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About Sheikah

  • Birthday 04/06/1987

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    Medical Writer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, GCN, Wii, Wii U, GB, GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS, Wii U, Switch
  • Other Systems Owned
    Mega Drive II, PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3, PC, Xbox 360, PS Vita, PS4
  • Favourite Game?
    Final Fantasy VIII, Majora's Mask
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    3DS friend code: 3523-2023-5626
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    Volacious Mog
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  1. Not so much a shame, they reaped what they sowed. I'm glad that their plan to ringfence content after buying up studios turned out a failure.
  2. Due to the upcoming Oblivion Remake I was reminded back about this conversation 😂. I knew that Microsoft/Phil were being deliberately vague in their language and that we shouldn't jump to conclusions. It's looking pretty certain at this point that Elder Scrolls will come to other consoles and boy, am I glad about that. 😁
  3. Here's mine: RPG Madlad.
  4. Ahhh. That's a shame. I still use it and haven't encountered the issue before like bob mentioned where there were ads/problems.
  5. Quick, someone write this on a Polaroid!
  6. Exactly how I feel. We have seen this all before, very little distinct identity or novelty to that trailer.
  7. With this, let the floodgates open for them to release most their games cross console platform now.
  8. It doesn't say they won't put up the sub price does it, unless I missed it.
  9. Leon is macho? I think you mean a bit camp.
  10. Yeah, joining the Edge dogpile here. The couple of occasions I bought it I remember it was really expensive and mostly contained pictures with little in the way of actual writing. Style over substance for sure.
  11. Jeff Grubb makes me think of the caterpillar from A Bug's Life.
  12. See for me Undertale was a stroke of genius with very charming music and characters, but certainly a "one and done" kind of game. It really can't be enjoyed the same way a second time. I can understand it isn't for everyone though, very much self aware and "meta" in what it was going for. I agree with your points on Tunic. I think the visual style very much does a lot of the heavy lifting.
  13. Yeah, they're done. At least as a traditional console manufacturer. One idiotic decision after another really.
  14. Perhaps controversial opinion but IMO PlayStation Plus Extra (not Premium, that's not worth it) is better than Game Pass. Especially now that Microsoft have clamped down a lot on the practically "free" Game Pass workaround. Game Pass might have more titles overall and generally newer ones but Plus Extra has a bunch of first party Sony games on it which are better than Microsoft's own Series S/X first party titles. And you also get the monthly games to keep with PlayStation Plus sub which you no longer get with Game Pass. At the very least you can't really say that Game Pass is a USP given that Sony have a comparable service. And the "day 1 on Game Pass" doesn't really mean anything when the small smattering of first party games they've released over the last few years have mostly ranged from bad to ok.
  15. The issue here is that they couldn't implement it in time for launch due to server difficulties from the unexpected popularity of the game. Sea of Thieves requires a Microsoft account too on PS5 and there's other games out there that need similar accounts not related to the platform you're playing on. It probably didn't even occur to them that there'd be a backlash by reinstating it later - and I'll bet they're kicking themselves that they didn't have this ready at launch since now they can't implement it. The whole story is a storm in a teacup though, to the point of people saying they'd quit playing a game they're enjoying. There was a pretty good article on Kotaku documenting the sensationalism.
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