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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Going head to head with PS4 on online...? Could it indicate a refreshing robust online setup for Nintendo? That's still the absolute killer clinch on this system for me.
  2. Very true actually, and a conversation I've had with a friend many times. I do find people who can't seem to be alone a little weird, like as soon as they're done with one relationship they're very quickly in another. Makes me wonder why they get to that point etc and possibly quite how committed they maybe were to one over the other. The same sort of mentality can also sometimes bug me when I'm with someone who hasn't been single for too long, though I'm pretty fussy anyway so it's not too common :p
  3. Rummy


    Oh my days is that Winona Ryder why has nobody told me she is in it!! I fucking love her! I keep hearing people talk about it being good but I haven't bothered getting into it, but I think it's just jumped up to the top of my Netflix list now :p
  4. Too many people told me not to put up with shit, and yet I still did for a while - it's hard to judge it when you're in it because the good bits of a relationship don't generally tend to be as visible from the outside imo. I don't know if you can specifically convince him any particular way - just be honest and tell him you think she's bad for him, it's a toxic relationship etcetc if you think you have that sort of level with him.
  5. Oh! I thought you were doing MQ like me! I've still been busy, but managed the Ice Cavern yesterday and just(almost literally) finished the Water Temple. It's so different in MQ, feels almost too easy/basic. I haven't even been in half the rooms much! Killed the boss in like 2 minutes as well(maybe wasn't as intended). Thinking about doing the Bottom of the Well tomorrow, and maybe a bit of kid and then adult fishing for the Golden Scale. I know it's completely unnecessary but I've got a very peculiar urge to try and make sure I get it for some reason.
  6. I haven't played since Xmas I don't think and still very much into Overwatch atm! Not sure if I'll get back into Splatoon again any time soon myself but it's a cool idea @Pestneb, I like it!
  7. I was actually in Dalston Loading last night, and I bumped into none other than the spectacular @Supergrunch! I told him to come to the meet but I think everyone else in here should peer pressure him into it with lots of mentions :p!! I am down for those plans. Never actually been so would love to lose my virginity to Five Guys with you lot. Also I think @Marcamillian may be joining for the Friday and the Saturday if the Friday's ok Zell(don't worry about crashing space if it's an issue on Friday tho, I think he's happy go get himself back and rejoin us on Saturday if needed). The both of us can bring some gamecube pads and also I have a 3rd party adaptor I can bring too. I think we can probs cover 2-4 pads(may need to check with a people or two for a pad lend, so anyone else who can is also good!). I've got a few table tops but not sure what will stretch to the big numbers, I think if @Cube's joining us he's probably worth a shout for a good game or two for a big table? I'm thinking I'll bring Codenames and anything travel-sized which can go to at least 6, and if possible I'm going to attempt to get hold of a print+play copy of Secret Hitler(not sure of the table limit, but it's essentially a very Resistance/Mafia-esque game that's very fun). Don't think any official copies have arrived with anyone yet(if they have and you have one though, bring it!). Anything else spring to mind, @Cube??
  8. In none of your defences this is a thread about the NX not about films!!
  9. Pretty sure he's on MQ @dazzybee(though again, HoT could probs finish both in the time it'll take me to do one). I know what you mean about Ruto though, I've always half-hated her - the only solace in MQ is iirc you don't actually need to have her carried/whining around with you as much. Hated her so much on my original OoT play through. Similar to yourself I got through the first 3 dungeons pretty quick and hopeful(took a break for skulltulas after) but found myself really slowing down a bit in progression in adult link-hood. Not sure if it's just he more things to do or trickier dungeons, but regardless I'm still loving it. Sadly not managed to play any more since my last post but I'm even more enthused now I know you are lol. Can I fit gaming in faster than H-o-T???
  10. I've noticed similar myself. I don't know if it's just the general economy or possibly the blending/overlap of 'generations' that it isn't so prominent to have 'this one' rather than 'that one' and 'now'. Of course that could also be my age coming in to play but when I was younger I was very much on Nintendo things as soon as they happened, generally. If you don't have the money for a WiiU/New3DS/PS4/XBone atm well does it matter? There's a great back catalogue of games for all the older systems going cheap enough that the system itself almost holds its own value for it. Consider that PS+ is still giving Vita+PS3 titles and the cross-platform development that happened to support older systems(PS3+360, not so much WiiU admittedly) for new games despite new systems on the market - I'm not hugely surprised. I sometimes wonder if there's a category of essentially 'interim' gamers who might end up getting into everything a few years down the line and loving it, just because time and waned passions don't entirely warrant them to otherwise. The current thing/trend affecting that however is online games where you almost gotta be there where all the action is, even if you aren't Tom and Jerry Kids. It's pretty interesting to see the landscape changing - but my own thoughts are always constantly are whether the landscape truly is objectively changing, or if I'm just subjectively viewing it differently. I don't, unlike yourself, have any context of it with a younger generation to consider. (P.S I'm sorry it was just in my head as I typed)
  11. Dammit Gibs you didn't even have the decency to get the man's name right! (tbh I quoted this thinking text was actually added below the image due to its perfect fit, so it's not as funny for me thinking you can just edit your post rather than an image )
  12. I've considered similar if I can't fix mine myself(not attempted yet after absolutely fucking my original phat 3DS with a hinge split/case transplant) but there really just isn't any deals. It's almost as if the 3DS is already dying and at the end of its life that demand is so low and prices are staying up! I'd imagine best bet is second hand local or ebay tbh. Is there really enough in it for fully brand new, right now? Unless by new 3DS you actually meant New Nintendo 3DS. Which absolutely fucking highlights the occasional idiocy of their naming/branding campaign.
  13. Somewhat in canand's defense, whilst I agree it's likely, we still should keep in mind these are all still essentially rumours/speculation. Even if they're accurate now, are they end point accurate? I think we'll see half-truths out of this really. I think the basic idea of a handheldable-homedockable hybrid is likely and actually quite good but I reckon, being Nintendo, the ultimate end point implementation will still be very different to what we might otherwise expect. I mentioned elsewhere but one thing I'd really enjoy about it(given it's a series I got into at the wrong points) would be a Monster Hunter title on said system. The ability to play from home with mates, or local with a mate whilst I'm on my TV(ala MH3 3DS/WiiU iirc) or even with both of us down the pub an hour ealier for a quick hunt before everyone else arrives - that's a pretty excellent idea. What if I could meet people out and about in person, with my NX in my hands, and then have them as an online/'console' friend when I'm at home to play and chat with? EDIT: RE: BotW I am still not currently planning to pick up an NX without more details and post immediate launch. I don't approve of the delay/dual system move again, so I will only be getting it on my WiiU initially. THE swaying factor is IF the NX is exactly as we suspect, and then I'd probably only get it on the system to showcase to many of the Nintendo fans, easily and handheld-ed-ly, the game. That's one plus of the NX if it's a handheld/console hybrid - it has a potential for Nintendo fans themselves to further market and rope in the lost contingents.
