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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Oh of course. But it's not good marketing to make something so biased that it is unconvincing. I mean, the point is to convince people it really does have loads more great games, right? Listing Pokemon X and Y is a pretty good example, because most people would see those 2 listed and get the impression that the figures were inflated.
  2. It's not about the titles not counting, it's about the piece of marketing failing (at least in my eyes) because of the heavy bias and counting of very similar titles/ports to show off the console. I would say the same if Sony did it by counting both Vita/PS3 versions or near enough straight ports too. Heck, I wouldn't be that happy if they filled it up with their remasters either. Same characters, same gameplay, released very close together, both called "Super Smash Brothers" with the console title following it. Sorry, but even with differing features between the consoles (which they're bound to have to get people to buy them both) it's clear they are both tailored releases of the same basic game. If they were released at the exact same time then nobody would say otherwise.
  3. I imagine if you have your head about 5 inches from the console it looks really cool. :p
  4. Hang on, the game was 60 FPS on 360 and Wii U. Digital Foundry said Wii U slightly edges it because it was slightly better at keeping the framerate, but said the 360 did a good job overall of keeping to 60 FPS. Resolution is also comparable. Sorry, but that is not an impressive remake that I'd have gone for if I had the original. My point is that counting a port that offers very little new on a poster to show off a new console is somewhat straw clutching, just like counting Pokemon twice. Smash may have features unique to each version but it's hardly something I'd count twice if making a promotional poster. They share an awful lot of similarities and it's hardly showing off diversity here.
  5. Oh yeah, definitely. Only the most ardent Nintendo fanboy would be able to look past the extreme bias (to the point of ridiculousness) in that poster. Even it we put aside that they have arbitrarily gated at an 85% metacritic + user score (naturally selected as this will have resulted in the most favourable comparison chart), counting the Pokemon games twice really does discredit it. I'd say the same for Smash, and probably the same for Bayonetta, given that it wasn't exactly getting the remaster treatment that we've seen on other consoles.
  6. Exactly, absolutely everything there is a sequel or remake, bar Bravely Default. Wii U at least is certainly not the go to console for new and exciting experiences.
  7. Looks so cool. To think that people were saying the latest gen provided hardly a bump over the last one not long ago. :p
  8. Oh I have interest in the console, that's why I bought it. The regular one, that is. :p Dunno, this is basically a grey PS4 (not a colour I would ever choose) with a traditional PS1 style logo on the controller. Seems pretty crazy that people are paying so much for it; it'd be nice to own something rare but nowhere near as nice as making thousands of pounds of profit for no more than a few clicks.
  9. If I bought a console for £400 and sold it for 2-4k then I'd be positively delighted. :p
  10. Well they've pretty much hinted that it's very likely to come to console. So I'd assume it's coming to console unless they deny it. It being a lot of work doesn't really mean anything, especially when other companies can handle ports. Starbound (Terraria sequel) for instance is still open access, but is confirmed as coming to console. Think it's being handled by another company for the console release. Given the planets have been said to be "planet-sized" then the galaxy isn't really going to feel very small.
  11. I'll be nightfalling tonight, who can join me? I'll be on by 8, and looking to do it twice (with my alt too). Even if you just want to do it once then you're more than welcome. Also going to do the weekly afterwards.
  12. Seems very likely.
  13. That game uses randomisation to generate a lot of the content, too. You also can't land on planets in Elite Dangerous (yet). That's a huge reason to get this game when it comes out instead IMO, assuming Elite Dangerous hasn't received that update yet. Saying that the game has a lot more depth may be actually be off-putting to some, as its level of depth to me suggests this will appeal more to more core gamers with a lot of time to sink in. No Man's Sky instead looks like it will be more simple to play and navigate, with potentially more widespread appeal. Also Elite Dangerous is unfinished, and I tend to like to get games once they're finished. Having said that, I'm very much looking forward to getting Elite when it hits consoles.
  14. If you don't like the ATB system then don't get this one. I recommend either the Kingdom Hearts series or the new FF game (FFXV) whenever that comes out, as that's lacking the ATB. FFXII also does away with the ATB, there is a good PC emulated version of that.
  15. Like...what does that even mean? That's like something a GAME employee would tell you.
  16. That sounds amazing. You got it? If there's no cooldown for this then that makes it god tier for this raid.
  17. Have to say I agree with you there, seen him wrong on a number of occasions but then twist or pick out a very small facet to claim being 'right'. :p
  18. If all anyone was ever interested in was the number of consoles out there then FFXIII and the Tales games would have all been Wii only last gen. Fact is, PS4 has been out half as long and currently has next to no games Japanese players particularly rave on about, yet has sold half the units of the Wii U. Then you look at games like FFXV, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Persona that are all massive games and coming to PS4. Again, if the Wii U was so obviously the right choice because more Japanese people have Wii Us then they would all be coming to Wii U instead, at least in Japan. The big games are coming to PS4 so the sales are bound to follow. Good job they're not catering to you then. I don't want another DQ Lite.
  19. What totally weird reasoning. For one, you're not a shareholder. Yes, we want companies to succeed so they can continue to make games (and we quite rightly should take an interest in their profits), but as a gamer you should also want a great experience, not another crappy lite version (which DQ9 absolutely was compared to its predecessor, DQ8). Why not have a fantastic, polished version that also makes great money? PS4 games dominate the monthly charts throughout a lot of the Western world, although not Japan, and even saying that, DQ is exactly the kind of game where people will follow it. If it wasn't, they wouldn't be planning it for home console. People bunk off work to play this game - if it's on PS4 then they will buy a PS4 to play it on that. People in Japan will also want to buy a PS4 to play Persona, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Tales. It's inevitable that many Japanese people will want to buy the console to pick up these games anyway, as an added incentive on top of this game if it came to PS4. None of this matter anyway as they have already confirmed it is already coming to a home console. In which case, I doubt even you would argue against PS4 as being the best choice.
  20. I think with the recent DQ themed PS4 and breaking of the 10 year drought of no DQ on PlayStation consoles that it really ups the chances of seeing it on PS4. The Wii U has pretty much bombed in all regions and Square Enix are happily using PS consoles to push our their home console content for FF and KH. True that DQX made it to Wii U but they must surely know that elsewhere in the world, if such a game were to ever be released it should not be on Wii U. A quick look around also tells them that big hitter games like Persona are coming to PS4...just seems right to me. We'll see anyhow. Could even be something like with Ni No Kuni, where it went from a Nintendo handheld to PS3.
  21. The Japanese are very easily moved by 1 'currently hot' thing, be it a game or a console. It's pretty much why I expect the PS4 to do reasonably well when the next console DQ or FF game hits.
  22. Wouldn't even work anyway. The hard drive with the data on can only be read by your specific PS4. You'd have to format it again, unless you meant you planned to do that anyway. Anyhoo, seems crazy to do anything other than sell this for a few grand. It's just a grey PS4!
  23. I've got a L30 sunsinger so I'll say me please. :p @Daft Any bladedancers in that lot?
  24. If you like I can spoiler box some tips we found really useful that might not feature in a vid?
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