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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Must be all the beer you're drinking. Bet you wish they taxed it more now.
  2. And yet, beer is also a non-essential item. Your argument is basically "there's other bad things too, so you shouldn't tax this more". That argument never works. Fail topic.
  3. Ugh, can't stand it when people try to stifle discussion because they don't agree with it. Imagine how boring this forum would be if you could only have one opinion on something. I fully support tax on beer being increased. Out of all the things that could be taxed, it's certainly one of the least morally outrageous.
  4. Head's up, Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3/360) is £16.85 for today only (apparently) on ShopTo.
  5. Had a look in GAME today, noticed this £10 to play the Vita? Shut up and take my money!
  6. You don't wanna know... Multiplayer is ace. Sorta feels like when you bought a pack of Pokemon cards when you were younger, when you buy an item package from the shop. Shame they're letting people buy them for real cash too though, almost like legitimised WoW gold.
  7. Why does Journey and this have to be released at the same time? Two brilliant games, too little time.
  8. LOL. Sorry but what the fuck, 'more immersed in the trilogy than you are'. Probably the most deranged fanboy quasi-insult I have ever heard. Even funnier, tonight I'll be 'immersing' myself into the greatness that is mass effect, while you wait for them to sort out your character's face.
  9. lol, yes. Idiotic considering the circumstance.
  10. Yep, totally right. In fact, I doubt I'd even notice if they accidentally packaged a NES game instead of a PS3 disc. Because apparently people who aren't putting off playing the main game because of their main character's face are really that careless.
  11. Also got my dispatch notification via the ShopTo app. Happy days.
  12. Yep, one of the best things to show on TV in years. Probably my favourite ever TV series. Can't go wrong.
  13. Fucking hell, it's just a video game character's face! I'll be more focused on the gameplay rather than the pixels of my character's face. I'm looking forward to this. Really hope it comes a day early since I'll probably be visiting my folks this weekend!
  14. Even if it took her a while to 'know', eventually she clearly did know. But instead of dealing with it reasonably she just ignored him and then eventually dumped him via text. That's what I mean by the person seeming to be a bit of an asshole.
  15. I get the impression that she entirely led him on, then dumped him via text message. And I can honestly say, I've had one terrible relationship and one (current) wonderful relationship; this kind of (somewhat manipulative) behaviour definitely sounds like a leaf from my terrible one. The whole 'you sent too many messages' vibe he's getting from all the agony aunts is way off. If she had just been straight with him from the beginning then it wouldn't have happened. Trust me yesteryear, when you find a nice lady there certainly won't be any games being played.
  16. Just put the Blu Ray Game of Thrones boxset in view and nothing else will matter... S'where it's at.
  17. I like how GAME's demise has brought ShopTo so much business, they definitely deserve it. This should definitely be with us by Thursday, they pretty much always get games to you a day after dispatch.
  18. Did anyone else read these messages with the voice of GLaDOS in their heads?
  19. Thanks for this, will check it out. In terms of great sketches, there are some amazing ones by Mitchell and Webb (a fair number of misses too, but still) You've probably seen them, but in particular the M&W Big Talk, Angry Waiter, and Football sketches are legendary.
  20. I'm sure PS1 on Vita will happen soon. Also sure you can register a US PSN account pretty easily too via playstation.com.
  21. Fuck that, this is Chrono Cross we're talking about so it deserves your full attention. Simply create a new user on your PS3 (left most on XMB), then go to network and tell it you want to create a new account and that you're from USA. Easy as pie.
  22. Just last week I bought a ten dollar PSN card off eBay and bought Chrono Cross off the uS store. It's priced at exactly $9.99 which is handy. Exciting to the Vita guys you will need to do some kind of reset to log in on a different PSN account although you don't lose any saves/data. Sony were always reluctant to bring out CC in Europe, they pretty much haven't translated it a far as I know into European languages so I'm not sure if they'd bother releasing it here.
  23. Cuntgratulations! In other news, attention is sought.
  24. To be honest it makes more sense not to pay now at ShopTo. If they're not able to send it to you (almost certainly won't happen but still) they won't charge you, but in the rare chance they couldn't stock it you'd be waiting on a refund.
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