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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. By Nintendo's own admission, Online is the air they breathe, they're going to learn from their mistakes, we won't see any droughts, Breath of the Wild is a 2015 release...etcetc. I'm of the opinion now to take anything and everything they say with a pinch of salt. As silly as some of their decisions and actions seem, they're still no fools and they have a sense of PR. Just take all of it with a pinch of salt I say. To pretend news of other consoles isn't in any way going to impact would be foolish really imo, even if it's just taking up media space. In what sense? Attach rates? Console sales? Zelda isn't going to be a system seller because the NX is already in a hole of sorts due to its predecessors and Nintendo's ongoing decisions. It's already got to fight against those, with the added 'disadvantage' that many people who are likely to buy Zelda already have a WiiU compared to people without a WiiU prepared to buy a new system just to play it. All of this however depends on the value and features the system itself offers, rather than Zelda per se - I think anyone that might pick up an NX will pick up Zelda because it's there and they're into Nintendo for a reason, but the correlation is not necessarily a causation.
  2. I think @Happenstance made the joke a little earlier!
  3. I think they've streamed it just to get info out there and because in the modern day and age it's expected. How many people would be left wondering if there hadn't been a stream available to them and they were just getting info from other sources, and how many more questions would there be knocking about? Anyway I'm absolute ditto with you for the bolded - not a tech head on this level at all. I barely buy DVDs, let alone Blu-Rays and let alone 4k ones. Still use a rock bottom priced shit brand TV and an old Samsung for my PS4 and have no real issues with either for it. I reckon they won't go crazy on their initial manufacturing for this - I think it's more niche than some realise. Having said that my mate has just managed to finally get himself a job and was saying he wants to get a the PS4-Pro but that was before the announcement - I wonder how he'll feel about the lack of 4k BR drive. Tbh I was asking why even bother - sure some of the new games might be nice but does it matter that much?? Having said that I imagine I'll definitely be popping round to have a see how it looks at some point if he does get it On the whole I have no issue with the PS4-Pro - it's an option for people. Nice option to have for those who want it, absolutely no big issue for the rest of us right now. My bigger issue is probably pricing of the PS4 slim! Talk about evergreening. Should be good prices on the old models as a result though, shame they'll eventually get phased out, as I think I still prefer the look of my current white one against that. Also echo someone's earlier sentiments - where/how do you upgrade the hard drive on them?? I haven't got an answer - but I imagine it's simply a price/cost thing. Messaged my aforementioned mate - 'So Ps4Pro doesn't have a 4k BR drive. What's your opinion as someone interested in it' He came back quite simply 'I weren't bothered by 4k optical it was the 4k gaming I wanted'. So it seems, unless he's just a very special weird/unique case, there is still going to be a market of people out there who are happy enough with it. I'd also wonder - how many people with 4k TVs already are likely to already have a 4k BR player? I don't know much about the tech or the market - what much else is there to be having with your 4k TVs?
  4. Some will say it's the wrong way. I had something similar and I can't remember when it became an issue but I was used to default, non-inverted, then probs due to a game that defaulted to inverted/gave me no choice I ended up on the latter. Or the other way round. I'm not sure. Something makes me think of Goldeneye. Anyway we're talking about the particulars of video games control styles in a relationship thread, I think that really shows how awesome we are. (for the record, it's very awesome, I ain't gonna take no girl that don't know her way round a gamepad)
  5. ...yeah, I'm a bloody idiot. Maybe don't have me in your team, guys!
  6. You guys are fucking weird. She's a keeper, Shorty. #Inverted4lyfe
  7. As you said, as was said, XBone apparently doing better than 360 was at this point is good. However on the whole there's definitely been a flip of balance between PS4/XBone this gen compared to 360/PS3 before. I think Microsoft have done well, but I don't know if I'd say turned it around - but they're by no means doing absolutely terribly or anything. Just Sony's doing exceptionally well(similarly, we wouldn't neccessarily have said PS3/360 were doing bad just because Wii was smashing it). EDIT: Also, stop 'dictating' conversations @Ronnie. You've in the past told people to not post because a topic/discussion is gone, and you counter people's points by saying 'we were talking about this, not that!' - this is an open forum of open discussion; just because it isn't what suits YOU does not mean other people can't mention or talk about it. The main reason I say to stop doing this - it then becomes a back and forth of someone else telling you what you're talking about(yes, I've just recently done this myself, as a piece of advice clearly ignored) and then an argument of semantics of the discussion rather than an actual discussion and progression of the topic at hand.
