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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Do you let your cousin on your account when venturing into the other consoles board or something?
  2. Yeah. Is that even modeled on an in-game gun? Just looks like generic trash you could pick up for a quid at the market.
  3. I just don't see the advantage - sell far less copies of your game and be told what to do. If it was all about being on the payroll for them then they'd have just stuck with Microsoft, no?
  4. I can't see Playtonic wanting to be gobbled up by another giant who tell them what to do, potentially squandering their IP like Microsoft did or locking them into a path they don't want to go. Once they're being their own boss, selling to every gamer, why take a back step?
  5. @Map says he'll do it.
  6. Yeah, I just find it funny that the same people can accuse people of being babies for complaining about an 8/10 when were the ones who threw their toys out the pram over exactly the same score being awarded to another game. This place indeed.
  7. Not sure about Wind Waker but with NSM3DW the mods had to close the topic and wait a while before they opened another because some people on here were outraged Ashley gave it an 8 (it culminated in one person saying he should step down from running the site).
  8. Anyone remember the tantrum caused by Nintendo fans on this forum who shall not be named when New Super Mario 3D World was scored 8/10 on here?
  9. Yeah I'm up for that!
  10. Aww yeahhhh.
  11. Cool, I'll be on in 10-15.
  12. Anyone fancy more chest hunting in an hour? Say 10 past 1 onwards. I'll be on!
  13. Their ambition with DQVIII seems to be to put it on as many formats inferior to the original as possible. Give me something on PS4! They're already making their next main DQ game for home console so prime your audience by releasing this first!
  14. Cool, 5:45 is good with me. Let's say 5:45 Friday for nightfalls (MilaGi can you make that? If not me and Shorty could do 1 if you only need to do 2, until you get back). Will probably have a meal around 7 but probs not for more than 15 min. Then at 8:15, raid.
  15. DOS is on my side! Come you Gat-la-horning SOB.
  16. How about @dwarf gourami, come again.
  17. Had this a month or so and finally got round to playing this during my hol. Really like it, what a gem! A simple idea but works so well with such an impressive catalogue. The ultimate difficulties are laugh out loud difficult.
  18. Cool if August is better for others then I'm down with that. How is August 15th for you @ReZourceman? Can you make this?
  19. Anyone fancy doing nightfalls on Friday? I should be around from 2PM onwards, when I'm back from hols. Let me know! Also up for 3 x Crota (normal mode), anyone good for Friday 8:15PM? Sheikah Space Space Space Space Space
  20. I think 25th July is looking like the best option, just a couple of maybes but no definite nos. More likely to have good weather I'd say, wasn't the warmest last meet when it was a bit later (later in Aug).
  21. One of the best games of the past 10 years, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  22. Just got that, so of course he has. If I wasn't on holiday right now I might be a bit more bitter.
  23. Looks like Nintendo are just as 'bad' as the rest then, eh? Releasing half finished games that are missing content that should be there. Maybe now there is some parity on that front we can expect to see less arguments? Just kidding, there's no way that'll happen.
  24. Ay caramba, that'd be colossal if true. The real question is, would this forum have a flame shield resilient enough to withstand the backlash?
  25. Xenoblade Chronicles for New 3DS is £19.95 for today only at thegamecollection. 2% cashback on Quidco.
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