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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. It's not just me who has little enthusiasm for most of their current stuff. It's millions of people who aren't buying their (now fairly priced) console to play their games. As you and I have both said, a number of their games have reviewed well. People just aren't as interested. We've played it all before! I think you hit an interesting point in that there are many other series that are maybe into their 5th/6th sequel, but what you miss is that other consoles have more new games to back those up, and perhaps are more willing to evolve (e.g. COD Advanced Warfare, AC: Black Flag - bigger changes than I've ever seen with Mario Kart, Smash, NSMB etc). I think there's also a difference between coming up with a concept and milking it over a rather short period of time while it still has people's interest compared to coming up with a concept that may appeal to you while you're at one stage of your life, and then milking it over several generations. Case in point, while you may point out that Smash is only in its 4th iteration (less than AC, for instance), I actually played the first 2 so much and over so many years that this is a concept I've now grown pretty tired of.
  2. I am not around until Monday this weekend but would love to do some Iron Banner (and nightfalls) then.
  3. Yeah mental. 44,600 units sold per day, apparently.
  4. I bought Super Metroid instead. No regrets.
  5. Watch Dogs PS4, £7.99 delivered (preowned). No excuse.
  6. Yes, I'm up for decking myself out like an Egyptian warlord. :awesome:
  7. This one as it's 2TB and will fit in the PS4. Worth getting this for the extra space. Not on sale however.
  8. If you joined us, the raid would be done in an hour. Because we know what we're doing. The only way you could take your time is if you found 5 other people who never did it before and had looked nothing up, but by now that's quite a tall order.
  9. You need only invest an hour or so to complete a raid, less for normal mode (which we also do). I'm sure you could spare an hour man.
  10. I wouldn't want to tackle this with randoms. Not a chance we would win. Quite excited for this now actually. Three man PvP team @Shorty @Zell?
  11. I've no idea why I never got an invite for this, pretty sure I filled it in. Done it again anyhow.
  12. Both parts together is the complete game.
  13. Sure sign me up.
  14. Yeah quiet month, not sure there's anything there I'm really interested in.
  15. Looking back, my language was a bit rude. For that I apologise! I take the point that you have similar second hand experiences, but I would also follow up to check how fast and stable your friend's line is to get a better picture. It seems like if the technology can be amazing (based on the feedback here) then that's promising, but maybe not everyone will benefit from it due to their line. That's something I think we can chalk up to the current broadband infrastructure and/or immaturity of PS Now. Hopefully that'll improve. With regards to that comment you made, you've got to admit, me drawing on people's experiences of PS Now in order to say it works pretty well isn't really the same as people drawing on pretty much just their own assumptions in order to say that it won't ever work. I'm excluding you from that group but there's clearly people in here who were like that, even arguing by the 'laws of physics' it wasn't possible.
  16. To be fair to Ronnie (and I don't know if this is exactly the truth), if they can only physically manufacture these things so quick based on their current setup then his argument kinda makes sense. We could probably argue that they could have prepared better for making amiibos but that ship has sailed.
  17. Oh man. I'm going to have to buy Mario 64 again now, aren't I?
  18. I was going to type a big reply out to this but I will just say we will have to agree to disagree regarding the amount of independence people have when living at home/alone. And I am by no means the only one here who brought up these points.
  19. If you want, just ignore me. I know I argue with people on here to what must be the point of tedium for many but sometimes, my god. The things people come out with.
  20. Right, so let me get this straight: rather than point out you have reliable information that the service in question runs like shit from a friend, you instead initially comment on how a completely different service (Netflix) runs for you. As soon as you are called out for trash talking, you conveniently have "a mate" (who you seemingly forgot to mention first time round) who has given you his critical analysis of the service. Yeah, maybe you'll forgive me this time for thinking you're talking out of your arse, like you have been so far throughout the topic.
  21. Woah woah woah. Let's cut the crap here. This isn't about a clash of 'different points of view', it's a straight up dick move on your part. You just called me out for something that was totally unjustified. I'm arguing that we should listen to the views of people who have tried it rather than pretend to be experts on how well it will run ourselves. If you're going to make poor points like that then don't get all social warrior on me when I call you out over it. Yeah and my friend's dog tried it and thought it was tantamount to its own testicles. I'm sure you'll forgive me for not taking your conveniently surfacing words over the people here who have tried it first hand.
  22. And look at this, someone with a 1.6Mb line has no pixelation while Serebii has issues with his 154Mb connection. Funny that! I concur with how this all whiffs a little! Do you remember when Serebii tried to pass off having played Destiny in order to call it shit? I then asked him what his PSN was so we could check he had played it and then he admitted to never having actually played it! And then there's those other times where he claims he played specific games at a friend's or in a shop in order to make his opinions seem like they were based on more than just rabid fanboyism. Oh wait, let's actually have a bit of a closer look at what's going on here... Someone who hasn't used it is deferring to the judgement of people here who have (that's me!). Other people here who haven't used it are claiming they know it won't work or will have issues, disregarding the views of people who have used it. Who has the highground? I'll give you a hint; it's not you!
  23. People here with the same speed broadband as you have reported no issues with PS Now. And I have reported no issues with Netflix with only an 80Mb line. Maybe you just have a shitty line or are being throttled, because your service shouldn't be pixelating on that kind of line. Either way, you haven't tried PS Now and they have, so I'll take their word for it over yours.
  24. Does anyone find it kind of strange that the people who have not trialled the PS Now beta are telling the people who have that there are problems with it, despite never having used it and being told how well it works? Funny how many experts there seem to be here! Saying it will never be a suitable replacement means that you know everything about the future? People with regular fibre right now who have trialed the PS Now beta are telling you it works great and is just like the real thing. We can only imagine at how much better it'll get in say 10 years if this is what it's like now. Also, when you're saying it'll never be a good replacement, you're using your own judgement criteria. The truth is, it can be way less impressive than 'perfection' or whatever you personally see needs to be achieved. Netflix shows that people are happy to shave off some visual fidelity for convenience and cost. In this case, they can remove the need to buy a several hundred pound console to play these games, which is a massive boon. Sony's recent downtime was a DDoS attack, not a hack. That could easily happen to anyone, but given the number of people it would affect it makes sense they would target actual PSN for the publicity/lulz (hence it was done on Christmas day for maximum impact) than the PS Now service. Tbh, I would be more concerned that Nintendo's home console presence would disappear on account of its third party situation and a feeling that its next home console won't fare too much better because of it. Regarding the pixelation issue, since getting 80Mb broadband I haven't had that issue once, but I got it pretty regularly when I was on what was roughly 4Mb. That tells me that as line speeds improve then so will the experience - speed fluctuations on an 80Mb line aren't going to drop you out of HD as easily. Of course, if your line is unreliable and drops from 80 to 1 often then it could still happen, but for me at least that's never happened. Completely the opposite. Their plan is to get it working on multiple devices starting with Sony games consoles (including the PS4) and smart TVs and Blu Ray players that people already have anyway so that people shouldn't have to stump up cash for extra devices (the same as Netflix is going for).
  25. Really sorry about this guys, something came up at work and only just got back. Unfortunately will have to give this is a miss now, so sorry! Not had a meal yet or anything.
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