  14. Thanks I'll give that a little look over now. I know there was an article previously on Kotaku or so that said about knowing if you had the dodgy one cos it would have permissions that the normal one didn't - just don't know if there's any new risks with the APKs that I wouldn't be able to see so easily.
  15. Wtf? I typed a few weeks? I meant for you a few days lol. Good to see you've started though - no way will this take you a few weeks :p I put a bit more in yesterday, got stuck on one or two places in the fire temple then backtracked for something I didn't need to I don't think. Next up is the Ice Cavern and Water Temple! Think I'll do the cavern in the morning and then carry on with the next bits on Sunday!
  16. Yeah gave Tricky Towers a go last night whilst waiting for the Overwatch update to d/l. I was shit. Gave the first rookie puzzle repeated go's and couldn't do it. Failed the second then gave up. Then after Overwatch I did a quick bit of share play with Marcamillian(bit of a tetris fan) as I was saying we should all get it and party chat it up - I somehow became a Zen beast! Did like 4 puzzles each on my first try. Now that I realise I'm not quite as epicly shit as I thought I think I'm going to enjoy the game a bit more :p
  17. It's all well and good until the savings you're making on your mortgages are negated by the increased everyday prices of things we import due to the fallen value of the pound :p Again, my economics is rudimentary especially compared to many others here I'm sure - but my understand of rate cuts are to encourage borrowing and spending/investment and discourage saving in order to get more money circulating and trading and hopefully increase the value of a currency. It's far more complicate than that, of course, and many things are almost so interlinked that it's difficult to simplify so much. Having said all this about mortgages though, and as Shorty+Ashley mentions I'm sure my parents/rates were much worse back when they bought, which I believe was around another slump in the 80s. Yet having said that though - the higher percentage rates of interest then were against a relatively much lower valued property. Of course it's all, again, interlinked, but if house prices are say...10 times as much now than they were then, that 10% of then compared to 1% of now is in absolute terms surely a bit more on par...? Ironically I was at lunch with friends today and talking about houses/mortgages etc and I said I track and blah and then even speculated a potential rate cut in the future and how it would be good for me. At the same time talking to my other friend(two of us with houses, third contemplating buying) - they've fixed their mortgage very recently at a rate that's actually still lower than what I'm paying on a tracker from two and a half years ago even with the base rate drop; so as much as it may seem bad here and there, each case needs to be considered in context of others. A 0.25% base rate cut may still only translate into less on a fixed rate cut - and as Ashley says how much will that change the real money costs of the interest atm? As for saving - a lot of the current good deals will probably disappear/get cut now(I've just done a regular saver at 5% which no doubt is gonna get buggered now). Yet, whilst there is an importance to save, you do need to consider what you're saving for and whether it's really something worth doing when you've got debts at a higher percentage than that of what you're getting on your savings. It doesn't feel very common sense/human, but it's something to be considered. I do feel an exception to mortgages though - and tbh right now I wish I had actually taken/borrowed more money from the bank. I'm going to stop overpaying as much as I was(as I also owe my parents some money I need to pay now :p)..
  18. Wee bump. Pound falls further following an announcement by the BoE to cut base rates to yet another historic low of 0.25%. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/pound-sterling-bank-of-england-cuts-interest-rates-mark-carney-brexit-eu-referendum-a7171686.html My economics is pretty rudimentary, but surely this is all pretty bad? I mean it's kinda great for me as I'm tracking on my mortgage(sadly not on as much money as I'd like, this'd be a great time to have some spare cash on the lend) but other than for that, or people with debts linked(assuming the cut gets passed on, which it should) - I can't see how this is a good thing?
  19. Nintendo could do with cash though, and they have to be careful about selling too low or at a loss. What they should do? Rather than try and hope for or make futures on digital content such as retro/VC titles - throw a load in for free with it to make perceived value a bit higher. Think - how much more likely would current Nintendo console owners be to pay a higher price if they got a cross-buy system promising previously purchases Wii/WiiU/3DS VC games were gonna be free to them on this? How many might even sell in the interim on old consoles? Then I got thinking...what if their retro pre-packed NES style VC console is a way of seeing how popular such an idea might be? Just speculation though really. Don't genuinely believe it to be much of a case. Expecting lots of arguments against giving free content blahblahblah. EDIT: Here's another speculative thought - what if Nintendo could somehow create/utilise a 3/4G-style mobile data system that exclusively works just for their games etc(to avoid people being forced into using other data, or people piggybacking it to abuse it etc) and this could give some real world connectivity like Pokemon Go, or possibilities like real-world Pokemon Snap/Denpamen etcetc? Think how much you pay per month for phone tarriffs and data - why not do somewhat the same with a monthly subs fee(similar to that of XBox Live or PS+) to support the network here? If you can lock down the data to only be for pre-approved apps with signing/verification(out of my depth here) then why not?
  20. So my android version wants to update, but the store won't let me because my device apparently isn't supported(sure, I get some issues, but it works enough for what I do with it). Does anyone know where's a good/legit place to get a clean .APK and if there's any way for me to verify that I'm not getting a malware one at all? Also - if I restored or upgraded my phone, would I need to back up anything Go, or is everything I need on the servers and I just can login on another phone and it's as if it was exactly the same?
  21. Be mad sick on a handheld/console hybrid like the NX rumours - even if just for local/online co-oping with mates! Ahhh go awn Given the way you game you'd probably have it wrapped up in a few weeks! I haven't done much since my last post due to busyness - quickly whipped through the trading sequence(bought my blue fire) and about half way through the fire temple atm, maybe got another heart piece inadvertently completed since my last post. Looking forward to the Water Temple up next, not sure if I'll save it for Sunday though. Contemplating mostly whipping through the rest of the game rather than heart piecing/skulltula-ing unless they come along, but I know I won't be able to resist all the other collectables. Don't understand how I'm not more bored of this game by now(admittedly this is MQ, ofc) - I've played it so many countless times and yet something about it I just seem to love. OoT truly was a remarkable game. As for Ultratron is it also on PS4? Just added all the titles to my library online - could tell right away from the logo/icon it was probably by the Titan Attacks crew - I've enjoyed little dabbles with their games(always get too bored to finish though) so may check it out later if I can tear away from OoT and maybe some Overwatch :p
  22. Haha don't worry I think most of us are in similar boats these days. It's nice to see people still find time to still get passionate and chatting about it though!

