Metroid Prime 3 - Q1 21st Century
  23. ...apparantly sucked bigtime. Another game where they took a near-perfect Wii Sports implementation, then ignored it entirely, and made a rubbish system instead! Shame, I was hoping this would be good. This IGN video explains it perfectly (click low-res or high-res on the 'Move Over Wii Sports' video): IGN
  24. Of course, it means nothing for Europe, but at least if the games are around, we will have them at 'some point' Source: IGN
  25. More confirmed release dates - you can check these against Ubisoft website. Although I have no idea what the hell Cosmic Family is! http://www.cubed3.com/news/7429/1/New_Ubisoft_Release_Dates
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