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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. It's like the Millenium Bug, only ten times scarier.
  2. Speaking of Little Big Planet, I just bought that beast. Anyone up for some games or whatever you do on it? (Haven't even opened it yet so I don't know :P)
  3. Fucked the cake? Is that what the kids are saying nowadays? Pretty shit if they have messed up jumping though, it's like when you play a flash platforming game and they can never get the jumping physics quite right.
  4. Killer kirby isn't happy in this world of lines. He was brought up in a town where rulers were spherical, you could join a queue where ever it took your fancy and structure was generally frowned upon .
  5. I know Sonic's getting old but damn, does he have to run like he's just shat his pants?
  6. Hahaha, oh God yes. Even as a naive child I understood that Sonic R's soundtrack was somehow laughable, but that wouldn't stop pulling out the moves to "everybody's super sonic racin'!" Speaking of games from my childhood, two games always stick in my mind that in hindsight probably weren't that special, Cool Spot and Zool on the Amiga. They always seemed like the games I wouldn't be afraid to talk about in the playground just for the coolness factor, and considering the two games were just big advertisements it's a testament to their success that I still remember them that way. I still have the Chuppa Chups logo engrained in my psyche to this day.
  7. I made pretty much the same class and I didn't get on well with it. The ACOG sight really seems to exaggerate the recoil on the gun to sniperesque levels. It could just be me though, but by the time I waited for it to recover from my first shot I was either dead or the enemy was out of sight.
  8. Oh, don't get me wrong, I do understand there can be appeal to a world map. It serves quite well to give you a bit of scope and context for the place you're fighting for and they offer a pleasent distraction in marathon sessions, but I feel that now RPG's are these sprawling 40 plus hour experiences, excluding sidequests, the genre has really outgrown the need for such petty distractions. A well crafted game gains the same effects in other areas, especially with the budget Square Enix has where they can call in the CG team, writers, and an orchestra on a whim.
  9. Overworlds are just a glorified menu really. I never saw what good they brought to a game.
  10. Stop being such a big negative :p I bet if you gave it half a chance you'd be shitting rainbows over it.
  11. That's not really the case. The shield is an asset if anything to aknife class since you can work your way towards your enemy and quickly switch to your handgun and knife. You also have the option of keeping it on your back to deter back stabbers. The only issue thats difficult to work around is grenade launchers and the like, the riot shield has a tendency to attract them. If you're skilled with the throwing knife it can do the triick, otherwise crack C4 in your setup and lure them around corners.
  12. Lightweight/Marathon set ups are always a laugh, even if people hate you for them :P I recently chucked together one with the Riot Shield, an M9 with tactical knife and the throwing knife. I used it to walk into a room with 3 campers and killed them all by throwing the knife, picking it up, rinsing and repeating and wracking up a 16 or 17 kill streak before dying (my best yet I think). I may look like a prat but you get tons of assist points aswell so I've been leveling like a beast since I made it.
  13. Glad its not just me who thought that. Even when it finished loading it was slow, and it leaves you bringing up a thousand menus to figure out the controls.
  14. What the feck is a n00b tube?
  15. You're both shit at this :p It baffles me that they chose an X Factor winner for this. Hearing several versions of a Leona Lewis song through a Final Fantasy will be boring in comparison to the usual unknown breakthrough singers. I tend to like to research them like I did for Utada Hikaru after Kingdom Hearts.
  16. Fucking hell, the people reviewing Final Fantasy XIII must have been expecting the next coming of Jesus if they're getting that worked up about it. I could get thirty hours of entertainment out of just watching videos of this bad boy.
  17. I'd be up for that I'm proper shit though, I've got a total of abot 6 kills online.
  18. I would have been up for some Bomberman tonight if I knew. Fancy it for tomorrow night instead?
  19. Does anyone play the PSN Store games or is it just me? :p I got Bomberman Ultra, Battlefield 1942 and Gunstar Heroes if anyone's interested in a some skirmishes sometime. PSN: Tysontoast
  20. Well, any kind of online will do to be honest :P I'm torn between Battlefield and Fat Princess at the minute. I should be able to get MW2 soon though so there's probably no point having two shooters I guess.
  21. I just bought a PS3 slim and bankrupt myself so all I have is home, but I've got a spare tenner lying in my bank, anyone got any recommendations for a little downloadable gem to pass the time 'til the next pay cheque? Preferably something with online co-op
  22. I just downloaded this now, I've been wanting to get back into playing PSO recently and since alot of people here are doing it now it seems like a good time to start. It just doesn't feel the same offline.
  23. My dad tried to commit suicide a few years back. Silly bastard couldn't even do that right.
  24. All I can recommend is the obvious Nights into Dreams, because it's amazing.
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