  8. Dammit @S\.C\.G - I was just coming in here(for a reason I'm not sure, it only just occured to me) to make a Spla2n/Splatwoon joke! Is that also just like a single NX for the whole team(also irony in offering a prize of a console that's not even officially been revealed/announced yet) but damn if it doesn't make me wonder if we should get a little crew together for it...
  9. I'm of the opinion they really shot themselves in the foot with it all, and Sony swooped in(alongside their own USPs and functionality) - I guess though as H-o-T says if they're doing better than 360 was that's something to take merit in(though again, I insist that much PS3/360 work went on to sell XBones/PS4s). Nintendo are going to be suffering somewhat off of that themselves depending on the Wii/U/3DS markets and what's left of them.
  10. Not sure how it compares to elsewhere but Amazon currently selling Sony-Refurbed 500GB PS4s for £200(apparently comes with 12 month warranty) - in both black and white. Was a 'daily deal' yesterday but still seems to be going; not sure if it's applicable to many here as I think many already have PS4s but may be worth it to anyone you know looking for one! Of course may alternatively be worth taking a punt on waiting til after the Neo's revealed as you might get similar prices after then anyhow. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-PlayStation-500GB-Certified-Refurbished/dp/B01HPPC2F8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473162809&sr=8-1&keywords=ps4+refurbished https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-PlayStation-500GB-Certified-Refurbished/dp/B01HT9S1NM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1473162809&sr=8-2&keywords=ps4+refurbished
  11. Big clincher for me too in addition to other online/social features. I agree with Clownferret- I think it needs a Direct AND a show/event of some sort - need to get it into people's hands somehow to then get more objective views on it. I'd be more sceptical otherwise.
  12. I mostly came in wanting to see/post one of those There's your celebrity adverts, @kav82! I think the bread and butter ones were probably the worst.
  13. I'm similar in a sense but I also don't feel Nintendo's prices tend to offer much value over physical - more often than not I can purchase a physical theoretically forever copy of a game for cheaper than I can get it digitally. I often don't doing down the digital route as a result. However with other systems I've tended to buy digital usually due to good bargains/offers/discounts etc that make it more worth my while. Whilst I didn't have external storage for my Wii U I am already planning to upgrade my PS4's storage(more so for installed disc games than downloaded) - though one plus point of that is that I still get 500GB back out of it too.
  14. Whilst true - don't most these days emulate the internal storage as external storage and you can't actually neccessarily run much off said actual external storage ie SD cards? Admittedly I'm still rocking an S3 mini but most things can't be installed to the actual SD card like I used to with my older phones. I generally end up juggling apps into the 8GB these days. Now consider downloadable games etc - how quick can one fill up a 32GB, especially if as someone suggested, if GC games come to it in addition to the bits used for everything else?
  15. Don't PC game due to crap computers and generally just using a linux laptop - I'd be getting it on ze PS4s!
  16. No, you aren't. _________________________ Anyhoo - put me in the camp of wanting at least 64GB minimum(from a general sense PoV). If games are on cartridges then at least that's one thing and doesn't need to take up much space outside of patches etc - but I think 64GB would be suitable starting amount(with some SD expansion) to be going along with downloadable titles etc. I think for a handheld-capable machine downloadables have more of an appeal due to the lack of need to carry round lots of cartridges with you etc. As for the comparison to phones - call me sceptical but I'd daresay they keep memory amounts down there not just to cut the tiny costs of it, but also to make it more likely for you to upgrade the phone sooner as apps evolve and start to get bigger and more used etc. Also as a games console it's going to be having things much bigger than your everyday phone app.
  17. Wait whaaaaaaaat BotW hasn't actually been given even a month it's released in yet? Why have I had March 2017 in my head?! How can they still not even have dated it?!
  18. Very much a sentiment I have myself - seems a strange one though! I'm hopeful at the moment, and the hybrid idea may be good enough to get me; just needs certain points of execution to get me sold. I won't pick it up on launch(as I'll have BotW-U to play anyway) but I'll be watching for people's opinions and reviews around the time and seeing if I will from there depending on its price.
