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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Also on Windows. Dat's Microsoft!
  2. And the Plan C...again.
  3. Ha. I think something is genuinely fucked up with my Tapatalk app as it should not be possible to make these cross-topic posts!
  4. That's impossible because there's at least one Mafia on board since there's 4 voters. At least one must be Mafia because even if Jimbob was Mafia I am town. It's a pretty obvious lynch train and the townies who didn't really think about it are now even harder to pick out of the scum.
  5. There is at least one Mafia on that train. And the vote limit was ONLY just reached. So there's no way that lynch would have gone down unless the Mafia wanted it to!
  6. He didn't, because he just got hammered.
  7. Well sometimes the evidence is doctored or inherently confusing, like the tasering business the other day. Ca'maaan, you must have known Jimbob wouldn't make up being a cop? Mr-paul is being such a shifty bastard. I'd take that over Jimbob.
  8. That's a fucking disgrace that. Demand a voucher.
  9. So tomorrow whoever is town, can we please just vote mr-paul like I asked? You know you set up a lynch train, right?
  10. Better than SM64? Bollocks it is. :p Spyro one is a great old classic though. Might check that out.
  11. Happy Birthday! Not too far from 'Light Level' 30 now, eh. :p
  12. Ha ha. Look how quick they fucking hammer.
  13. No way they are going to remember Wii U the same way. Derivative sequels do not make for a memorable console. N64 had so many new games and because it was 3D, it was fresh to everyone.
  14. Cool, that's the lot Crota's End Wednesday 9th Dec 8:30PM Sheikah - L30 Daft - L30 Eric - L29 Zell - L29 Shorty - L30 Dan Dare - L30 Repeat sessions same time Thursday and Friday, as needed.
  15. I'm not really bothered by the logistics, just that as a move that seems very unlikely for Jimbob. So unlikely that I'm going to completely veto it right now. Game after game he seems to share his info without making any absurd claims (sometimes to my annoyance when I've been Mafia). Paul's not really accounted for...I don't see why that can't be a passive ability. It makes no sense that he could record himself being roleblocked and relay that information to us...if he was roleblocked. It looks more likely that he went off to do whatever he was doing and was stopped (the night with no kill).
  16. Hang about then. @ReZourceman what did you get last night? If you're not Mafia you have 2 results right? This better not be stuff we already know! Still doesn't seem right that Jimbob would claim cop if he didn't know a cop wasn't out there.
  17. Thanks for the very good reason to vote you. Change Vote: mr-paul Seriously, BS reasoning. Anyone paying semi-attention to the game would know I'm town (especially given my choice of targets so far and that Mafia had a redirector).
  18. I can do a different day but there's not a chance I can manage 7PM next week. As I say, it's unlikely we're going to finish it in one go anyway because it's a totally new raid where we don't know what we're doing (and it's L30), so I wouldn't mind handling more sessions if need be but with slightly later start times. We could start Wednesday 8:30, then just repeat that time on later days when people are free. I reckon 2-3 sessions and we'll probably have conquered it.
  19. He said from a business standpoint, not a technical one. And it all started from there (even though the N64 is my favourite console).
  20. Can you also ask Dan (that is, if he's recovered from gastroenteritis/dysentery).
  21. You were left to your own devices, not my fault you targeted the person I switched. :p ReZ or Paul I think. Let's go with ReZ, and follow up with Paul. Vote: ReZ
  22. Shall we setup a playlist for the new raid (Crota's end) next Tuesday? I might be a little busy at work so might not be back until a little later, so I'll say 8:45PM (we can always continue the next night at same time if we don't get far enough). Not sure we'd do it all in on night anyway without knowing what to do! Not sure if L30 is a requirement or not (the wording up there suggests at least the leader might have to be). Anyway: Crota's End Wednesday 9th Dec 8:30PM Sheikah Daft Eric Zell Shorty Dan Dare
  23. Last night I got - The boots (which I didn't have; had the iron banner ones for L30 but the raid ones are better) Corrective measure (raid machine gun) Found verdict (shotgun, got loads of these...) Another Vex Mythoclast (yay...?) Two raid helmets (already have one but got a better stat one) All in all a decent haul but not the fatebringer...
  24. They don't want to emulate them, they want to either remaster them and charge you £20 or let you rent them in a Now subscription. Also by not bringing PS1 titles to PS4 (something most people probably don't care about anyway) they are creating a differentiation/reason to buy the Vita.
  25. Cheap secret santa present: It's a 4 port USB hub too.
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