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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Ahhh, it ended up kicking itself into shape but I'll keep that in mind for next time! Still just not sure why it was giving me so much gyp earlier! I have noticed(and sure mentioned here before) that I don't always seem to get the speeds worthy of my broadband when downloading games/updates etc - still curious if that's PSN's doing or something else though.
  2. What's the best way to figure out if there's psn issues or if it could be me? Destiny update just took a fucking age and now I can't even connect to the destiny servers after all that shit! I DMZ'd my ps4 a while back so I'm confused what might suddenly have changed if it ain't the psn servers(which are apparently fine from a quick Google on status)
  3. Rummy


    Yaaaassss! One of us! Worth checking out some of the other threads here too if you're bored at all, pretty good discussions usually. Just so you know the guys from here who we raided with were Deathjam, Agent Gibbs, and Blade - if it helps context who's who at all. (yeah @Nolan he joined for something in the playground then left us...until now!)
  4. Amazed that Ganon and his not-even-my-final-form can cause such debate! Personally I did recall feeling he was a little shoe-horned in to TP at the time(not played since original release) but tbh I think the actual most memorable bit of it is Zant and his crazy neck! Still sticks in my mind to date.
  5. Yeah that's what I'm thinking about atm, just checking some guides. The reason I'd get the external is because it just seems cheaper at the moment! Never really expected that to happen with drives. My other issue however is that perusing ebuyer quickly now external drives kind of understandably don't necessarily list their internal dimensions. Formatting shouldn't be much of a problem though. Thanks too @Shorty.
  6. Of those of you who've upgrade your PS4's hard drive - is there anything I should be wary of? Not something I'm gonna do quite yet but starting to contemplate it. However given the increasingly cheaper prices on external hard drives, I'm thinking of buying a large one and swapping the drives - am I correct in thinking the PS4 is 2.5inch? Are there any limits on the other physical dimensions of the drive also?
  7. Sounds like an excellent plan to me! I dropped in for a bit Saturday, was pretty busy so didn't do much in the way of gaming(had a quick game of coup out of my bag though). Seems like a nice place! Think I'll prefer checking it out at a less busy time in future though. Felt a bit more pubby than the other one.
  8. For the first time in many years I have just rediscovered the joy of eBay sniping.

  9. Interesting stuff on the Halo front - def agree Bungie made the right call to jump ship and especially go multiplatform - no doubt it's taken a lot of previous Halo fans over to the Destiny side regardless of where they're doing their gaming. Out of interest would you know where I might be able to get the hardware sales to date for 360 when Halo 4 was released/tracked and for XBone to date? I'd be interested to compare the two, especially in the Halo context.
  10. If you get a chance in the interim I'd say fire it up, do the basic and advanced tutes and then maybe 3-5 matches of online(non-mutator) - you'll essentially have a decent graps of the basics on the end of that, probs won't take more than an hour or two of your time if that. I'm sure the tutes don't pass 20 minutes all in if that, so a couple of matches after that'll be about an hour.
  11. By the looks of things I'll probably mooch uptown for the night but should make it back by early/late afternoon tomorrow - who's up for some sporrrtsssbaaaaaaaallllllllll??? When works for you @S\.C\.G @drahkon @Emerald Emblem @Marcamillian @anyone else I've forgotten?
  12. Rummy