  19. What does it mean for BotW if the NX doesn't launch in March? I can't see it being good for them either way. A lot of people already have this March date in their head - will a delay put people off?
  20. If anyone DOES get bored enough to sell I might be willing to beat any trade-in values for cash... (CEX have 4.5k copies available online and are still trying to sell at £42!)
  21. The other thread someone mentioned rumours on it having sharing features - something akin to what Playstation does is sensible. I know Nintendo don't seem to like too much outside stuff due to risk of their use; the fact is that they exist, are commonplace/commonly used, and very current things. Youtube's huge, especially with young people and LPs etc - it's almost akin to making yourself a Geocities website or some shit. They need to ensure they engage with that to have a successful console imo. It seems so strange to say as I wouldn't have thought it so long ago - but I think a significant amount of this(and any) console's success/demise actually rests outside of hardware and software and mainly on overarching OS and features.
  22. I imagine that the basics of input are all there; but subject to change and not the finalised thing. So stuff might still move or change etc. but the actual input/control methods that were there stay exactly the same.
  23. Obvs getting off the point, but maybe Ruto/Lulu's just a certain kind of female Zora? Could be excused on that front if you consider how similar many others look. I don't think he's quite similar enough, but a bloody good point! Did not consider King Zora! Turns out I was wrong about the guy in the shop - there IS a 'part-time employee' which I think has OoT parallels, but it isn't the guy you posted! Intrigued now. EDIT: I thought I forgot Medi/Biggoron, totes recall them now. I'll be honest I had exactly one point of thinking when I came up with this - and it was that of the Dark Palace when you need to run across the 3-wide floor that disintegrates(same room as Big Chest, even though it's not accessible on this path) - with a 360 degree aspect of movement I wondered how easy it'd be for someone to easily fall off said bridge into the abyss especially with the pressure against them(thinking back to MM on the moon as a Goron when I thought I needed to steer a lot more). EDIT: Don't know why I have so many answers for everything else and not this. Just thought you can simply fully or partially boundary the thing - stops going mad off the edge. Of course, thinking even of that, I've just realised how much of a '2D puzzle' it is - with a 3D perspective you won't see the back of the bridge falling behind you as in LttP. Of course it's something again re-creatable with some thinking; maybe a time crystal switch+barrier on the other end. -Having different altitudes isn't a big deal for hookshotting, is it? I mean going from LttP to 3D(rather than the other way round) you can just make them cosmetically at different levels but still make it work close to the original. Just don't make it much of an item to get you to places you couldn't have gotten to otherwise(already quite a thing in OoT/MM due to need 'hookshot suitable' surfaces) -Did NOT consider Z-targeting and the conveyor belts. In fact I didn't consider Z-targetting at all for something where you've had to free-aim, mostly. Hmm. -Is it? I mean again with 2D you've only got 4 cardinal directions, with 3D you've got a whole sphere around you - almost like shooting keese out of the air(actually makes me think this would be why Z-targetting originated in the 3D games, to avoid the hassle of free-aiming in such a landscape). -Again, surely these can be re-worked somehow? Make the river zora's have an arced water/fireball? So they can aim from lower and spit up in an arc that hits you. They may be more 'killable' in a 3D making though(just thinking how in LttP you can't aim 'down' at a river when you've passing by on shore). -Very good point. Couldn't you work some 3D aspect of it, as you say - there's already an analogue to puppet Gannon! Though tbh that is FAR too tricky a fight to have for the third temple in the game :p I'm not saying the game wouldn't need differences - but why can't you craft it in a 3D world and keep as much as possible? I think 80% is an overestimation. I think it could certainly be done. (may split these posts out into an actual topic on it soon btw)
  24. I wish Splatoon had given us the option for dual-sticking though(without turning off motion). Same I tend to take a bag with me most places but it does pose a problem. I found the 3DS more 'pocketable' than the Vita though.
  25. If it's a single screen portable I think it needs to come with some sort of case as standard too - the DS/3DS did a lot to protect itself with a clamshell design, but if this is a single screen how will it do the same? I'm presuming it's still going to have streetpass etc features hence people will be encouraged to take it out and about?
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