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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Absolutely. I think I'm like L80 now or around there. But I should be on tonight, definitely before 9 at least (I'm planning on playing til late. )
  2. I'd wager that's quite a small proportion. I'd say 85%+ is people matchmaking, or talking about how raids/nightfalls went and what they got. If this was what proportion of your posts in the other consoles forum are bitching, I'd agree that it'd be much higher. Oh the irony.
  3. I remember Ashley saying he didn't dislike the idea that this could become a multiformat website...perhaps one day. How funny it would be if Ronnie's post was the impetus for this change.
  4. Cheapest is £34.10 here. Instant download too.
  5. I don't get this; as soon as you start to fall out of favour with many of Nintendo's practices/games you should leave the forum? What exactly is your point? There are other communities here and Nintendo is just one of them...whatever the banner or title of the forums may be. And even then, I suspect many people like specific games like Zelda/Xenoblade, even if they have negative criticisms of Nintendo's direction and other games. What gives you the right to assert who should be around here?
  6. I'm not fighting anyone with a different perspective. I'm fighting people that don't understand my point and have seemingly started a new one. I've never said anything more than that there is paywall ringfenced content that comes on the Splatoon disc. I shouldn't need to fight anyone on that, because it's true.
  7. What a horrid question. Are you aware this forum caters to more than just Nintendo? Only 1 out of 6 of the main forum categories on this website are specifically for Nintendo discussion, you know.
  8. All the while being told I don't read. Yeah, t'is hilarious (and a little depressing, truth be told ).
  9. I have never argued against any of Zech's points about the function of amiibo. They work in more than one game, they can be displayed, the stuff they have unlocked (thus far) has not been extra levels etc. All agreed. The thing I have argued is that Splatoon essentially has paid D1 DLC/ULC because you have to buy an amiibo to unlock the content. Do you disagree on this point? Not whether or not you think it's a shitty practice like me, but at least admit to me you see this point?
  10. @kav82 Ok, well in fairness, I don't think I said "they exist only as unlockers of day 1 DLC" (since they have functionality as a displayable toy). But I think we agree then on the comment about Splatoon's DLC/ULC at least, and how it needs a purchase to unlock content on the disc, which is really what I was getting at in my first post.
  11. Wow, this whole topic. So clearly the name of the game now is to point out the differences between amiibos and traditional DLC, as if I don't understand or am not aware of them, because you can't argue the very simple fact that I have been continuously putting across: This game has content that is on the disc that is ringfenced behind a paywall. And I say this is a shitty practice.
  12. The fact it's not just an unlocker of D1 DLC does not detract from the fact that the content on the disc is ringfenced behind a purchase, and that this is a shitty practice. Keep trying though.
  13. Hang on, let me get this straight. Your argument was "I could borrow an amiibo so it is technically free, so it's not paid DLC". I then counter with "I could do the exact same by getting a friend to download the DLC on my PS4" and that's your response? In fact, this is bullshit. If you're going to counter my point, do it. Don't start wailing about what you think about me and all this crap. I'm not interested in that.
  14. And how do you get that 'key'? You purchase it. I really don't see how you don't get it. You buy something. That thing you buy unlocks content already on the disc. It's D1 purchasable DLC/ULC (whatever the fack we are going to call it). And in your counter argument there, you're basically saying that amiibo unlocks DLC in more than one game. How does the fact it unlocks more than one set of DLC make a difference to what I'm saying? The fact there is an intermediary step (money>amiibo>content) does not at all detract from what I'm saying. The fact you get a figure out of it as well does not detract from what I'm saying (as only some of the money you pay for it goes to production of the figure). The fact it may work in more than one game, again, does not detract from what I'm saying. You're paying for something that unlocks content, that is already on the disc. What you're arguing is like if I argued it was free to play online on PS4, and the cost of PS Plus was just for the games you get. You can't look at the total cost of something and assign it to one thing. It's like saying "this cost is just for the figure, the content it unlocks is a free bonus". It's a package, and you're paying for the lot. To add Hero's input here: Can you guys really not see it?
  15. Again, not sure what the argument is here, because if you love amiibo and you're buying them anyway then the fact there's content that you can unlock at no additional cost is fine for you. But for people who don't want amiibo, it's nothing short of what I've been saying. That's all the point I've been making!
  16. Everyone is not disagreeing with me. Just the usual Nintendo fanboys. And kav, to be fair, who is not as blinded by the company as the rest of you. And here comes the levelheaded peeps, Zechs.
  17. In which case, I get my friend to login on his PSN on my PS4, download the content, and I now have it. There. Now your argument is gone, and we are back on level terms. Checkmate, biatch.
  18. Yep, I already clarified that in my post before this one, and I pointed out that it's actually worse! Since at least DLC might come later and might have had further time/effort put into it to justify the cost. Because I just explained, with perfect clarity, why the attempts people have made to explain the differences still do not topple the fact you have to pay to unlock content already on the disc. Until someone can challenge that point, nobody can argue against what I'm saying. You're all coming across as overzealous fanboys in trying to justify this, tbh. The last sentence in particular, does not change the fact that this is content ringfenced behind a paywall. Say what you like to mitigate the content, but it's still the very thing that I'm saying it is.
  19. You're right; in a sense it's worse than DLC. It's not downloadable content because it's already on the disc. You're paying extra to unlock content you already have on the disc you bought. Perhaps we should call it ULC (unlockable content). I agree it could be worse though (like entire levels or missions) but it's still not a good thing. Also your personal circumstances mean it's a good deal for you as you like collecting amiibo. Surely you can see it from the other side though?
  20. I'm sure I can survive without all that paid DLC, yeah. My point was never meant to be a big one, just that this is a bit of a crappy practice since the content is already developed at launch of the game (in this case at least). They're just partitioning a portion of their content off in order to make an extra buck.
  21. Use the tree to block him when he transforms, and grab that music box from the house with the lantern right before you enter the boss area (I never did though).
  22. Yes, you did. You pointed out differences beteen amiibos and 'standard' DLC. Yet you still don't get the very, very simple point that I am putting forward to you: It's still paid D1 DLC. You have to pay in order to unlock game content that is already on the disc. It's content that, if it was already developed, could easily have been 'unlocked' for all customers. The simple fact is, it isn't. Nintendo aren't the first company to do this, but it is regardless a shitty practice. Continuing to spin this as something completely different is not going to help your point here.
  23. I did read his whole post, I just quoted the part that needed quoting. It's definitely paid D1 DLC. Is it content already on the disc? Yes, it is. Do you have to make a purchase in order to unlock this content? Yes, you do. Your post does nothing to dispel the point I'm making. The fact the amiibo also works in other games and you get a figure out of it does not change the fact this is D1 DLC that you must pay for if you want to unlock it. Zechs' argument hinges on the fact it's not 'traditional' DLC as you're also getting a figure. But regardless, it's content locked behind a paywall - it's just another form of paid D1 DLC.
  24. Please explain how content that is on the disc that is unlocked by a further purchase is "not really" paid D1 DLC. If you personally find value in amiibos then you might be able to justify it to yourself, but it is still paid D1 DLC.
  25. Still D1 content locked behind a paywall. Shitty practice. And yeah, I don't want the figurines. Clutter.
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