    Not as related, but is your avatar pic from something in particular btw?

  23. After watching some Boss Keys(thread over in Nintendo) and thinking about BotW I got a hankering for some OoT....but Master Quest stylee! I've never completed it fully, but got started on Sunday. So far I've managed to make it to about 8/9ish hearts, 30 golden skulltulas, 3 bottles, and just finished the Forest Temple(upgraded most carrying capacities as a child). It's weird with everything being mirror-flipped, especially with stuff like the lost woods and the slight disorientation does actually make it feel quite different to me. Very refreshing playing this 'different' version of a game I know so well, and ofc the hilarious of the cows in walls of Jabu-Jabu's belly still cracks me up. The structuring in the Dungeons feels quite different to the original(I've even missed a compass somewhere) and sometimes I wonder just what exactly they were on when re-designing these dungeons. Feels more surreal sometimes! I also started with the added challenge of a dodgy R button, that would only work sort of for about half hour-an hour if I blew through it, so it's been a bit interesting suddenly not being able to shield halfway through fights with lizalfos or stalfos or fucking deku scrubs. Luckily the very kind Marcamillian has now lent me his 3DS so I can continue on as normal. Or at least as normal as Master Quest is. Having said that I may go for Biggoron's sword next, so I won't be shielding much after that anyway.
  24. Rummy


    Always feel free to give me a shout on PSN(sorry if I didn't reply to your previous, Emerald) and I'll usually be on if I'm about. I've just been a bit non-stop for the past week, tbh may not be back on til Sat afternoon or Sunday if not next week sometime. May try to get my competitive matches finished at some point - when's the deadline? 8th?
  25. Hello!

    Just seen that you're a bit new to the forums, so thought I'd just give a little hello and welcome to our little corner of the internet!I'm Rummy, one of the mods, and I hope you find it enjoyable and stick around :)

    If there's anything that comes up or you have any issues, please feel free to get in touch with me or the other mods :)

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