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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. So a few news bits have come out today. Changes to points for shortened races Sprint races for this season and change in point structure
  2. This is true, Kapp'n's boat trips can take you to an island that is not set to the season your island is in. However it's random so you may have to take a few trips and I think it may only be one a day (or that's just for the Nook Miles achievement) either way you could possibly get to a summer island, and if you go at the right time of day you may see the one you need.
  3. I'd never heard of this either. But if it's games that have only been released on non Nintendo consoles and are not big names, I rarely take notice. I have only ever owned Nintendo consoles are not cared for the others.
  4. Thanks, I got it this morning. Two to go.
  5. Awesome pic @Sméagol, you even got an aurora going on. Got this pic of these two the other night.
  6. Yeah we weren't sure if that was on purpose or not so both @Glen-i said should we do it. Only fair. Some great fights again and a few moments had me and glen in stitches of laughter. I swear being on voice chat makes the game 100x better. The penultimate match probably had the best ending.
  7. Also damn @Ike Great first match between us to, very close
  8. I know many people weren't keen on the Jurassic World films, but I love them, I mean dinos running around civilised places eating people, what's not to love. This looks awesome though, that opening VoiceOver by Hammond, the return of Ellie and Alan. I can't wait for this one.
  9. Can't wait to see if these new cars make any difference, and if they do, how much of a gap will teams have over others at the start of the season. Will any teams have found a spec that just works and then outdoes the rest of the field. and will the rest be able to catch up. All I really hope is that the FIA sorted out the fiasco that happened at the end of last season, whether is was the right way or not to run that race (it was not) the sport has taken a hit and became a joke at the end of last season. they need to make sure this never happens again and they can promise that those involved have been reprimanded over it. Everyone says that the championship is won over the season and not just one race, but lets face it, that was one race that caused the controversy that we all got. I'm hoping for more close racing and not just the top two drivers of the top two teams. I want to see 4 guys in it at the end of the season all fighting for the championship. Who am I kidding, I want Hamilton to come out and dominate, showing the world he really is the top guy on the grid and Max only won by a technicality. Shame no one is allowed to show any pre-season testing on TV, but I'm sure we'll get some videos coming out. Roll on March and the new season.
  10. Nearly a week later but here's some stuff from last week. almost 8 minutes of stupid goings on. So many SD's and dumb tings
  11. Great Statue, Robust Statue and Rock-Head Statue. thanks.
  12. I know a few games that would fetch a lot in the state they are in. My Conkers Bad Fur Day is near perfect condition, goldenEye similar, then there's Beetle Adventure Racing which was mentioned that made me think of this. I'd probably find some in there I completely forgot about too. I've never kept them in the hopes to sell and make money. they are my childhood and many N64 games where the first that I actually were able to buy myself as it was when I started working and making money. If one day I'm in desperate shape then I may have to think of it, but for now they are staying with me. It's the same way that I have all my old Nintendo consoles still. NES, SNES, N64 (plus the Pikachu version), GC, Wii and Wii U. All with original boxes. A VB, GB, GBA, GBC, think I still have the GBA SP, the foldable one, and numerous DS models.
  13. Do us all a favour and ask for F-Zero please.
  14. Kirby the meme machine. I\m so glad I have kept all my old games from the SNES era up to present day. My N64 collection could be worth a few thousand as they are all pretty much in their boxes still.
  15. Damn, I've been playing since day one and I still have two statues to get. Stupid Redd!! Well done though, I know the Art section has always been the toughest of them all to complete.
  16. Played a good couple hours or more just now. Finally saw some of those rifts and entered one. Dang they some mean Mons constantly coming off you. Next up for me is off to the newest area after getting the forth star.
  17. I get that, to be honest I don't think a single one of us took it seriously though. At the end of the day it was nice to have a running tally in the scores, but it really was just a fun evening of playing MK. I don't think you can try to take it too seriously when you could be winning a race only to be Mario Karted on the finish line and end last 😂
  18. Yes it was during a league night match. Such a great match. With the added team thing in this new one I can see us getting a few together to take on the world,
  19. I think @Glen-i might know my answers. 1. YES YES YES 2. I have evenings free with my job so any day is fine by me, the previous 8pm starts was perfect time. 3. I loved the scores being tracked and how they were done, making it fair for everyone, however I see some people just want an evening of Mario Kart without it being a league, I'm perfectly fine with both. I just wanna get back to throwing shells at people. 4. I have no issues with them being bought in occasionally to spice things up. It does allow for lesser picked tracks to get used. I think I can recall certain tracks never getting picked. If people aren't keen on certain things, such as bikes, then maybe theme night will be battle night instead. I did enjoy Thursdays being games night from 8pm to usually around 11 with Smash afterwards. Smash in on a Saturday now so maybe we can combine this again and try to make a NE games night similar to that. And with interest in other online games such as Strikers ic could be fun to get a weekend of gaming.
  20. They are N64 games, so some hold up and some don't. Remember the N64 was one of the first machines that gave us 3D gaming so some games are rough around the edges. But then we have games that really did take advantage of the hardware and looked incredible for the time.
  21. If it weren't for Kirby, Mario Strikers and the MK tracks that would have ben a dud for me, too much RPG stuff as those are not my games, However some good stuff in there that I'll be getting.
  22. Awesome news and didn't expect this. I have the NSO Expansion pack so this has paid for that and then some. I didn't think any Mario Kart news would come out, especially this after so long. Looks like MK will be getting dusted off.
  23. Day one purchase for me. Loved the original on Wii and had some great matches with fellow NE'ers back in the day. I'm sure me and @Mokong had an amazing close match once. I think he was winning and I equalised with like a couple seconds left in the match, it went to overtime. He won, but damn it was a great match.
  24. I think this may be a purchase for me. I enjoyed the original and with this having online, (it did didn't it) should get more out of it.
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