    I'm gonna be heading out uptown for the eve and the Loading opening so won't be able to join I'm afraid! I'm def up for raiding again at some point now I sort of know what I'm doing though!
  13. I go through Tinder for a chuckle sometimes, and I get amazed at the number of duck face white girls who are apparently browner than me. Not sure if it's a london thing, but I didn't think they were actually much of a thing anymore. I basically use Tinder to judge the world, which is essentially its core focus. WE do make snap judgements whether we like to admit it or not, Tinder just has no opportunity for anything else if you swiped the other way. I'd say re-arrange and then stand HER up, but that'll probably be difficult as she won't be there :p I've generally been of the same opinion as yourself(albeit situation depending) - she's in the committed relationship not you, and it's up to them to sort that out between themselves. People feel very strongly on the issue though, I've found. The counter is - what if I was in his shoes etc - yeah, I'd be super pissed off but(again, situation dependant) the 'other guy' didn't make any sort of promise or commitment to me. However! You know you're doing something you shouldn't be, and don't be outraged at any potential consequences. You might catch a smack or worse, and you have to ask yourself - did you truly not see it coming? You're running risks, and they come with their downsides - you do have to consider that it's going to be messy if anything even comes of it too, so it may not be worth the real hassle of it all.
  14. And that's what should be used to flood the media in reaction to show the strength of people coming together, but I'll bet you it'll hardly be focused on and the sensationalism of the death and murder and suspects and reasoning etcetc all will be instead. I personally think things like this are so much bigger than we realise, and it's mostly fucked up in a lot of the way the information is put out there and discussed. One thing the internet makes me glad for is the free-er flow of information to the people, but there's still long ways to go.
  15. My two questions would be this though; 1. For the remakes and remasters that are in fashion, how noticeable are the differences between original and remake compared to this? 2. Why did OoT and MM 3D seem like such a bigger jump in terms of work compared to this? Because OoT was older, or because more work was done? (I haven't got actual answers to the questions)
  16. Heard it mentioned on LBC around 9 last night but didn't think too much of it, popped out this monring with LBC still on in the car and heard the full extent of things. Just in the hour I was out the death toll was raised from 120 to 128 apparently, and it seem from 55 critically ill/injured it's now at 99. All of whom will presumably be fairly innocent people. Which is what upsets/angers me the most. Then however, I think of what our armies and forces do and have done abroad, and innocents lost there, and I'm equally angry and I just see it all as a stupid, pointless, endless cycle of violence and tbh it just puts me into despair. It's breaking my heart listening to it all at the moment, but I'm wondering if it's equally fair or right of me to just bury my head in the sand and just get on with my own shit instead of paying attention, or whether to get myself educated on what's going on and...well, yeah. I dunno. Have to wonder if it was targetted around now given Remembrance day/week? Is the news this week of Jihadi John also in any way possibly related? and I also have to consider a slight conspiracy-esque feeling video of some woman on some news thing I saw with the whole mass refugee thing a few months back - she suggested ISIS had said they'd come undercover as refugees and attack from within once settled. The sad thing is that people are reporting that police have/are apparently opening fire on the refugee camps in calais now.
  17. Rummy


    I don't do much solo either :p I do of course see where you're coming from. I did some of the house of wolves mission line solo t'ither day - in that instance I was on the sniper for pretty much the same reason. I haven't used the fusion for the raid, tho I'll usually have it for a low level strike - it really depends on what I'm doing and I carry both anyway. Speaking of raid thanks again to @Deathjam and @MilaGi for joining and helping us finish last night. Hope Gabe didn't get on your nerves too much, I forget what teenagers can be like!
  18. Rummy


    Yeah not sure why it ended up as psychick @Shorty, not sure if he realised but he does seem to enjoy playing as girls :p Re: fusion rifles - atm other than a sniper I don't know what else I'd have as a secondary. Have a blue sidearm but it doesnt exactly feel that great compared to the fusion - as said I find it a good hard hitter with semi decent medium range. You gotta remember that I mostly PVE than PVP tho as well.
  19. Man. That dubstep drop absolutely slayed me! Anyhow I'm totes with @Eddage on this - I'd expect a bit more work akin to OoT or MM 3D - this really just doesn't look like all that much effort has been put into it, and certainly not enough to justify me picking this up unless it's a damn good price - the game is 9 years old and tbh it looks somewhat like it too.
  20. Heyho, this one's a bit more for the london folks really. Loading(where we went for the meetup) are opening up their second place uptown tomorrow in Stratford! Well, I think they actually already opened but are doing a thing for it tomorrow, anyhow. I've only just thought about it and I may go by for a bit as I'm thinking of going north london in the evening anyway - so just thought I'd post and see if any of our London dwellers are thinking about going at all? I'm a most likely for attendance atm. @Mr\-Paul @Sheikah @Ashley @Daft @Dcubed @whoelseisinlondon? Feeb event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1719914088238999/
  21. Should be cool for that, will let you know for sure tomorrow. Anyone else? Last time was a great laugh!
  22. Totes forgot about the direct by the time I was done with work and ting, just went straight on Destiny with my mate :p All in all - generally nonplussed. Enjoyed the trailer/ad for X and its humour, but the fact they opened with TPHD kinda put me off, especially given we saw basically nothing of Zelda Wii U. Too many remakes or sequels in there for me, really. Just don't feel all that much fresh was coming out of it. Probably the best bit of all was just the Splatoon update/content details - that new stage with the water looks like it could be interested, and the rotating platforms one too. He is....PockyMon! Forgot about Fast Racing Neo in my above post, that did look cool. Typoman I already saw at quite a length on treehouse/e3 so this didn't matter so much to me here - definitely quite an interesting little concept though.
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