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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Cool, will check the team out. Happy Hour started at midnight I think, a banner popped saying it was on. I was put off casts because of lack of techs, I do like having Resta and Shifta/Deband (which if not playing with a force more than makes up for the lower ATP). Casts are good though in that they can freeze enemies or confuse them to kill each other, which is handy for harder areas. You can use a snow queen to freeze enemies but it doesn't splash freeze. I will say that because RAmar have the highest ATA of all the classes and can cast Shifta/Deband that non-cast rangers are better, although for hunters possibly a cast is best since you really want to focus on high ATP. Trap vision is neat but there's gear that can give anyone that ability.
  2. Oh yeah that's true. Man that's pretty late, still probably come on though.
  3. I thought it was from 11PM GMT. It's listed as 5PM-8PM but that's GMT-6. So should be 11PM-2AM. You online at the moment?
  4. I'm Skeith (RAmar) Let's make Block 1 our base since that's where the most activity is, but sure lobby 5 is good.
  5. Wow, feeling sooo much better today (had flu). Should be on again later, it'd be cool to play with you guys later. What are all your character's names again?
  6. Cool, seen you on before in games.
  7. Sure, what's your character name? Tried resting for a bit since ill with flu, didn't really get anywhere with that so I'll be back on in a jiff. My main character is a HUmar called Skeith.
  8. Hey just a head's up I can see you in a Towards The Future quest game on the lobby game list. After you start a quest no-one else can join your game, so I can't come in. I see everyone else left your game so I guess it finished, see you in a new game or the lobby?
  9. Don't know if they were in earlier titles, but statisticians among others are these characters that you defeat and slap on a piece of equipment. The more you have on the greater the EXP multiplayer from defeating enemies. Then there was this one map that you could replay that had a 3x3 grid of enemies, so you used some attack (I forget which now) that takes out the full grid at once. L9999 in seconds-minutes when you pass the equipment around your characters. Kinda makes the game easy though.
  10. Woot! What's your character's name? On at the moment, should be on during the day (Sunday) too. Come on guys, we could have some epic games if more follow suit. It's free.
  11. Yeah, it seems to me that they're either children, or people with the mental age of children. (Awaits ReZ's offer to buy Serebii's site)
  12. That's quite worrying that the story is that bad. If the story is bad, I can only assume the characters are pretty poor too, since they're obviously completely dependent on each other. I found the story of Abyss to be pretty shite if I'm being honest, so if this is much worse then bad times.
  13. If it's what I think you mean by grid battles (tiles you move to like FF tactics) then yeah. It's...decent. Personally I preferred FF Tactics Advance to Disgaea 3 by a country mile, which had a story I actually cared about and pretty sweet jobs. If you like taking games to the extreme though Disgaea is for you. You can reach L9999 (in seconds to minutes once you get a statistician setup), it's crazy.
  14. I liked Disgaea 3 but it felt like they had put such little effort into it. Everything looked stretched and bland, like an early PS2 game port.
  15. Is the Disgaea game coming to Vita not just the PS3 game Disgaea 3 with some extras?
  16. The android in the benchmark was such a lazy bastard...jet boosters? Why won't these be equipped to my Ramar's feet? :p Assuming there's challenge mode we should hit this up together.
  17. I think the score was a bit made up to be honest, on max settings the benchmark ran smoothly despite an 800 score... Probably we'll be fine, if not - Vita version. :p
  18. Yeah you will want to backup before replacing hard drives, as it will need to be formatted by the new PS3 before you can use it. Some copy-protected content I think may not be able to be backed up (rather can be transferred only from PS3 to PS3 using an ethernet cable). Most stuff should be ok though.
  19. I think to connect the keypad it has to be bluetooth.
  20. Sure, the drivers / config utility to connect your PS3 pad to PC is called MotionJoy (link). The installation is very easy, follow this guide. I bought a Bluetooth micro adapter for my PC for a fiver to connect wirelessly.
  21. I ran it with max settings in window mode at 1680x1050, which came out with a score of over 800 despite it running incredibly smooth throughout. 1520 on full screen mode, which ran at a flat 40 fps. Score seems...not really reflective of how well it's running. :p
  22. On a different account? Rokhed was (according to my and your infraction :p) banned in 2009, and his account says 2011. I thought he was pretty new anyways. Edit: Ha. I shouldn't be a pillock and read.
  23. I'm playing Blue Burst on PC with a HDMI hookup to my 32" in the living room at the moment. People have put out some pretty sweet PC drivers for the wireless PS3 dualshock and keypad, so currently playing it with my PS3 pad and using the official keypad to type. Replaying has reminded me that this game has one of the best soundtracks ever.
  24. Eh? You weren't even on here when Rokhed was banned were you? :p Welcome new guy, mind telling us your psychosis?
  25. Enjoy your day, pig out with a takeaway and a shamelessly generic grindfest of a cheesy JRPG. :p
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