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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Please explain how content that is on the disc that is unlocked by a further purchase is "not really" paid D1 DLC. If you personally find value in amiibos then you might be able to justify it to yourself, but it is still paid D1 DLC.
  2. Still D1 content locked behind a paywall. Shitty practice. And yeah, I don't want the figurines. Clutter.
  3. It's essentially Day 1 paid DLC (assuming the amiibo works out the box). That's a really shitty practice.
  4. Yeah you're right. Most games you can get for around £40 at launch if you shop around - who pays RRP, really? It's more concerning for me when games still cost £30+ years after release. I don't mind if it launches at £40+ if I can find it around £20 or less some months later...
  5. Soz 'ards, I am gonna be bloodborning it up this weekend. Maybe time for a cheeky nightfall though.
  6. Last of us digital version is £8.82 here http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/last-remastered-ps4-digital-code-account-required-8-82-5-fb-code-cd-keys-2181238 Even though you register the code on an American PSN, you can play it with and earn trophies with your UK PSN just fine.
  7. Hang on, you mean the Wii U already has the option to voice chat, just not during games? What happened to the defence that Nintendo were thinking of the children all of a sudden?
  8. This will be great for people who never had a PS3.
  9. I loved how they used orange. To me, that's like saying Persona Golden was too yellow. That trailer is damn exciting.
  10. How far Nintendo have fallen. Looks like they're just like the rest now.
  11. Shoulda been £18.86
  12. Sure! I'm on now.
  13. Sounds good. I haven't started the second dungeon though (cleared the first though). Will it be a case of me dropping a summon stone at the second dungeon entrance? How do you get into the second dungeon Btw? Offer up specific ingredients? Also did you get a couple of levels so we are within level range? @The Bard yeah it does. At L168 I think you might've gone past the meta PvP/co-op range (think around 120?)
  14. If you get a few more levels (literally like 3-4) I am probably within playable range of you then (I'm L7X something). I'll definitely be on tonight from around 7:30/45 ish!
  15. Sheikah


    I played it to death on the Vita which was great as you could use the touch screen to switch between tools.
  16. Just about every forum I can think of, the original poster doesn't have the ability to silence people in his topic, just make it so he/she personally can't view that person's posts.
  17. I'd agree with this, I think £10 is quite expensive for what they are (size/quality wise). I've also literally no impulse to own these, I'm all about quality games really.
  18. Can't wait. Easily one of the defining games of the last generation. I expect nothing short of incredible.
  19. No, but that's the best he could come up with on short notice.
  20. Will we get all the games? Edit: Guess it hasn't been confirmed yet!
  21. I'm either skipping it or doing it this Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
  22. All of them! Seeing a fun game makes me want to play them. How would you measure success with this anyway? Here's a better question to you - can you find an example of damaged profits due to Let's Plays? If you can't answer that question, perhaps you should ask why you're taking the defensive stance in this corporate dick move? If it's not harming them, why damage their image and reputation over it? I ges wen u write it liek dat... Honestly though, if you watch a film, how often do people deliver passion in boring monotone? His goal was to get a point across, which he did rather well (seriously, if you sit back after watching it and not know what his message was, you just weren't listening or don't speak the language). And second to that, he did it while appearing appropriately annoyed. Delivering a list of arguments is one thing, delivering them like you actually give a fuck does more to show that you're not just a spokesperson. Do you just take issue with manners and rude language or something? He doesn't need to be part of a new process. There doesn't need to be a new process, this is plain old Nintendo not gauging modern reality again. He just needs to be part of the "I'm calling out bullshit as I see it" movement, which both he and PewDiePie are in regards to Nintendo.
  23. That's a pretty tenuous example; the flawed argument that motion controls are some kind of 'success template' based on one fairly untranslatable game is not the same as putting forward a popular example that proves a concept. Minecraft proves the concept works; a concept that can be applied to other games. It's not the same as a gameplay element that may only work well with only one type of game. His main argument is with Nintendo and their attitude to skimming the top off broadcaster's profits. It's not normal practice, and I think he gets the message across with regards to that pretty well. Because why struggle to battle people that are behaving like dicks? I totally get why he just removed it. Not worth the fuss, really. Why keep it around to promote their game?
  24. The reason they mention Minecraft is because it's by far the most successful one. Why mention other games when only one is needed to show how well a free system works? Keep the article short and sweet and to the point, I say. I'd also say if you watch the rant video then it's wonderfully clear what the problem is. Unless you don't speak English?
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